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ما بين الهند وأمريكا: قراءة ثقافية لروايتي
البيت الذهبي لسلمان رشدي وميراث الخسارة لكيران ديساي /
جاد, ندي عبد تالرحيم محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ندا عبد الرحيم محمد جاد
مشرف / إيمان حلمي المليجي
مشرف / أسماء عبد السلام الشيخ
مشرف / إيمان حلمي المليجي إيمان حلمي المليجي
مشرف / أسماء عبد السلام الشيخ
الادب الانجليزي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
122 ص. :
الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة دمنهور - كلية الاداب - اللغة الانجليزبة
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This study offers a cultural reading of The Inheritance of Loss (2006) by the Indian author Kiran Desai and The Golden House (2017) by the Indian American novelist Salman Rushdie focusing on some cultural concepts, for instance, language, religion, and family. These analyses also discuss the link between multiculturalism and globalization and how many cultures might be affected by migration and globalized movements. Moreover, this study introduces many examples of different Indian categories of immigrants who travel to America and Europe and as a result, their cultural identities start to be affected by the globalized world.
Many scholars use cultural analysis to read different texts from literature, music, art, and Media. This study is concerned with two literary texts by two writers who use their narrative technique to highlight the results of immigration and its effects on the minds of those immigrants. So, some concepts are of relevance here: stereotyping, dependency complex and identity dilemma. By stereotyping this study uses Robert A. Williams depending on his Work Like A Loaded Weapon (2005). By discussing the meaning of dependency complex, this study highlights Fanon’s work Black Skin White Masks (1952), especially relating to his fourth chapter The So-called Dependency Complex of Colonized Peoples. This thesis also tackles Edward Said’s identity dilemma in his work Culture and Imperialism (1994).
• Chapter one: Theory and Literature Review
I. Theoretical Framework
The first chapter is divided into two parts: Theoretical Framework and Literature Review. The theoretical part reviews the theory applied in this study. It starts with discussing the concepts of culture, multiculturalism, and globalization and how these concepts are related to “identity issues” according to Edward Said’s view. Also stereotyping as discussed by Williams is highlighted, by introducing his view of stereotyping ”Indians as savages”. “Dependency complex” as referred to by Fanon is also discussed. Fanon applies his concept of ”dependency complex” to Negroes, but this study’s consideration focuses on the dependency complex’s application to Indian immigrants.
II. Literature Review
The second part of the first chapter is a literature review that briefly discusses previous critical studies tackling the same works of Desai and Rushdie trying to show the similarities and the differences between them and the current one. Many studies tackle Dasai’s The Inheritance of Loss from a postcolonial perspective. Others are interested in Rushdie’s The Golden House, it is notable that no comparison between the two is offered. This study tries to launch a comparison between the two novels based on cultural approach. The work of Desai was discussed by Vivek A. Freitas through her doctor of philosophy thesis and Margrida Martins through her research by introducing the fundamental changes in the Indian personality due to immigration. This novel also was introduced by Tanushree Vachharajani in the third chapter of his Doctor of philosophy by reflecting on what he thinks of the Subaltern. The Golden House by Rushdie only has reviews due to its recent publication date.
• Chapter Two: A Cultural Reading of Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss (2006)
The second chapter tackles Desai’s novel The Inheritance of Loss which was published in 2006 as a result of her personal experience as an Indian woman who traveled to America. This work allows Desai to express her own opinion of immigration through a fictional literary work. This chapter offers cultural analyses of Desai’s novel, focusing on some concepts like globalization, stereotype and identity. Globalization affects the characters of the novel, like Biju and Saeed, in different ways. These two characters who were illegal migrants to America, give different reactions to the influence of globalization. Other characters who did not migrate seem also under some influence of globalization despite the surrounding Indian culture.
The chapter also discusses how stereotyping is influenced in a positive way by globalization, and how migrant characters began to question some stereotypes which were basically established in their native Indian culture.
Cultural identity is also reflected in this novel. The chapter discusses how cultural identity, through Indian heritage and language, has important role in determining the characters’ choices and action. Two generations reflect this issue in two different ways.
• Chapter Three: A Cultural Reading of Salman Rushdie’s The Golden House
The third chapter reflects a cultural view of Rushdie’s novel The Golden House. These analyses show the views toward, identity, multiculturalism, and immigration. Some people think that this multiculturalism benefits the original Indian culture; adding some different concepts to their culture. Other critics see that this kind of multiculturalism will destroy the original culture of India.
The events of this novel revolve around the character of Nero Golden who is an Indian father to three boys. He travels to America with his family as a global character who is supposed not to be related to any cultural identity. But later this analysis will reveal his origins and how he uses immigration as a way of escaping from being arrested as a member of Z-company’s mafia. This critical part explains how he and his three sons are affected by globalization and world culture.
• Chapter Four: A Comparative Reading of Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss(2006) and Rushdie’s The Golden House(2017)
The fourth chapter is a comparison of the novels under study by Desai and Rushdie, focusing on culture, globalization, and immigration, giving textual evidence from their novels. This part highlights the similarities and differences of their points of view and how they make use of their characters to prove their cultural vision of migration, globalization and cultural identity
تقدم هذه الدراسة قراءة ثقافية لرواية ميراث الخسارة (2006) للكاتبة الهندية كيران ديساي ورواية البيت الذهبي (2017) للروائي الهندي الأمريكي سلمان رشدي مع التركيز علي بعض المفاهيم الثقافية, على سبيل المثال اللغة والدين والأسرة وتناقش هذه التحليلات أيضا الصلة بين التعددية الثقافية والعولمة وعدد الثقافات التي قد تتأثر بالهجرة وحركات العولمة وعلاوة على ذلك, تقدم هذه الدراسة أمثلة عديدة لفئات مختلفة من الهنود المهاجرين إلى أمريكا وأوروبا, ونتيجة لذلك بدأت تتأثر هوياتهم الثقافية بالعولمة العالمية.
يستخدم العديد من العلماء التحليل الثقافي لقراءة نصوص مختلفة من الأدب والموسيقى والفن والإعلام. تتعلق هذه الدراسة بنصين أدبيين لمؤلفين اثنين استخدما أسلوبهما السردي لتسليط الضوء علي نتائج الهجرة وآثارها علي أذهان هؤلاء المهاجرين. لذا, بعض المفاهيم ذات الصلة هنا: القوالب النمطية, عقدة التبعية وأزمة الهوية. وباستخدام الصورة النمطية في هذه الدراسة تمت الإشارة إلي روبرت أ. ويليامز استنادا إلي عمله الأدبي كسلاح محمل (2005). تم تسليط الضوء علي عمل فرانتز فانون بشرة سمراء ذات أقنعة بيضاء (1952), خاصة فيما يتعلق بفصله الرابع ”مجمع التبعية للشعوب المستعمرة”. تتناول هذه الأطروحة معضلة الهوية كما تناولها في عملة الأدبي الثقافة والإمبريالية (1994).