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The use of self inflating tissue expanders in the treatment of intraoral soft tissue deficiency :
Sherif Hany Shams Eldin ,
Sherif Hany Shams Eldin
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Sherif Hany Shams Eldin
مشرف / Mohamed Galal Beheiri
مشرف / Omniya Abdelaziz
مناقش / Mohamed Galal Beheiri
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
36 P. :
Oral Surgery
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - الفم والأسنان - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Objectives To assess clinically the efficiency of the osmedself inflating tissue expanders in gaining soft tissue in the affected areas intraorally. Materials and methods: Diagnosis: {u2022}The diagnostic data was collected by the investigators and confirmed for eligibility with the assistant supervisor. {u2022}Clinical examination was done for eligible patients to assess the deficiency. {u2022}Alginate impression were made and study casts were poured. Treatment sessions Timeline The maximum period of treatment was planned to be 40 days. The patient was examined preoperative, immediate postoperative and on the time of expander removal during the study period. The evaluation was performed at 3 visits: preoperatively (T1) immediate postoperative (T2) and at the time of expander removal (T3) . Pre-operative preparation: {u2022}All clinical data was gathered including personal data, dental history, medical and surgical history, and family history. {u2022}Preoperative impression and casts. {u2022}Oral hygiene regimen using mouth wash rinsing 5 days pre-operative. Procedural steps: 1)Incision was made using a 15 blade down to the bone .(figure 2) 2)Mucoperiosteal flap were elevated to create a pocket for the placement of the tissue expanders. 3)The surgical template provided with the expander was inserted in the pouch to check for the proper space created for the expander. (figure 3) 4)expander were placed in pouch, , and the incisionwas then approximated with vicryl 4-0 suture