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On The Existence and Stability of Periodic Solution of Nonlinear Diffrential Equation /
Abou-Hola, Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed.
Mathematics. Non-linear differential equations.
تاريخ النشر
1991 .
عدد الصفحات
P. 80 :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 86

from 86


Letter and interest in the development of some known results and dissemination of recent research on the existence of solutions to equations Ouhdanip equivalent dimensions of the system is non-Diachronic. The message is divided into three chapters - summarizes some of the known theories on the existence and singularity of solutions of the equations of rotating the image using Lienardo Poincare - and examine the border converged solutions to some non-linear differential equations, and adopt and circulate the results of some research in the references - and examine the presence presence Oneness