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Systematic Review of the Impact of Limb Length Discrepancy on Spinopelvic Alignment /
Nasr, Ahmed Sobhy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / احمد صبحي نصر
مشرف / محمود عبد المنعم الرصاصي
مشرف / محمد اسامة رمضان
مشرف / محمد رشدي الطباخ
Orthopedic Surgery.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
105 p. :
جراحة العظام والطب الرياضي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الطب - جراحة العظام
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Limb length discrepancy (LLD) also known as anisomelia, is the term frequently used in the literature to describe the phenomenon of unequal lengths of the lower limbs. LLD can largely be divided into two different type; the first one is structural LLD; which is innate or acquired difference in the actual lengths of the two limbs, the second one is functional LLD; where there is no actual difference in the limb length, but the difference in length could be due to changed status in the lower extremity such as the contracture of joints, malalignment of the body, or when the difference in calcaneal eversion between the feet is more than three degrees. LLD has been associated with many pelvic and lumber biomechanical conditions including: low back, scoliosis and osteoarthritis in the hip joint. Researchers have found that only 1/1000 people who have LLD greater than 2 cm have noted changes in biomechanical gait. It has been observed that various common factors such as pain and arthritis may lead to spine, knee, and hip distress in patients and cause functional LLD. Pelvic tilt in the frontal plane, flexion of the hip and knee joint of the longer limb in the sagittal plane and increased plantar flexion of ankle in the sagittal plane of the shorter leg are examples of compensations caused by differences in limb length. In addition to posture and gait abnormalities, LLD are associated with several musculoskeletal disorders, including scoliosis and resultant degenerative spinal changes. This scoliosis is nonprogressive and involves a structurally normal spine with an apparent lateral curvature. It is termed functional lumbar rotatory scoliosis. LLD can be measured by Teleroentgenogram, Orthoroentgenogram and Scanogram (CT and X-ray). Surface topography is a method that allows evaluating the effects of LLD on the pelvic position and spinal posture, since it is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses light lines to scan and analyze the back surface of patients. Studies using surface topography have shown that kinematic chains exist in the human musculoskeletal system, which can be consequently affected by LLD. This technique has shown its high validity and reliability in measuring LLD and their effects on the spine and pelvis in numerous previous studies. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the impact of LLD on spinopelvic alignment. This systematic review included eleven articles which met the inclusion criteria, six studies were prospective, four studies were retrospective and one study was RCT.(14,15,16,17,18,20,22,23, 24) This study showed that, LLD is a common condition that may cause posture changes and clinical consequences The current study showed the effect of using corrective shoe inserts for eight weeks on frontal and transverse plane spinopelvic alignment and dynamic balance. It was hypothesized that shoe insert use would improve spinopelvic alignment and dynamic balance. The current study showed lack of data between LLD and scoliosis. The main results of the study revealed that: Eleven studies were included 6 were prospective, 4 were retrospective and one was RCT. A total of 1670 cases were included with mean age 24.9 years and m\f was 292\1231, mean BMI was 22.6. Baseline curve types of scoliosis were, 26 patients had lumbar curvature, 13 patients had thoracolumbar curvature, eight patients had double major curvature, and 25 patients had thoracic curvature. Mean baseline Pelvic Obliquity was 1.73 changes to 6.81, mean Baseline Pelvic Torsion was 2.6 changes to 1.3, mean Kyphotic Baseline Angle was 42.63 ± 6.33 which changes to 42.96 ± 8.01. Mean baseline Pelvic tilt was 14.1 and changes to 10.15, mean baseline Sacral slope was 38.3 changes to 37.3, mean baseline Cobb angle (°) was 27.3 and changes to 17.2. Mean baseline Lumbar lordosis was 56.7 changes to 48.7, mean baseline Thoracic kyphosis was 55.9 changes to 32.8, lumbar scoliosis and thoracic scoliosis founded in 20, three cases in Kobayashi K et al.,2020 study. Two studies assessed pelvic torsion, showed significant decrease from baseline to after with p-value 0.0029. Two studies assessed Pelvic tilt, showed significant differences from baseline to after with p-value 0.0013. Based on our results we recommend for further studies on larger patients and longer period of follow up to emphasize our conclusion.