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Students’ Knowledge and Attitude Toward Organ Donation and Transplantation at selected Faculties of Minia University /
Mohamed, Doaa Eisaa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / دعاء عيسى محمد
مشرف / يسريه السيد حسين
مشرف / إخلاص محمد إبراهيم التومي
--------- Donation of organs, tissues.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
94 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة المجتمع
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The decision to donate organs and tissues is influenced by one’s knowledge of the process. Knowledge allows incorrect beliefs to be clarified, potentially increasing willingness to consent to organ donation. The community health nurse plays an important role in providing comprehensive health services to university students, including health promotion and disease prevention through analytical assessment, cultural competencies, and knowledge transfer to improve knowledge and attitudes about organ donation and transplantation (Emiral, et al., 2017).
The aim of the current study to was assess knowledge and attitude of Minia university students toward organ donation and transplantation.
Research Design
A descriptive research was used to achieve the aim of the present study using quantitative data collection methods.
The study was conducted at four faculties. It included two medical faculties were Pharmacy & Nursing faculties and two non-medical faculties were Foreign Language and Tourism & Hotel faculties in Minia University.
Stratified random sample was used, it is made by dividing the university faculties into two strata (medical & non-medical) for obtaining homogenous stratum and to sharply defined, then using simple randomization technique. The investigator chose pharmacy and nursing faculties for representing practical sector. Also, the investigator randomly chose foreign language & tourism and hotel faculties for representing the theoretical faculties.
Tools of data collection:
Three interviewing questionnaires were used as following:
I- Socio- demographic Questionnaire
II: Organ-Tissue Donation and Transplantation Knowledge Scale (ODTKS)
III: Organ Donation Attitude Scale (ODAS):
The main findings of the present study were the following:
Regarding socio-demographic characteristics of the studied students, more than half of them were at the age from 18<20, were female and live-in rural area (57.4%, 55.3% and 53.2% respectively). The majority of the studied students (89.4%) were single and 95.7% of them having no family members performed transplant.
Regarding studied students’ knowledge concerning to donor characteristics, near to half (45.1%, 47.7% and 46.8% respectively) of studied student had correct knowledge about defining organ donation, about donate certain organs while are alive and healthy and about defining brain death as irreversible and total cessation of all of the brain functions in the person.
Regarding studied students’ attitude according to fears of medical neglect, more than half (53.2 %)of the studied students’ responses by neutral regarding no medical tricks will be employed to save the life of a person who has signed a donor card. 49.8% of them have responses by neutral regarding there is a considerable likelihood that doctors will pronounce a person’s death prematurely if they have signed a donor card.
Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that:
Only around a quarter of Minia university students had sufficient awareness of organ donation and transplantation, according to the study. When it came to the attitudes of Minia university students on organ donation and transplantation, it was discovered that more than half of the students polled had a favorable outlook. The level of knowledge and attitude of Minia university students about organ donation and transplantation had a positive link.
Hold scientific seminars for students to increase their understanding of organ donation and transplantation.
Provide posters, booklets, and leaflets on this subject in the university library.