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تصفح المحتوي RDA
التصفح حسب الموضوعات
التصفح حسب اللغة
التصفح حسب الناشر
التصفح حسب تاريخ النشر
التصفح حسب مكان النشر
التصفح حسب المؤلفين
تصفح الهيئات
التصفح المؤتمرات
التصفح حسب نوع المادة
التصفح حسب العلاقة بالعمل
تم العثور علي : 46
 تم العثور علي : 46
إعادة البحث

Thesis 2024.
In an increasingly competitive destination market - effective communication is unquestionably a key feature for the development of a strong country brand. Despite the notable adoption of Integrated marketing communications (IMC) across various contexts - its suitability for destinations has been neglected in the tourism literature. Moreover - implementing IMC poses greater complexities when applied at the national level compared to the company level.
As a result
- this research embraces IMC as a methodology within the context of country branding. It aims to assess the current perceptions of Egypt among potential international tourists and evaluate the effectiveness of various IMC tools including traditional media advertising - social media - websites - influencers - and events in shaping Egypt’s image from a tourist perspective. Furthermore - the research investigates the consequences of cultivating a positive country image for Egyptian tourism.
To achieve these objectives
- a mixed-methods approach was utilized. Qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with international students and staff from the University of Exeter - which were analysed thematically. Additionally - a quantitative study involved administering 365 online questionnaires via Qualtrics - distributed through Prolific - with data analysed using Partial Least Squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) on 334 valid responses.
The findings substantiate the critical role of IMC tools in forming a favorable country image. Specifically
- advertising - government websites - influencers - and social media were identified as direct triggers of a favourable Egypt image. The results further revealed that both cognitive and affective dimensions of image impact tourists’ intentions to visit; notably - only the affective image significantly influences perceived value.
This research provides essential insights for tourism marketers
- emphasising the need to reassess the role of IMC tools in fostering an image - which can lead to increased visit intentions and positive perceived value. The study makes a dual contribution: it pioneers the empirical examination of IMC in the context of country branding and demonstrates the effectiveness of IMC in creating a favourable image within the Egyptian tourism sector amidst recent challenges.
Integrated Marketing Communications
- Country Image - Perceived Value - Visit Intention - Egypt - In an increasingly competitive destination market - effective communication is unquestionably a key feature for the development of a strong country brand. Despite the notable adoption of Integrated marketing communications (IMC) across various contexts - its suitability for destinations has been neglected in the tourism literature. Moreover - implementing IMC poses greater complexities when applied at the national level compared to the company level.
As a result
- this research embraces IMC as a methodology within the context of country branding. It aims to assess the current perceptions of Egypt among potential international tourists and evaluate the effectiveness of various IMC tools including traditional media advertising - social media - websites - influencers - and events in shaping Egypt’s image from a tourist perspective. Furthermore - the research investigates the consequences of cultivating a positive country image for Egyptian tourism.
To achieve these objectives
- a mixed-methods approach was utilized. Qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with international students and staff from the University of Exeter - which were analysed thematically. Additionally - a quantitative study involved administering 365 online questionnaires via Qualtrics - distributed through Prolific - with data analysed using Partial Least Squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) on 334 valid responses.
The findings substantiate the critical role of IMC tools in forming a favorable country image. Specifically
- advertising - government websites - influencers - and social media were identified as direct triggers of a favourable Egypt image. The results further revealed that both cognitive and affective dimensions of image impact tourists’ intentions to visit; notably - only the affective image significantly influences perceived value.
This research provides essential insights for tourism marketers
- emphasising the need to reassess the role of IMC tools in fostering an image - which can lead to increased visit intentions and positive perceived value. The study makes a dual contribution: it pioneers the empirical examination of IMC in the context of country branding and demonstrates the effectiveness of IMC in creating a favourable image within the Egyptian tourism sector amidst recent challenges.
Integrated Marketing Communications
- Country Image - Perceived Value - Visit Intention - Egypt

Thesis 2024.

Thesis 2024.

Thesis 2023.

ع. 4(ديسمبر 2017) /

Thesis 2000.
The neurovascul ar relationships in the region of the tentorial incisura are among the complex in
the cranium . The incisura! area is related to the depths of the cerebrum and the cerebellum
- six
cranial nerves
- the upper brain stem - the cricle of Willis and the convergence of the deep
intracranial venous system to form the vein of Galen. It is exposed during many operations for
- deep tumours - arteriovenous malformations - trigeminal neuralgia and epilepsy.
The incisura! area is subdivided according to the relation to the brain stem into four spaces :
- paired middle and posterior incisura! spaces.
Prior to the development of microsurgical techniques
- the operative mortality rate for surgical
treatment of different incisura! lesions was extremely

high. Even with the


microscope and advanced

microneurosurgical instrumentation . It still remains technically challanging for the neurosurgeon.
With the advent of improved imaging tools and techniques such as computerized tomography CT and
magnetic resonance imaging MRI . Lesions of the tentorial
incisura are diagnosed earlier and more precisely than in
the pre CT era.
An accurate preoperative localisation of the lesion IS necessary before an operative approach and
possible recostruction can be planned .The essential issues that guide the evaluation of incisura!
lesions include; the anatomical localisation and extent
- the lesion composition and biology - its
relation to major vessels the surgeon’s preference or expenence and/or the patient’s history of
prior therapy.
The surgical approaches to tentorial incisura}

lesions are classified according to different incisural
spaces into :
Approaches to the anterior incisura! space include; the unilateral and bilateral subfrontal
- the anterior interhemispheric approach - the frontolateral approach - the fronto-orbital
- the trans­ sphenoidal approach - the combined subfrontal trans­ sphenoidal trans-lamina
terminalis approach
- the fronto­ temporal approach - the sup aorbital pterional approach - the
cranio-orbito -zygomatic approach and the extradural tempropolar trans-cavernous approach Approaches to the middle incisura! space include; the classic subtemporal approach
- the zygomatic
- the extended middle cranial fossa approach - the presigmoid approach - the combined
presigmoid with otico-condylar osteotomy
- and the suboccipital retrosigmoid suprameatal approach.
Approaches to the posterior incisura! space include: the supracerebellar infratentorial approach
the posterior interhemispheric approach
- the occipital transtentorial approach and the combined
supra-infratentorial trans­ sinus approach .
Nevertheless radical cranial base approaches are well established and their features are widely
- yet there is evoLution of minim ally invasive surgical approaches - which are the result
of technology that provides opportunities to view the operative field throu gh improved
illumination and magnification. Although they pose a great challenge to surgeon’s ability
minimally invasive surgical techniques can approach intracranial lesions with minimal retraction or
compression of normal neural structures.so it is suitable for high risk patients
- elderly patients
and children who must undergo major surgery

Thesis 2013.

VOL.42- NO.5- (september 2014) /

Thesis 2011.

VOL.37 NO.6 ((NOVEMBER 2009) /

من 5

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