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Prevalence of Hepatitis Band C Viral Infection among Health Workers in the Primary Care Units Applying Health Reform Program versus Classic Ones /
El-Naggar, Mohamed Hamdy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد حمدى النجار
مشرف / عبد الله عبد العزيز بهنسي
مناقش / نبيل الكفراوي
مناقش / حسام عبد اللطيف
Viral Hepatitis. Family Medicine. Hepatitis B virus.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
131 p. :
ممارسة طب الأسرة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - طب الاسرة
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Viral hepatitis B and C is considered a global problem allover the world. The major route of exposure appears to be due to medical therapy with inadequate sterilization techniques and supplies.So, health workers are considered at great risk of infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus through close contact to blood and other body secretions. According this, health reform porgramme applied in medical services and infection control protocols are important to prevent the spread of infection or minimize it through medical therapy.This study was carried out as a comparative study on 250 individuals divided as:* Group “A” (100 of health care workers in health care units applying health reform programme)>*Group “B” (100 of health care workers in classic units not applying this programme) and *Group “C” (50 persons not working in the medical field).The three groups are homogenous regarding age, sex and socioeconomic level.
Viral hepatitis Band C is considered a global problem allover the world. The major route of exposure appears to be due to medical therapy with inadequate sterilization techniques and supplies.
So, health workers are considered at great risk of infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus through close contact to blood and other body secretions. According this, health reform programme applied in medical services and infection control protocols are important to prevent the spread of infection or minimize it through medical therapy.
This study was carried out as a comparative study on 250 individuals divided as:
* Group ”A” (100 of health care workers in health care units applying health reform programme),
* Group ”B” (100 of health care workers in classic units not applying this programme) and
* Group ”C” (50 persons not working in the medical field).
The three groups are homogenous regarding age, sex and socioeconomic level.
All members of the’ study were subjected to: history taking, clinical examination, liver function tests [SGOT & SOPT] and hepatitis markers (HCV Ab, and HBsAg).