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mineralogical study in benign and malignant breast tumours/
moustafa moustafa rezik,
rezik,moustafa moustafa
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / moustafa moustafa rezik
مشرف / mohamed abdel-latif ibrahim
مناقش / shaker taiken el--aassa
مناقش / mohamed abdel-wahab
general surgerly
تاريخ النشر
1988 .
عدد الصفحات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - جراحة
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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’:’he r-oLr. of :::ct:11s L: breltst tumours evokes i1’crc’,
siJ’{; Lnt.r.i-c nt rei t.h the ndvc nt of nc cur-a t e ,::ethoc1s of
dc to c ti: ;illeir concentrations in human t Iaaue s and
hiolo~icnl fluids •
’:’11i8 study aimed to compnre the patterns of metal
levels L: pvt Lcnt s vzit h bcn Lgn and maliGnant breast
tumonro and to detect any deviation from the normal
patterns • ””is may be used in (1iaGnosis and prognosis
Our :ct’:(~y \’;:0 carried out Itt the departments of
ioclle~istry of Faculty of Uedicine ,
JiChty ;0:”,-,1,es v.o r-e included in this study. ’I’ho y
v.e ro cLr.c., :fic into five c:roups ns f oI Lowe :
15 cnSOf: \’.’itil fibronc1enOl:la of the breast.
Third 15 Co.80S with fibroadenosis of the breast.
Fourt II Gron p: 15 [’’’son \’lith eo.rly breast cancer.
All subjects were submitted to clinical and
1nborntory investicntions • 1l11(Holo{;ical exnmination
wns nlso done to pntients with brenst cancer •
His t opa t.hol or-Lcu I exami.nn tion wan clone for dLae aae d
and n orn.n l 1r-orint tin3UCS •
Serum. urine, normal and diseased breast tissues
were used for de t cr-ml nn t Lon of the studied ten minern1s.
:xtreme care wns taken to prevent contamination during
the whole v.o r k by extraneous metals • Sodium and
potassium we r-e estinwted us ”COI1JlIING , 400 ” Fla~ne
photometer nccordinc to the method of Hawk, (1965) •
3erum , ur-f re and tissue inorganic phosphorus ViBS
nefls,lre d ty ’:lOclified ;;ohenwallner and ’:Timmer method,
(1973) 1ieterninnti,ors of calcium, magnesium,
iron, copper , zinc , :’lnnr;n.ne3c and lend were done
:-~pcctrc,pllot() :-:ctcr •
;”lJ tLc obto.inecl results v.e r e tabulated and
stcti,sticnlly 2..C’;alysul • The Lnined cJata revealed
(’::..) ContJ:’o’ ~roup :
l’ i ’ ,,1’ ,c~._,n_, l’ ::crurn 0lH1 _”il’J_ me tf11 levels in
:, Y’CT J1’ t11e 0;”’,:::0 r~,,’;es reported by
C,’here ’,”rs n ni;:nificant ,lccre’we of aorum
mac.;nesium p.nd iron in pntients with fihroadenoma of
the bre aa t , and non nic:nificant chunge s in the levels
of other studied metals i;l the oorum •
As regards urinary levels of the studied metals,
vte fCL’l1dhiC;hly sic;nificant decrease of sodium and
pot nes Lurn , whLl.e other studied minerals showed non
sic;nificant chnngc s •
Concernine; tissue mineraln, we reported a
si;::;nific[L~~t Lncr-e nne of disease,’ lu-onnt t.Loeue norl,
and highly fJicnificent increase in the concentration
of ::!otnsoiU’1 , cr:lciu~:1, magnesium and imrganic
phosphorus in ,:iseased breast tissue when compared
\’,’ith normal breast tissue • On the other hand, we
found a significant decrease of diseased tissue copper
and non Gicnificant chanees in the concentrations of
other studied eleuents •
(C) Fibronclenosis croup:
’There’ ere no: ’.’< [~nificnn t chnrige s 0 f serum levels
~f the stlC~ed mct~ls in pntiellts ~ith fibroadenosis
of the h. ’f’
Regarc1in:: ul’inGr.~’ level:’ of {.’
potassium in pntients ,’:i t l: fibronc]r’l1osis of the In’2<:13 t ,
and non siGnificant ch ange s in the other studied
minerals •
Our re£llllts indicated a hiChly 8iGnificer’~
increase of pota~sium, cnLcLum, r.;n.r~nesiumand
inorganic phosphorus in Jisensec: br-o n a t t Lnauc , nr:c1
non significant changes in the concentrations of
other studied metGls •
(D) Early breast canccr croup :
The caincrl r-e riu Lto nh l.h nt. tilC ’C ..-;rtf] n
highly siGnificant increase in the serum copper
level in patients with enrly brenst cGncer, and
there we r’e no ”dc;nificant changes in the levelfl of
other studied elements •
As regards urinGry levels of th~ 8tudic~ metnls,
we found a hiGhly sicnificant dE,cre:’cse of urinary
sodium, ann siGnificant decrease of,rir,8ry pot aao tuc-
On the other hrm d , there ,,[IS a si;~nificnnt increase
of calcium in the urine, IIllile other :ot”died ”retals
showed non s:i[jnificant changes of l,ri c levels in
patients witll early bren,::t cancer
reported [l hiGhly ”iCllific[’
potassium, cnl c i iu. , ::In.{~llCr;]_-
and zinc when c o.apru-e d vii
and non significant chances in the concentrations of
other studied elements •
(E) Advnnced br-eoot cancer r~roup :
The obtained results for miccerals iC’ the C;’ Y’X ,
cancer were in the sru..o }~[tll:;es obt aLr.e d ;’ p n ti cr: t s
wi th early br-eac t cancer • ’l’hc r-enu I t c; ’:’ere a l.ror: t
the nnrne bo cnucc metals micht not be nFfecte” 1:’ t h.
s t ago of carcinoma of the breast. c’crother possible
iritcrpretntioJl is that distnrt DEt88-:~~8CO ~ere not
detected or included in the ndvan cc. ,:roup •
Conclusion :
Based on -thin ntudy, the conCcl1tr~·tions of Dome
minerals dI f’To r’ in the cer1Jtn, . r Lnr. nrd 11’C[1[lt
tis3ues of pa t l cn t.o y;ith Loni rn nt;~l ’-’Ii. ’;:nnt Y’8nr;t
tumours. rrhj_s nay reflect the role of ’-et81s in
mnny enz yines nnd the r-cqu Lr-erient of ’~,,,li )’nr’ t cells
to more minel’fl 1 c. The cO”11le’ x r-crc t Lons 0 I’ chel fl ti on
no y ’llso f : I’Lucn ce the’ n c c umuL. Lion o r (lcp1etion of
\r.o, .111,..’,cC”._1’(,1.’” -.,. -!,’]_”n_r, t”l”,(,nA .” J (~_’P. P’’---””’~i.•(lil·’I’,c.-.
:()!l t involverl • h..n o t.hor- p onc i b Le
rcrl’ctiol~ of i;:l’ 1:1’ :e1y Ln t r’ncc L’Lul nt- Lo oat Lor. of
n r.t ur-e of cJ:Lse,:lilc’,; brer:Dt tissues.
Adc:itiono.l dat a on rict ul o ii,l breast tumours are
essentinl to discover the role of -these elements in
t!l€’ pnthO’-:CI-:cfjin of l)re,:-’.st Lumour-n • Further inforrn-
.i t i on 111’C :” (~c::s,u’y ’cfo1’o t licy may be used flS