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Economic evaluation of using Spirulina, cinnamon and citric acid as feed additives for broiler chicken /
El-Sharnobey, Rania Rafeek El-Sayed .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رانيا رفيق السيد الشرنوبي
مشرف / سند طلعت سعد عطالله
مشرف / إيمان محمد إبراهيم القطعاني
مناقش / عبد الجواد صلاح الطحاوي
مناقش / رمضان سعد شويته
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
109 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب البيطرى - الإقتصاد البيطري وإدارة المزارع
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The aim of this Study was to test the hypothesis of an improved growth, carcass traits, general health condition and economic efficiency (EE) of broiler chickens reared on different diets supplemented with spirulina (SPA), cinnamon oil (CO) and citric acid (CA). This study started on October in the year of 2022 and extended for 6 weeks.Total of 128 broiler chicken were divided randomly in to 4 group 32 chicks for each, with 4 replicants (8 bird/replicant). Group1 (control) fed diet without any additives. Group2 fed control diet + spirulina (2g /kg feed). Group3 fed control diet + cinnamon oil (1ml /kg feed). Group4 fed control diet + citric acid (5g /kg feed). Variables under investigation were growth performance parameters (Feed intake, live body weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio), Carcass traits (dressing perecent and relative weights of internal organs) , hematological parameters ( Haemoglobin (Hb) (g/dl), RBCs (x106/ul), Haematocrit (%), MCV (FL), MCH (pg), MCHC (g/dl) and WBCs (x103/ul), differential leukocytic count %, Serum biochemical parameters (Cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Albumin, Total Protein), Liver and kidney function (AST, ALT, ALP, Direct bilirubin, creatinine, urea and uric acid and) and economic parameters ( Total cost , total return and net profit ) in addition to measure of collective and partial economic efficiency measures , .
The data were collected, arranged and analyzed statistically using computer program SPSS /PC (SPSS 25) Furthermore correlation and regression analysis was conducted to determine the best function describe the factors affecting production and economic efficiency.
Our results are summarized as following:
1- Growth performance parameters
Feed intake was significantly differed at (P<0.05) by using the different dietary treatments. Spirulina group showed the highest level of FI (4429.17 g/chick), citric acid group recorded the lowest value (4289.05 g/bird). There was a significantly improvement at (P<0.05) in LBWs in all supplemented groups (SPA, CO, and CA) (2720.41, 2644.25 and 2713.97 g/chicks) In comparison to the control group 2446.41 (g/chicks). Several dietary treatments had a significantly positive impact on total BWG at (P<0.05), (SPA, CO and CA) reported the highest BWG values (2675.85, 2599.47 and 2669.38 g/chick) respectively contrast to control group (2401.82 g/chicks). Dietary treatments had significantly enhanced FCR at (P<0.05), (SPA, CO, and CA) reported the lower total FCR values (1.66, 1.68, 1.61) than the control group (1.82).
2- carcass traits:
live weight, carcass weight and dressing percent were significantly differed at (P<0.05). SPA, CO, CA recorded the highest value of live weights (2518, 2479 and 2668 g/chick) and carcass weights (1632,1531 and 1709 g/chick). SPA and CA recorded the highest dressing percent (64.81%, 64.06%) while CO had no significant effect on dressing percent (61.76%) in comparison to control group (62.34%). Heart weight and abdomen fat didn’t significantly affect at (P<0.05) among treatment groups. Furthermore Liver, proventriculus and gizzard had significantly increase at (P<0.05) with CA, SPA, CO addition. Supplementation of SPA, CO and CA had no significant effect at (P<0.05) on relative weights of heart, gizzard, and abdominal fat. SPA, CA, CO respectively recorded the highest relative weights of liver at (P<0.05) (2.22, 2.20 and 2.15 %). Furthermore, SPA and control group recorded the highest proventriculus relative weight (0.48 and 0.44 %) at (P<0.05). SPA, CO, and CA has no significant effect (P<0.05) on weight and relative weight of spleen. CO and CA showed the higher values of thymus relative weights (0.30 and 0.29 %) at (P<0.05).
3- Hematological parameters:
Hb and RBCs count were significantly affected at (P<0.05) by addition of differed feed additives SPA, CO and CA (10.80, 10.55 and 10.44 g/dl) in comparison to control group (10.25 g/dl. In addition, the higher values of RBCs were observed in SPA, CA and CO respectively (3.78, 3.70 and 3.68 (x106/ul)). Hematocrit (%), MCV, MCH and MCHC were not significantly differed at (P<0.05). There was a meaningful difference at (P<0.05) between control and various feed supplementation on WBCs count, heterophile % and lymphocyte %. while Eosinophils and monocyte didn’t significantly affect at (P<0.05). CA recorded the highest WBCs count (10.12 (x103/ul)).CO, SPA and CA recorded the lowest heterophile (%) respectively (19.33, 19.28 and 20) compared to control group (22.40). furthermore SPA, CO and CA had improved lymphocyte % (74.67, 74.62 and 74) in comparison to control group (72.60).
4- Biochemical parameters:
Different dietary treatments had no significant impact at (P<0.05) on serum cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and VLDL. SPA and CO had significantly affected albumin value at (P<0.05) as they recorded the highest albumin value respectively (1.46 and 1.44 g/dl). SPA has positive impact on total protein level at (P<0.05) as its value (2.84 g/dl) compared to control group (2.56 g/dl), while CO and CA didn’t have a substantial effect on total protein level. SPA, CO and CA had a positive effect at (P<0.05) on liver and Kidney function. control group recorded the highest urea, creatinine, and uric acid values respectively (14.76, 0.20 and 2.4mg/dl), while SPA, CO and CA supplementation had reduced these values. The lowest urea value was observed in CO group (12.5 mg/dl), CO group recorded the lowest creatinine and uric acid values (0.17 and1.86 mg/dl). AST, ALT, ALP recorded the highest values in control group (246, 17.26, 1150 IU/L), moreover, the significantly lower values of this indictors were observed in the supplemented groups. The highest value of direct bilirubin at (P<0.05) recorded in the control group (0.10 mg/dl) while CA, SPA and CO recorded the lowest value (0.06,0.07 and 0.07 mg/dl) respectively.
5- Economic parameters:
Feed Cost was significantly affected at (P<0.05) by the addition of various feed additives, Feed cost recorded the highest value in SPA supplemented group (71.48 EGP) while CA recorded the lowest feed cost (69.3 EGP). Feed additive cost was significantly affected at (P<0.05) among dietary treatments, CO addition was the Greatest Cost (5.23 EGP) while CA addition recorded the minimal cost (2.56 EGP). Total cost has significantly affected at (P<0.05) by dietary supplements addition, CO supplemented group recorded the highest TC (86.35 EGP) followed in decreasing order by SPA and CA respectively (84.79 and 82.43 EGP) in comparison to control group (81.31 EGP). Total return and net profit were significantly improved at (P<0.05) by different feed additives supplementation. SPA, CA recorded the highest return respectively (101.60 and 101.36 EGP.CA and SPA recorded the highest NP respectively (18.93 and 16.81 EGP) while the lowest NP was in control group (10.15 EGP).
6- Collective and partial efficiency measures:
Collective efficiency measures BCR, (TR/TVC), (NP/TC)%, (NP/TVC)%, (NP/TR)% and relative economic efficiency (REE) were significantly affected at (P<0.05) by SPA and CA dietary supplementation , while CO addition didn’t significantly effect on these parameters at (P<0.05) .CA recorded the highest BCR, (TR/TVC), (NP/TC)%, (NP/TVC)%, (NP/TR)% respectively (1.23, 1.24, 22.96, 23.16 and 18.68) followed by spirulina (1.20, 1.21, 19.83, 20.02 and 16.55 ). The best relative economic efficiency value (REE) was in CA and SPA (183.97 and 158.89). Additive cost / TC (%) were significantly differed at (P<0.05). CO addition recorded the highest additive cost (%) as a percent of TC (6.07 %) while CA recorded the lowest percent (3.11%). Dietary supplementations had significantly decreased feed cost/Kg BW at (P<0.05), CA recorded the lowest value (25.57 EGP) followed by CO and SPA (26.52 and 26.28 EGP), control group recorded the highest value (28.87 EGP). CA and SP have significantly increased NP per kg BW at (P<0.05) regarding their values (6.99 and 6.18 EGP) when compared to control group (4.14 EGP).
7- Production and cost function:
Production function revealed that about 36% changes in final weight production have been attributed to changes in feed intake and different feed additives.
Cost function indicated that about 45% changes in total cost of production have been attributed to change in production amount.