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Trauamtic events and post-tramatic stress disorder in the egyptian community /
Raya, Yasser Mohamed Ali Ibrahim.
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
186 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder, currently defined by the coexistence of three clusters of symptoms (re-experiencing, avoidance and hyperarousal) persisting for at least one month, in survivors of a traumatic event. The disorder has won a central place in current discourse in mental disorders, among many reasons for such success are;
1. Extended focus of modern psychiatry on non-psychotic disorders and their impact on individuals’ autonomy and wellbeing.
2. Increased social awareness regrading human rights, violence, disasters and their consequences.
3. A recent emphasis of the neurobehavioral sciences on brain plasticity and gene expression, and the paradigmatic role of traumatic events as triggering such reactions.
Aim of the work:
1. To determine the prevalence of traumatic events and PTSD among Egyptian adolescents and young adults.
2. To determine the most frequent types of traumatic events.
3. To determine the sosciodemographic factors which are associated with traumatic events and PTSD.
4. to investigate the comorbidity of traumatic events and PTSD with other psychiatric disorders.
Subjects and Methods:
The participants in this study are 1239 subjects aging 14-24 years from Mit ghamr secondary schools and Zagazig university were investigated for traumatic events using a list of 19 traumatic events operationalize DSM-IV definition and investigated for PTSD and hypothesized comorbid psychiatric disorders by Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview and these findings are correlated to sociodemographic data.
The study carried out from 2002- 2004.