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Final State Effects of Quantum Statistical Correlations in Ultra-Relativistic Collisions /
Mohammed، Hemida Hamed Hemida.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حميده حامد حميده محمد
مشرف / نجلاء راشد سيد
مشرف / محمد عطيه محمود
مناقش / ياسر محمد عبدالقوي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
75 p. :
الفيزياء الإحصائية وغير الخطية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الفيوم - كلية العلوم - الفيزياء
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Bose-Einstein correlation functions are an important tool in
heavy ion collisions to discover the geometry of the emitting
source and get information about its thermodynamical proper-
ties, and inner dynamics. and taking into account the modifi-
cations of those functions will be discussed in this study. BEC
refers to the quantum-statistical correlations observed between
identical particles (such as pions) produced in high-energy col-
lisions. These correlations arise due to the indistinguishability
of identical particles and their quantum mechanical behavior.
In heavy-ion collisions, the dependence of the longitudinal di-
mension (denoted as plong) on the average transverse momen-
tum (kT ) and transverse mass (mT ) of the pion pair can be
described using the Heisenberg uncertainty relations. The A-B
effect is a quantum phenomenon related to the electromag-
netic potential. Classically, there is no interpretation for this
effect since the electromagnetic field strength vanishes outside
a long the closed loop of the flux. However, the non-vanishing
electromagnetic potential outside the loop leads to observable
effects. A geometric interpretation of the A-B effect involves
considering the equation of motion of a charged test parti-
cle in a combined gravitational and electromagnetic field. The
resulting equation contains extra terms representing forces af-
fecting the particle’s acceleration, with the second term giving
rise to the A-B effect. The Coulomb interaction describes the
electrostatic force between charged particles.
In ultrarelativistic collisions, charged particles experience
both the strong nuclear force (responsible for hadronization)
and the electromagnetic Coulomb force. The Coulomb inter-
action modifies the momentum distribution of produced parti-
cles, affecting their correlations. As a result of these phenom-
ena the time of flight needs some modifications to be taken into
account to get the accurate time from the collision point to the
detector, so the time shift and phase shift must described.
The thesis is coming in six chapters. Through the first chap-
ter of the current thesis I introduce a background and highlight
on the basic concepts of Aharonov-Bohm effect and historical
overview. Details and descriptions of Bose-Einstein statistics
with AB effect with wave function shift are mentioned in chap-
ter two, then the third chapter contains the basic concepts of
Core-Halo model with time evolution after ultra-relativistic
collisions. In chapter four the calculation of Monte Carlo sim-
ulation from toy model to calculate the accurate time of flight
for the traveled particles from the collision point to the detec-
tor is described. Chapter Five introduces the results from the
model and MC simulation with a discussion. Finally our con-
clusion about AB phenomena with its modifications on particle
wave function through RHIC experiments are given.