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132 P. :
علوم التربة
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جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - قسم العلوم الزراعية البيئية
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The present study was to determine how organic residues (such as rice straw, bokashi, and compost) and inorganic fertilizer rates (NPK) affected the primary experiment on spinach plants, the field experiment on corn yield and its characteristics, followed by an onion crop, as well as some chemical soil properties and soil NPK available after each crop was harvested.
Preparation of anaerobic bokashi is made in closed vessels. This system relies on the fermentation rather than putrefaction. Bokashi is made by using an organic material (raw rice straw) which was inoculated with the microbial inoculants. To making bokashi, laboratory experiment was conducted in six treatments and incubated for 15 days. At the end of the incubation period all the previous treatments were dried and analyzed to select the best treatment for a pot experiment, to study the influence of rice straw as three types incorporation organic fertilizers (raw rice straw, bokashi and compost) with three level of mineral fertilizer (50, 60 and 80% from recommended dose) compared with recommended dose from mineral fertilizers on spinach fresh and dry yield as well as its content of some macro – micro nutrients also some parameters of soil fertility after harvest were considered.
A field experiment was conducted through 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 at the farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, EL-Fayoum University , Egypt, during summer season followed by winter season on crop yield, and its attributes as well as nutrient content of corn (sorghum vulgare L.) and residual effect of residues on crop yield and its some attributes nutrient content of onion crop (Allium cepa L.) in a randomised complete block design with three replicates to determine the effect of soil incorporation with rice straw(3t/fed)
The treatments were:
(1) Mineral fertilizer (recommended dose of NPK),(2) Rice straw 3 ton/fed + 50 % mineral fertilizer,(3) Rice straw 3 ton/fed + 65% mineral fertilizer,(4) Rice straw 3 ton/fed +80% mineral fertilizer (5) Rice straw 3ton/fed,(6)Compost 3 ton/fed+50 % mineral fertilizer,(7) Compost 3 ton/fed +65% mineral fertilizer (8) Compost 3 ton/fed +80 % mineral fertilizer (9) Compost 3 ton/fed (10) Bokashi 3 ton/fed +50% mineral fertilizer (11) Bokashi 3 ton/fed+ 65 % mineral fertilizer (12) Bokashi 3 ton/fed + 80% mineral fertilizer,(13) Bokashi 3 ton/fed,(14) Without any fertilizers(control).
The important results on corn experimental:
• The highest significant values of grains, stover and biological yield were obtained by adding mineral fertilizer (100% recommended dose) followed by bokashi plus 80% of mineral fertilizer
• The lowest value of yield was observed in the treatment of without any fertilizers (Zero) and/or adding rice straw alone. Whereas the treatment of rice straw plus 80% mineral fertilizer led to the lowest value of ear diameter.
• The treatment of 100% mineral fertilizer (recommended dose) gave the highest value of nitrogen and potassium content of grain. The same trend was observed when added the treatment of rice straw or bokashi plus 80% mineral fertilizer for potassium content in grain only.
• The compost with 80% mineral fertilizer gave the highest value of phosphorus content of corn grain, followed by rice straw with 80% mineral fertilizer. On the other hand, the treatment of (Zero) without any fertilizers gave the lowest values of nitrogen and potassium, but the treatment of bokashi alone gave the lowest value of phosphorus content of corn grain.
• The treatment of compost plus 80% mineral fertilizer gave the highest value of soil content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
• Application of rice straw, compost, and bokashi or control treatment gave the highest value of soil pH. Similar trend was noted by adding compost with 50% mineral fertilizer or bokashi with 50 or 80 mineral fertilizers.
• Rice straw plus 50% mineral fertilizer or compost with 65% mineral or bokashi plus 65% mineral fertilizer led to the highest value of EC followed by rice straw plus 80% mineral fertilizer or compost plus 80% mineral fertilizer.
• Rice straw or compost or bokashi alone or compost plus 80% mineral fertilizer achieved the highest value of organic matter of soil after corn harvest.
The residual effect of plant residues in soil on onion plant:
• The residual effect of bokashi with 80% mineral fertilizer in this study gave the greatest significant value for onion weight, followed by compost with 65% or 80% mineral fertilizer, then bokashi with 65% mineral fertilizer. The residual effect of rice straw plus 80% mineral fertilizer led to significant increase of TSS, N, P and k of onion bulb (%).
• The available nitrogen of soil after onion harvesting increased significantly using bokashi plus 80% mineral fertilizer as a residual effect followed by the treatment of rice straw plus 80% mineral fertilizer and bokashi plus 65 % mineral fertilizer.
• The lowest values of available P and K were recorded using residual effect of compost alone, while the lowest value of N in soil was observed at the treatment of (Zero) without any fertilizers.
• The residual effect of compost or bokashi with or without 50, 56, 80% of mineral fertilizer or the use of rice straw alone gave a significant increase in the pH value, followed by rice straw with 65 or 80% of mineral fertilizer or the addition of mineral fertilizer only. While the residual effect of bokashi treatment with 65% mineral fertilizer gave the highest electrical conductivity value, followed by rice straw plus 80% mineral fertilizer or compost with 65% mineral fertilizer.
• The highest value of OM was observed using sole application of rice straw followed by bokashi alone.