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Clinicopathological and pathological studies on hepatoprotective effect of Dandelion and Ginkgo biloba against Thioacetamide induced liver damage =
Mostafa, Heba Mohamed Shabaan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هبة محمد شعبان مصطفي
مشرف / السيد مهني حموده
مشرف / سماح شحاته عوده
مشرف / دينا رجب شعبان
مشرف / حسام جعفر عبد الكريم
مناقش / محمد عبد العظيم هاشم
مناقش / أسامه علي محمد عبد الله
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
116 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب البيطرى - الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية
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The entire world is zeroing in today on utilization of home grown separates in treatment of most sicknesses rather than compound medications to forestall their secondary effects. Thus, this study planned to assess the advantageous activity of dandilion and G. biloba extricates against hepatic wounds and harm actuated by TAA organization in male rodents. To accomplish this review, absolute number of sixty rodents was utilized. They were separated into six groups of equal size as follows:
- Bunch 1 (control): was kept as control which got 1 ml of saline by oral organization.
- Bunch 2 (TAA): was gotten TAA (250mg/kg b.wt, I/P) broke down in 1ml saline.
- Bunch 3 (TAA + GB 50): was given Ginkgo biloba extract (50 mg/kg b.w.t.) and TAA orally through a gastric tube, as in group 2.
- Bunch 4 (TAA + GB 100): was gotten TAA as in bunch (2) and Ginkgo biloba separate (100 mg/kg b.wt) orally utilizing a gastric cylinder.
- Bunch 5 (TAA + DL 250): was given the same amount of TAA as the second group and dandelion extract (250 mg/kg body weight) through a gastric tube.
- Bunch 6 (TAA + DL 500): was gotten TAA as in bunch (2) and dandelion extricate (500 mg/kg b.wt) orally utilizing a gastric cylinder.
- Every one of the medicines were arranged newly and were given three times each week for a long time.
- Blood tests were acquired from retro-orbital venous plexuses toward the finish of fourth and eighth week post-treatment in plain cylinders for serum detachment and center biochemical examination. Likewise, five rodents from each gathering were forfeited toward the finish of fourth week post-treatment and the leftover was forfeited toward the finish of eighth week post-treatment for assortment of liver tissues for histopathological assessment and homogenate groundwork for assessment of liver GSH and MDA, notwithstanding immunohistochemistry.
Each time, the relative liver weight and body weight were recorded. Concerning the outcomes, body weight kept critical diminishing in all of TAA treated bunches with a huge expansion in relative liver load in bunch 2 when contrasted with control bunch at fourth week post treatment. At eighth week post-treatment, body weight of the whole treated bunches recorded a critical diminishing and furthermore, relative liver weight, however treatment with G. biloba and dandelion separate effectively improved these changes.
- As to biochemical examination, TAA essentially expanded serum action of liver-related chemicals (AST, ALT, High mountain and GGT), what’s more, TAA organization fundamentally diminished serum convergence of all out proteins and egg whites, these progressions were joined by a huge expansion in serum all out bilirubin, fatty substances and complete cholesterol at both fourth and eighth weeks present treatment as looked at on control bunch. In a similar consistence, organization of TAA essentially diminished hepatic tissues content of glutathione (GSH) and expanded malondialdehyde (MDA) focus at fourth and eighth weeks post-treatment when contrasted and control bunch. At the 4th and 8th weeks following treatment, administration of G. biloba and dandelion extract together partially ameliorated the aforementioned changes.
- That’s what histological and immunological outcomes cleared, following a month of the treatment, liver segment of control bunch showed ordinary hepatic engineering of gateway region, focal vein and hepatocytes, while in TAA inebriated rodents, the liver area displayed serious hydropic degeneration, provocative cell penetration in entrance region and brilliant yellow to brown hemosiderin colors, close to multi-central hepatic putrefaction with fiery cell invasion, and gentle fibroplasias were taken note. In addition, there was mild fibroplasia, faint eosinophilic albuminous edema, severe inflammatory cell infiltration, and congestion of the portal vein in the portal area. The administration of various doses of dandelion and Ginkgo biloba extracts partially helped to alleviate these lesions. While TAA-intoxicated rats’ livers showed severe hydropic degeneration, central vein congestion, and hepatic sinusoid hemorrhage after 8 weeks of treatment. Also, there were fibrosis around focal vein, central necrotic around the hepatic lobules next to blockage of entry vein, notwithstanding biliary epithelium hyperplasia, edema and recently framed bile ductules. Masson’s trichrome stain also revealed fibroplasia and inflammatory cell infiltration in the portal area. These sores showed up in rodents treated with various portions of Ginko biloba and dandelion removes, in any case, with negligible degree.
- Additionally, utilizing of safe histochemical method to identify presence of p53 protein and TNF-α, showed their nonappearance in control rodents, while in TAA-treated rodent displayed solid positive earthy colored response, while in hepatic tissues of Ginkgo biloba and Dandelion treated rodents, these proteins showed moderate to frail resistant earthy colored staining in portion dependant way at fourth and eighth weeks post-treatment.