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Head injury in pediatric group /
Azab, Ahmed Mohamed Gamal El-Din.
Head- Wounds and injuries. Head Injury.
تاريخ النشر
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118 p. :
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1061 was the total number of patients with head injuries in this study, they were all admitted in the Emergency Department of Alexandria University Teaching Hospital.
This study comprised the pediatric age group ranging from the date of birth up to 15 years old. The age incidence showed peak at the age group below 5 years were it accounted 47.79%, and males to females ratio was
The seasonal variation in head inju was markedly noticed. There was increased incidence in the summer months as May, June more than winter months as January, February.
The time of admission showed a high rise in the afternoon shift between 2 P.M. - 8 P.M. (49.67%) followed by the night shift 8 P.M. to 8 A.M.
Head injury causes varied from road traffic accidents which was the most common by 59.85% followed by accidental falls that accounted to