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تطوير أداء القيادات الإدارية في المدرسة الثانوية العامة بمصر على ضوء مدخل الذكاء العاطفي /
محمد، بسمه ربيع محمد
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / بسمه ربيع محمد محمد
مشرف / مريم محمد الشرقاوي
مشرف / منار محمد جابر
المدرسة الثانوية. مصر.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
254 ص. :
العلوم الاجتماعية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية - ادارة تعليمية وتربية مقارنة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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Various educational institutions seek continuous development of leadership performance, as renewal and development become a necessary features for them and their future institutions, to achieve the vision they wish to reach in the future, to gain the required competitive advantage in the field of empowerment and rehabilitation, and this can be done through our attempts and by following new , methods and a new approach to managing their institutions in the digital age, including: the emotional intelligence approach.
Therefore, institutions have become in need of administrative leadership that has the required characteristics and skills to maintain the institution, and work on its growth and development in order to realize its goals. as it is possible for all employees to freely represent their ideas, especially innovative ones, and discuss them publicly with the concerned parties. and search for the necessary skills in decision-making, and make information available to all employees, and distribute responsibility among them, and enable them to perform the tasks assigned to them, by enhancing communication skills, developing personal skills, flexibility, decision-making, taking into account individual differences, the ability to solve problems innovatively, building trust, facilitating individual and collective efforts, and preparing a shared vision. , and then achieving goals.
And social; thus improving the leader’s performance, and therefore attention must be paid and the leader must achieve as many goals as possible. Emotional intelligence is the missing link in the workplace that brings together and combines the elements of success, and successful companies employ successful people, and emotional intelligence reduces the amount of training courses that employees need to increase profits. Research has shown that people with high levels of emotional intelligence perform better than their counterparts with low emotional intelligence, and perhaps one of the reasons for this is that emotional intelligence means effectiveness at the personal and team levels. Are you a nervous person and always fail to control your anger during difficult times? Do you have difficulty communicating with the different personalities around you, and do you have bad relationships with most of your colleagues at work? There is no doubt that you lack emotional intelligence skills, and people with emotional intelligence skills are characterized by high self-confidence and the ability to solve problems and innovate solutions. They can also deal with difficult situations effectively, and they are respected by their managers and colleagues at work due to their ability to communicate with them and understand their needs and feelings. In fact, emotional intelligence skills are receiving increasing attention these days, as most employers today are looking for candidates with good communication skills.
Study Problem:
School administration in general and secondary school administration in particular face many obstacles and problems that hinder the achievement of educational goals, which negatively affect leadership performance, including focusing on the downward communication process without other types of communication, and that there is a gap between leaders and workers in the field of communication and communication, which negatively affects performance, and weak employee satisfaction with their educational institution, and decisions depend mostly on personalization, and lack of speed in exchanging information at all levels, including the level of public secondary schools, as if they were isolated islands.
Despite attempts to develop public secondary schools, there are some problems that negatively affect the achievement of their goals, including: weakness in the efficiency of school administration, and there is an administrative routine in the school that makes it a justification for developing the performance of administrative leaders. - Lack of delegation of authority, lack of participation in decision-making and the prevailing organizational culture emphasizes individualism instead of work teams, which affects administrative performance as a whole, and suffers from many weaknesses and many threats that hinder its work and make it unprepared to play its role in achieving its goals and developing its performance. School leaders face many enormous pressures related to the budget, teachers’ problems, students’ problems and other educational problems, which necessitate that these leaders understand these problems and challenges in order to meet the needs of the external community and achieve its ambitions and expectations. Hence, our educational institutions, including public secondary schools, need a certain type of leaders who have emotional intelligence skills that enable them to find innovative and unfamiliar solutions to many of the problems facing these institutions, which will enable them to improve their leadership performance in many areas. Looking at the reality of the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt - through previous studies and research - we find that there are many problems and shortcomings that overlap in some way and affect the performance of leaders, as follows:
- The education system in Egypt suffers from weak powers and authorities delegated For school administration levels, the spread of parallel structures and entities created by ministerial decisions and decisions of directorate directors, which doubles the inflation of the administrative apparatus and the difficulty of development and improving performance, in addition to the lack of leadership supporting the capabilities of administrators for continuous development and motivation.
- The performance of administrative leadership in pre-university education suffers from multiple problems, including: many directors avoiding trying innovative ideas in school work or introducing organizational changes in the school, the director’s lack of delegation of some of his powers to employees for fear of legal accountability and penalties, and the school administration’s weak investment of human and material resources to support the teaching and learning processes.
- There is a lack of coordination between different educational institutions, the prevalence of a centralized system in educational administration at different levels, the abundance of legislation, laws, regulations and decisions and their conflict at times, in addition to the large gap between work requirements and the material and human capabilities available within the school, the lack of scientific planning, problem-solving methods, and administrative creativity. Educational policy and educational decision-making and making are linked to the general policy of the state, and the many changes and amendments in educational policy in recent years.
The most common reasons for dismissal, expulsion or forced resignation are due to problems that can be classified as a deficiency in emotional intelligence such as rigidity, rude treatment of others, inability to control oneself, unrealistic dreams, weak social skills and failure to build a social network. The existence of differences in the level of emotional intelligence skills among managers and leaders may affect the administrative patterns followed by them and their choice of an inappropriate leadership pattern in their organizations.
It is clear from the above that the general secondary school suffers from some shortcomings, especially with regard to the performance of its administrative leaders. Accordingly, the emotional intelligence approach it leads a major role in developing the performance of administrative leaders in the secondary stage, as it is based on five dimensions: Self-awareness: Know your emotions and feelings. The individual’s knowledge of his emotions, awareness of himself, and awareness of his feelings while they occur is the basis of self-confidence, and it is the basis on which the individual builds his decisions that he makes in all matters and affairs of his life that require decision-making. Addressing emotional aspects: Managing your emotions and addressing emotional and sentimental aspects. It is concerned with how the individual addresses and deals with feelings that may bother or harm him, and the ability to deal with feelings so that they are compatible with current situations. The ability to motivate the self: It is the individual’s progress and striving towards his motives. Hope is also considered a motivator and component of motivation for many individuals, which makes them adhere to achieving their dreams and ambitions with determination and insistence. The ability to recognize the emotions of others: It means understanding. In (Empathy), mental empathy, when the previous three dimensions of emotional intelligence were concerned With the individual himself and what is going on inside him, this dimension is concerned with his relationships with others, as it means reading the feelings of others and recognizing their expressions through their voices, faces and even their hints, managing the emotions of others, relationships (Social Skills): It means how the individual has friendships and how to manage them well and deal with society with all skill and competence, solving problems and conflicts and the ability to negotiate.
They cling to achieving their dreams and ambitions with determination and persistence, the ability to recognize the emotions of others: It means understanding. In (Empathy) mental empathy, while the previous three dimensions of emotional intelligence were concerned with the individual’s self and what is going on inside him, this dimension was concerned with his relationships with others, understanding means reading the feelings of others and recognizing their expressions through their voices, faces and even their hints, managing the emotions of others (Social Skills) Social skills: It means how the individual’s friendships and good management and dealing with society with all skill and competence, solving problems and conflicts and the ability to negotiate. Therefore, the current study seeks to benefit from the emotional intelligence approach in developing the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt, and in light of the above, the study problem crystallizes in the following main question:
How can the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt be developed in light of the emotional intelligence approach?
Several questions branch out from this main question:
1- What are the scientific determinants of the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary school?
2- What are the theoretical foundations of the emotional intelligence approach according to contemporary educational and administrative literature?
3- What is the reality of the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt in light of the emotional intelligence approach?
4- What is the proposed scenario for developing the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary school in light of the emotional intelligence approach?
Objectives of the study:
The study seeks to develop the performance of administrative leadership in public secondary school in Egypt in light of the emotional intelligence approach. This can be achieved through the following objectives:
1- Identify the scientific determinants for developing the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools.
2- Identify the theoretical foundations for applying the emotional intelligence approach according to contemporary educational and administrative literature.
3- Identify the reality of developing the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt in light of the emotional intelligence approach.
4- Reach a proposed vision for developing the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in light of the emotional intelligence approach.
The importance of the study:
A- Theoretical importance: The importance of this study stems from the topic it addresses, which is developing the performance of administrative leaders and identifying the performance of administrative leaders and how to develop it, as this topic is one of the vital topics, and interest in this topic has increased due to the shortcomings in the performance of administrative leaders, and the variables that require making fundamental changes in the performance of administrative leaders in light of the emotional intelligence approach, which is what this study aspires to contribute to.
B- Practical importance: The parties that may benefit from this study are:
- Administrative leaders in public secondary schools, as it informs these administrative leaders of the current situation, the tasks required of them, and how to develop their performance through emotional intelligence.
- Researchers in the field of educational and school administration in conducting similar studies and building on their results.
Study Method and Tools: The study relied on the descriptive method, the most appropriate method for the current study, which relies on the use of the survey and analytical studies method, and relies on a set of procedures that integrate to describe the phenomenon or topic based on collecting data and facts, analyzing them and processing them to reach results. It was used to identify what the literature and educational research include in the field of the emotional intelligence approach, its importance, characteristics and models, and to describe, interpret and analyze the data obtained from the experiences that the study was exposed to, in addition to monitoring the reality of the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt in light of the emotional intelligence approach from the point of view of the sample members, with the development of a proposed vision for developing the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt in light of the emotional intelligence approach. The study also used a questionnaire to reveal the reality of the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt from the point of view of the sample members.
Original community and study sample:
The study community amounted to (4640) individuals from teachers, agents and directors. The questionnaire was applied to a random sample of teachers, agents and directors in public secondary schools in Minya Governorate, where their number amounted to (583) individuals, in the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024 AD.
Study limits:
1- Spatial limits: Public secondary schools in Minya Governorate to which the researcher belongs.
2- Objective limits: The study is limited to studying the dimensions of emotional intelligence, which are: self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, recognizing the emotions of others, social skills, and performance dimensions, which are task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance.
3- Human boundaries: (Principal, Deputy, Teachers) in public secondary school.
4- Time limits: The study was conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024 AD
Study results
The study came up with a proposed vision to develop the performance of administrative leaders in public secondary schools in Egypt in light of the emotional intelligence approach, by setting a set of procedural recommendations in the dimensions of administrative leadership performance (task performance, contextual performance, adaptive performance)
The foundations of the proposed vision included a set of elements, including: Secondary education is an important means of confronting the changes and challenges of the era. Supporting emotional intelligence to develop the performance of administrative leaders will contribute to its development and linking it to the labor market. Paying attention to the performance of administrative leaders contributes to the growth of the national economy and solving its problems. The requirements for implementing the proposed vision were human, as the process of developing the performance of administrative leaders requires human cadres capable of performance and training, in addition to flexible and highly efficient administrative cadres, and material, through equipping facilities and supplying them with the requirements of the necessary activities, and operating the necessary centers, books and publications. And legislative, through amending some regulations and laws that hinder the performance of administrative leaders in the school and the partnership between the school and other institutions, and hinder the establishment of school-specific centers and the implementation of some activities. Establishing a cooperation protocol from the responsible authorities to prepare standards to identify the extent of readiness or availability of emotional intelligence skills among secondary school principals, and making radical structural changes in the conditions for selecting secondary school principals to ensure the condition of possessing emotional intelligence skills, developing a media plan that supports the concept of community participation between the school and external community institutions, continuous follow-up by the Ministry of Education supervisors of secondary schools to determine the extent to which public secondary school principals adopt emotional intelligence skills in making sound decisions, accountability and deterrent penalties for school principals who commit moral crimes, whether in action or speech, continuous follow-up by the Ministry and Directorate supervisors to ensure the impartiality of the principal in evaluating teachers, which helps to consolidate the values of social justice, and preparing a cooperation protocol for professional development training for school principals on how to employ emotional intelligence skills, the training unit preparing training programs for secondary school principals, whether for promotion or during service, aimed at how to employ emotional intelligence skills, enabling the secondary school principal to have the skill of managing relationships, which qualifies him to successfully carry out the required tasks, developing the skill of social awareness among the secondary school principal, and the availability of human capabilities capable of transferring ideas and proposals into implementation. Availability of material capabilities that enable the desired development to be achieved, the presence of specialized experts from the Ministry of Education to develop performance, training human cadres to use modern administrative methods, psychological readiness for the change process and acceptance of it as an urgent necessity to reform old conditions, a sense of satisfaction on the part of workers that the change will satisfy their material and moral needs, enhancing morale and creating a friendly climate and recognizing and honoring achievement.
Raising the level of knowledge among administrative leaders regarding emotional intelligence in the field of administrative work, and clarifying its impact on performance (mentioning successful experiences) through:
- Holding periodic seminars and lectures on the concept of emotional intelligence.
- Holding workshops to study the reality of emotional intelligence in administrative leaders.
- Distributing educational brochures, whether electronic or printed.
Relying in the selection processes of leaders in public secondary schools on the extent of their possession of emotional intelligence skills, as one of the most important criteria in selecting these leaders, and one of the most important indicators of the increase in leaders’ performance, and predicting their future success, focusing on leaders’ possession of emotional intelligence skills to a greater extent, including questions in employment tests that examine the level of emotional intelligence among applicants for the position of leader, designing training programs that address the subject of emotional intelligence for leaders in terms of applied skills (preparing trainers and training materials in this field) in the field of work in order to reach a distinguished level of performance and create a competitive environment in this field so that emotional intelligence becomes part of the organizational culture of the school, designing measures of emotional intelligence using performance tests through the group consensus method that simulates the reality of the organizational environment in Egypt, guided by the measures available in the administrative work environment in other work environments (American, Indian, Chinese).
Steps to implement the proposed vision:
1-Raising Self-Awareness:
Self-awareness is the driving force in the workplace, and self-awareness can be raised by administrative leaders realizing how to behave in different situations, which makes them aware of their feelings and the feelings of others. In order for an administrative leader to do this, they must understand their thoughts, control their feelings, and monitor their mental state in different situations, while paying attention to how employees interact with them to know how to interact with them. If a leader is self-aware, they always know what they feel and know how their emotions and actions are, and can influence their subordinates around them. Being self-aware in a leadership position also means having a clear picture of their strengths and weaknesses, which means being humble.
This is done by keeping a diary, and diaries help improve a leader’s self-awareness. If they spend a few minutes each day writing down their thoughts, this can move them to a higher level of self-awareness. When faced with anger or other strong emotions, they slow down to find out why. Remember, regardless of the situation, you can always choose how you interact with it
2- Not hiding mistakes:
The leader at work must realize the importance of remaining honest in all work situations, even negative ones, without trying to hide any mistakes. What enhances emotional intelligence in the workplace is the awareness of team members of each other’s positions, so that no one feels criticized for doing things their way and sharing their ideas freely. Leaders who organize themselves effectively rarely verbally attack others, rush, or make impulsive emotional decisions. According to Goleman, this element of emotional intelligence also covers the leader’s management of himself and commitment to personal accountability.
The leader holds himself accountable. If the leader tends to blame others when something goes wrong, stop, make a commitment to admit mistakes and face the consequences, whatever they may be. Perhaps the leader will sleep better at night, and will quickly gain the respect of those around him. Practice calm behavior. The next time he faces a difficult situation, he will be aware of how he behaves. Is it relieving pressure by yelling at someone else? Practicing deep breathing exercises to calm himself down, he also tries to write down all the negative things he wants to say, then tear them up and throw them away, expressing these feelings on paper and not showing them to anyone is better than speaking them - out loud - to his team.
3- Practicing empathy:
Empathy means that an individual puts himself in the other person’s place, and imagines that he feels what he feels, and empathy is one of the most important factors that enhance emotional intelligence in the work environment, because it allows for understanding the feelings of others, and the feelings of oneself accurately, because its owner takes the time to understand and imagine his reactions and feelings in situations with others, and the presence of empathy for leaders is crucial to managing a team or a successful organization, leaders who have empathy have the ability to put themselves in someone else’s position, they help develop people on their team and challenge others who act unfairly Feedback and listening to those who need it, the leader puts himself in someone else’s position, and it is easy to support his own point of view, and take the time to consider the positions and points of view of other people. Pay attention to body language and when the leader speaks, he moves his feet back and forth or bites his lips, this body language tells others how you really feel about the situation and the message you are giving, and learning to read body language can be a real asset when you are in a leadership role because you will be better able to determine how someone really feels, and this gives you the opportunity to respond appropriately.
Respond to feelings: When the leader asks employees to work late, and although he agrees, he can hear the disappointment in his voice, so the leader must respond by addressing his feelings, and tell him that he appreciates this work and agrees with him about working late and tiring.
4- Communicate frequently and effectively:
The most important thing that enhances a positive work environment and facilitates the formation of healthy personal relationships is the individual communicating his feelings to others and allowing them to express their feelings in front of him, and this factor is important in the workplace, because it helps employees to be more positive about their organization and their leaders, after the fear of receiving criticism has been eliminated.
Leaders with emotional intelligence are great communicators, their doors are open to hear bad news and good news, and they are experts at reaching out to their team and supporting them in good times and bad. Support them and be enthusiastic about a new task or project. Leaders with good social skills are also excellent at managing change and resolving conflicts diplomatically. Leaders must know how to resolve conflicts between their team members. Learning conflict resolution skills is vital for anyone who wants to succeed. Improving a leader’s communication skills: A leader must have the ability to communicate well with others and communication. It is essential for a leader to have the best listening skills.
Learn how to praise others: A leader can inspire the loyalty of his team simply by praising him at the right time and in the right way. Learning how to praise is a beautiful etiquette and is linked to the effectiveness of others, because they deserve it.
5- Recognizing the efforts of employees: A leader’s recognition of the efforts of employees at work, provides them with enthusiasm to do their best, and makes them feel a sense of belonging to the team. A leader can help employees improve their performance by giving them the opportunity to discuss how they can work smarter to improve their jobs and duties.
Leaders must have emotional intelligence skills, because the pressures that leaders and institutions face today have imposed the necessity for leaders to understand their emotions, to know and manage different feelings such as anger and joy instead of being the ones who manage them, and the importance of administrative leaders learning and acquiring emotional intelligence skills, so that they can control their emotions and manage them in a way that achieves good communication with subordinates.