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Pathological Investigation on some watermelon seedborne diseases /
Amer, Attia Ibraham Attia.
watermelon- Diseaes and pest.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
224 p. :
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from 364


Thus this present work was planned to study some of import seed-borne diseases which attack this crop such as damping-off and wilt pathogens. The results of such investigation can be summarized as follows: 1. The highest percentage of was found in El-Sharkia and Domiatte governorates followed by North Sinai and El-Ismalia governorates. While the lowest percentage was found in upper Egypt governorates epecially El-Fayom and Beni Sweaf. 2. The most frequent fungi were Fusarium oxysporium and Verticillium sp. however, the least frequent ones Aspergillus flavus, Stemphylium sp.