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أثر المشاركة في اتخاذ القرارات على الالتزام التنظيمي :
زغبى، محمد السيد عبدالجواد عبداللطيف.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد السيد عبدالجواد عبداللطيف زغبى
مشرف / وفقي السيد المتولي الامام
مناقش / ناجي محمد فوزي خشبة
مناقش / احمد السيد محمد السيد زيادة
القيادة الإدارية. الأمن الوظيفي. الرضا الوظيفي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر إلكترونى (159 صفحة) :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التجارة - قسم إدارة الأعمال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 159

from 159


The educational system is affected by its environments in which it operates and influences it, and the institutes are part of this system, concerned with achieving its goals and objectives, and it is the implementing agency for all its policies and programs, and its role is evident through the decisions taken by the institutes’ directors. from here comes the need to take care of participation in decision-making and its mechanisms, based on the development of administrative thought in the field of decision-making and decision-making in organizations of all kinds. And to a comprehensive knowledge of all its variables, to bring the decision to the stage of adulthood, at which the percentage of error is almost negated (Official, 2017). Although the use of scientific methods in decision-making increases the rationality and rationality of the decision, just relying on them alone is not enough, as a group of variables must be taken into account, and sometimes the variables are in the form of many obstacles that appear after the decision is made, specifically in the implementation stage, the most important of which are: obstacles organizational climate, the prevailing organizational climate, severe centralization, and the lack of delegation of powers to other factors that managers must work to neutralize their impact in order to improve the quality of their decisions while making sure that the human dimension is taken into account in this approach through the involvement of the influential parties affected by the decision (Al-Tayeb, 2019 ). One of the advantages of this participatory is that it opened the way for teachers and principals to meet to choose alternatives after enriching them with discussion and analysis, within a systematic process that takes into account the influence of various factors. Participatory decision-making improves its quality and increases the degree of its rationality, as it enables the director of the institute to get acquainted with the opinions of those working with him, while benefiting from their expertise and diversity, which increases the alternatives before him, and expands the field of comparison between those alternatives (Al-Qarwani, 2017) but the reality of the institutes Religious studies in the Egyptian country indicate a weakness in the degree of school principal’s involvement of teachers in decision-making and taking. All of this also requires focusing on human resources and qualifying them with knowledge, experience and skill to carry out work efficiently and effectively, and to enhance organizational commitment among employees. where organizational commitment expresses the individual’s attitudes towards the organization in which he works, as well as his commitment to exert more effort in performing the work, in addition to the individual’s strong desire to remain as a member of the organization. The organization requires new stops with organizational commitment that addresses the variables that support it and help in its growth and development (Mercurio, 2015) Third: Research problem and questions: Complementing the findings of previous studies regarding the existence of a research gap, and the researcher’s attempt to measure the impact of participation in decision-making on organizational commitment from the point of view of employees of Al-Azhar institutes in Dakahlia Governorate Al-Azhar University in Dakahlia Governorate, and to achieve this, the researcher conducted a number of personal interviews with a number of (30) individuals working in Al-Azhar institutes in Dakahlia Governorate, during the period from 2-15-2022 to 2-18-2022. The interviews resulted in the following: - 40% of those interviewed realize the impact of participation in decision-making in its four dimensions on the organizational commitment of the company. - 60% of those interviewed believe that they do not know the factors affecting participation in decision-making with its four dimensions on organizational commitment. In light of the results of the exploratory study, the study problem can be formulated in the following question: 1. What is the nature of the relationship between participation in decision-making and organizational commitment, from the point of view of workers in Al-Azhar institutes in Dakahlia Governorate? 2. Is there a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of participation in decision-making on the dimensions of organizational commitment from the point of view of workers in Al-Azhar institutes in Dakahlia Governorate? Fourth: Research Objectives: In this study, the researcher seeks to achieve the following goals: 1. Determining the differences between the opinions of the employees of Al-Azhar institutes in Dakahlia Governorate regarding the research variables. 2. Determining the nature of the correlation between participation in decision-making and organizational commitment from the point of view of Al-Azhar institutes in Dakahlia Governorate. 3. Determining the degree of influence of participation in decision-making on organizational commitment from the point of view of employees at Al-Azhar institutes in Dakahlia Governorate.