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Traditional Practices Among Pregnant Women to Overcome Common Pregnancy Minor Discomforts in Rural Areas /
Mandour, Hanan El-Zeblawy Hassan.
Maternity and gynecologic - Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
142 p. :
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Pregnancy is a normal process that results in a series of both physiological and psychological changes in women that require adjustment and adaptation on the part of the mother. The most observabl~ result of physiological changes is minor discomforts. The most common discomforts are morning sickness, heart burn, constipation, backache, and leg cr~mps.aIthough minor discomforts are non serious, their presence detract from the other feeling of comfort and well being in many instances they can be pvoided by preventive measures or healthful practices once they do occur.Indogenous or traditional practices constitute one type of folk medicine. They are found in almost every household and are given various degrees of importance by mothers. The maternity nurse is in a unique position to assist in:prevention and adopting minor discomforts through their health education and counseling, which are very crucial nursing tasks. Understanding of women’s practices to their minor discomforts is necessary since pregnant women behave in different ways to control these discomforts. Therefore, this study as done to explore the practices adopted by pregnant women to relive their common minor discomforts. By revealing these practices, it would be possible to exclude harmful practices and encourage useful ones.