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Characterization of fungal pathogens associated with bovine and ovine mycotic mastitis /
Salem, Shaaban Salem Radwan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شعبان سالم رضوان سالم
مشرف / إسماعيل عبد الحفيظ رضوان
مشرف / وليد حمدي حسن
مشرف / هالة سيد حسن
مشرف / أحمد حسين عابد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
90 P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية الطب البيطرى - البكتريا والفطريات والمناعة
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In this study a total of 250 mastitis milk samples were collected from dairy cows, sheep and goats suffering from mastitis and not responding to antibiotic treatment for detection of fungal causes of bovine and ovine mycotic mastitis.
Mycological examination of the collected samples revealed that 53 samples (21.2%) were positive for mycotic mastitis. Bovine mycotic mastitis recoded 12.5% and ovine mycotic mastitis recorded 29.2%. Recovered isolates included 54 fungal pathogens, out of them 49 Candida species (90.7%), 2 A. niger (3.7%), 1 A. fumigatus (1.9%), 1 A. flavus (1.9%) and 1 Penicillium species (1.9%). Candida species included 18 C. guilliermondii (36.7%), 16 C. parapsilosis (32.7%), 7 C. tropicalis (14.3%), 4 C. albicans (8.2%) and 4 C. kefyr (8.2%). Only one bovine sample was mixed with yeast and mold isolates (C. kefyr and A. fumigatus).
The in-vitro susceptibility testing using disc diffusion method against nystatin and fluconazole revealed that all isolates were resistant to nystatin, but 25 Candida isolates (51.02%) were sensitive to fluconazole, 2 isolates (4.1 %) were intermediately sensitive and 22 isolates (44.9%) were resistant.
Out of the total tested Candida isolates (n=49), 9 Candida isolates (18.4%) were positive for biofilm formation on CRA medium. While, 40 Candida isolates (81.6%) were biofilm negative.
Propolis and essential oils of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Moringa oleifera have antifungal potentials against 20 fluconazole-resistant Candida isolates; Propolis recorded a MIC of 44-87.5 mg/mL for C. albicans followed by 87.5 mg/mL for C. guilliermondii and C. kefyr and 87.5-175 mg/mL for C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis EO was the most effective with a MIC of 2-3.9 mg/mL for C. albicans and C. kefyr followed by 2-7.8, 3.9-7.8 and 3.9-16 mg/mL for C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis and C. guilliermondii, respectively.
Moringa oleifera EO showed a MIC of 31.25-62.5 mg/mL for C. tropicalis and C. kefyr followed by 31.25-125 mg/mL for C. parapsilosis and 62.5-125 mg/mL for C. albicans and C. guilliermondii.
Propolis revealed a MFC of 44-87.5 mg/mL for C. albicans followed by 87.5 mg/mL for C. kefyr, 87.5-175 mg/mL for C. guilliermondii, 175 mg/mL for C. parapsilosis and 87.5-350 mg/mL for C. tropicalis.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis EO recorded MFC against tested Candida isolates with a MFC of 2-7.8 mg/mL for C. tropicalis followed by 3.9-7.8 mg/mL for C. albicans and C. kefyr, 3.9-16 mg/mL for C. guilliermondii and 7.8-16 mg/mL for C. parapsilosis.
Moringa oleifera EO showed a MFC of 31.25-125 mg/mL for C. parapsilosis and 62.5-125 mg/mL for other tested Candida isolates.
Using PCR for detection of 3 resistance genes revealed that all tested isolates except 1 C. guilliermondii harbored CDR gene (7/8), also, all isolates except 1 C. albicans harbored MDR1 gene (7/8). Only 2 Candida isolates including 1 C. albicans and 1 C. tropicalis were positive for ERG11 (2/8) while the other tested Candida were negative for it. This concluded that Candida species represents the most predominant fungal agent in cases of bovine and ovine mycotic mastitis antifungal resistance of fungi can be solved by using some natural substances as propolis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Moringa oleifera EOs.