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Mothers’ Knowledge Versus their Practices toward their Children during COVID -19 Pandemic =
Bassry, Rasha Ibrahim Mohammed .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رشا ابراهيم محمد بصري
مشرف / ناديه مدنى هلالى
مشرف / رشا محمد ابو حديده
مناقش / يمن يوسف صبرى
مناقش / رحاب ابراهيم رضوان
Pediatric Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
53 p. :
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Pediatric Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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COVID -19 is a respiratory illness caused by a highly contagious SARS-CoV-2. It has resulted in the death of hundreds thousands of people around the world. The knowledge and practice of mothers is an important health aspect where the mothers act as the primary implementers or first care providers for their children and family members. Pediatric nurses have an important role in the COVID -19 pandemic response through offering direct patient support and implementing health promotion and prevention strategies. So present study aimed to assess mothers’ knowledge and practice towards COVID -19.
A descriptive research design was used to achieve this study. The study was carried out in the pediatrics Out Patient Clinic at Alexandria University Children Hospital at El- Shatby and El-Hammam Central Hospital Matrouh Governorate. A convenient sample of 400 mothers having children aged from 6-12 years were comprised the study subjects. Data were collected over a period of eight months extending from January 2022 to August 2022 .
Two tools were used for data collection ,Tool one: Mothers’ Knowledge about COVID -19 Pandemic toward Children Interview Schedule. This tool was developed by the researcher to assess the mothers’ knowledge about COVID -19 pandemic toward their children. It included two parts: Part I: Mothers’ socio- demographic characteristics which included mother’s age, level of education, marital status, income , and occupation. Part II: Mothers’ knowledge about COVID -19 pandemic. This part included the following main items of knowledge about COIVD -19 pandemic: Definition, causes, methods of transmission, and methods of prevention, nutrition, environmental sanitation Precaution measures vaccination and treatment. The total score of mothers’ knowledge was graded as correct (2), correct incomplete (1) and not correct or don’t know (0). The total score of mothers’ knowledge was converted into percent score and classified into three level
 Good Knowledge above 75% and more.
 Fair knowledge: 50 < 75% .
 Poor knowledge: less than 50%.
Tool two: Mothers’ Application of Precautions Measures toward COVID -19 Pandemic Observational Checklist.This tool was developed by the researcher according to World Health Organization guidance (2019) to assess mothers’ application of precautions measures toward COVID -19 pandemic in outpatient department. It included the precautions measures related to hand hygiene and rubbing, wearing a mask and social distance. The researcher observed mothers’ practice using observational checklist. Every step was scored as a follow done correctly (2), done incomplete (1) and not done (0). The higher the scores the better were mothers’ application of precautions measures of COVID -19 pandemic.
The mainfindings of the current study revealed the following:
Part I (A): Distribution Mothers according to their Socio-demographic Data :
 More than half of studied mothers (64.0%) aged less than 40 years.
 The majority of studied mothers (87.5%) were married.