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A novel Sandwich Graft Technique in Repair of Nasal Septal Perforation /
Elesawy, Ahmed Elsayed Elsayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حمد السيد السيد العيسوي
مشرف / أ.د/ عصام عبدالونيس بحيري
مشرف / أ.د/ إبراهيم أمجد عبدالشافي
مشرف / أ.م.د/ أشرف علي الدمرداش
Otorhinolaryngology. Nasal Septal Perforation Surgery.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
97 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - جراحة الاذن و االانف والحنجره
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 103


“Sandwich graft” technique is a reliable technique closing septal
perforations by an autologous flap.
Finally, the prepared graft is then sewn into the perforation in an
underlay technique and kept in place by septal splints for 4 weeks.
Advantages of this technique include:-
Better surgical vision under endoscope, easier manipulation, high
success rate, no stitching is necessary, as the graft is inserted into the
pocket created, conchal cartilage is easy to harvest, minimal donor site
deformity and morbidity, the graft is autogenous without rejection response
risk and extra cost, for the surgeon, it requires skillful manipulation of
endoscopic septal plastic surgery, but no crossover flap or suture of grafts
and the instruments are simple, similar to endoscopic septal plastic surgery.
To approach our goal we designed a two year prospective cohort
study, It included 13 patients (three female & ten male) complaining of
NSP. Their ages ranged from 18-60 years. All the patients were not
diabetic and had normal results of HBA1C % (X 5.26+_0.55). Seven
patients were smokers (54 %) & six patients were not smokers (46%). All
the patients were not asthmatic. All the patients gave through full history:
including age, symptoms of NSP like crustation, bad odour, whistling and
headache, previous nasal surgery, and previous NSP repair.
All patients were examined by nasal speculum and endoscopic by 0
and 30 degree nasal endoscopy in the office to assess:-
The nasal mucosa to exclude sinonasal polyposis and any nasal
patholog, the Perforation site from anterior to posterior vertical and
horizontal, and finally, The Perforation size by ruler test.
All the patients had Investigations, radiological Computerized tomography
CT on Nose and Paranasal sinuses coronal and axial cuts, laboratory CBC,
PT, PTT, INR Clotting Bleeding Time, HCV, HBV, HIV, Liver and
Kidney Function Test
All cases were operated under general anesthesia in the position of
15 degree reverse trendelenburg.
The effect of this technique was evaluated at 1st, 3rd, 6th month
&1year after the surgery.