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العلاقة بين القانون الدولى الانسانى وقانون حقوق الانسان من منظور الهيئات التعاقدية لحقوق الانسان /
جلال، سيد محمد سعد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سيد محمد سعد جلال
مشرف / اشراف عبدالواحد محمد الفار
مشرف / معمر رتيب محمد عبدالحافظ
مناقش / نبيل احمد حلمى
مناقش / عصام محمد احمد زناتى
دولى عام -
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
402 ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الحقوق - القانون الدولي العام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 296

from 296


Our research on this subject is that the relation ship between international humanitarian law and international human rights law are only two sings of human protection in times of war and peace as well.
All this through legal bas is, evidence and international agreements with the existence of a complementary relation-ship between the two laws, which leads to flexibility in providing the largest integrated protection for humans in times of the impact of the controversy in terms of the extent to which human rights law applies outside the regional scope.
In addition, human rights and international humanitar-ian law are distinguished by their close connection with the human being wherever he is as they aim to respect and protect be individual .
The law has gained a new ground in recent times after the many cases of infringement of rights and freedoms as well as ferocity of wars in away that the world has not witnessed before.
Some international jurists have considered merging the two lows together in one law, but the difference in the sources of the two laws and the scope of their application, whether personal or material, made each of them has its own independent and goals.
The provisions of international human rights law aim to ensure that all individuals enjoy political rights and freedom, and protect them from social evils (In peacetime).
As for international humanitarian law, its provisions that are applied in times of armed conflicts that regulates military operations and achieve the damages resulting from them to the maximum extent possible.
The provisions of international human rights law also aim to ensure that all individuals enjoy basic rights and freedoms and protect them from social evils the united nations works to support and consolidate this, and reginal international organizations also contribute in this field, all with in its geographical circle, in time of war and peace.
These provisions are divided into two parts:
The first of them defines the rights of combatants in the practice of hostilities and the performance of military operations and sets restrictions and controls an the methods and means of warfare.
The second works to protect soldiers who are un able to fight and people who do not participate in military operations, and it is called ”Geneva law”.