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فاعلية برنامج قائم على نظرية العبء المعرفى في تنمية المهارات العقلية والدافعية للتعلم
لدى الطالبات معلمات علم النفس/
محمد،حنان فتحي عبدالعزيز .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حنان فتحى عبد العزيز
مشرف / سعاد محمد فتحى
مشرف / نشوة محمد عبد المجيد
مناقش / سعاد محمد عمر
مناقش / زينب بدر عبد الوهاب
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
المناهج وطرق تدريس علم النفس
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - قسم مناهج وطرق التدريس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 316

from 316


هدف البحث إلي تنمية التحصيل، المهارات العقلية، والدافعية للتعلم لدي الطالبات معلمات علم النفس، من خلال برنامج قائم علي نظرية العبء المعرفي، ولتحقيق هذه الأهدف تم إعداد مادتا التجريب وهما دليل المعلم وأوراق العمل، و(أدوات ) القياس والتي تمثلت في (اختبار تحصيل، اختبار المهارات العقلية، مقياس الدفعية للتعلم) وتكونت عينة البحث من (60) طالبة من الطالبات معلمات علم النفس بالفرقة الثانية بكلية البنات جامعة عين شمس، وتم أتباع المنهج (التجريبى) ذو المجموعتين، حيث تم تقسيم العينة إلي مجموعة تجريبية وعددها (30) طالبة، ومجموعة ضابطة وعددها (30) طالبة، وقد أظهرت النتائج وجود فرق ذو دلالة إحصائية عند مستوي دلالة (01.) بين متوسطي درجات طالبات المجموعة التجريبة والمجموعة الضابطة في التطبيق البعدي (لاختبار التحصيل، واختبار المهارات العقلية، ومقياس الدافعية للتعلم)، لصالح المجموعة التجريبة، وقد أوصي البحث بضرورة إثراء المناهج الدراسية فى مختلف المراحل والمستويات التعليمية بالأنشطة والتدريبات التربوية المناسبة التى تساعد على تنمية المهارت العقلية والدافعية للتعلم لدي الطلاب وتمكنهم من تلخيص وتنظيم المعلومات بالطريقة التي تساعدهم علي معالجتها وتخزينها مما قد يساهم في تكوين بناء معرفي مترابط ومتماسك لديهم ويزيد من قدرتهم علي التحصيل.
الكلمات الدالة: البرنامج، نظرية العبء المعرفي، المهارات العقلية، االدافعية للتعلم .
• Research Problem and Questions:
The problem of the current research is summed up in ”the existence of a difficulty and a cognitive load among students of psychology teachers of the second year in their study of some of the academic courses assigned to them, which led to a weak level of mental skills and a low level of motivation to learn.”
To address this problem, the current research attempted to answer the following main question: How can a program based on the theory of cognitive load be built in developing the mental skills and motivation to learn among female students, teachers of the Psychology Department?
from this main question, the following sub-questions are derived:
1. What is the picture of the program based on the theory of cognitive load for female psychology teachers?
2. What is the effectiveness of a program based on the theory of cognitive load in developing the achievement of female psychology teachers?
3. What is the effectiveness of a program based on the theory of cognitive load in developing the mental skills of female psychology teachers?
4. What is the effectiveness of a program based on the theory of cognitive load in developing the motivation to learn among female psychology teachers?
• Research Hypotheses:
The current research sought to verify the validity of the following hypotheses:
1) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of female psychology teachers in the overall cognitive achievement test and its sub-dimensions before and after studying the presented program in favor of the post application.
2) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the pre and post applications for the experimental group students in the achievement test.
3) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of female psychology teachers in the total mental skills test and its sub-dimensions before and after studying the presented program in favor of the post application. 4) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the female students in the experimental group for the pre and post applications of the mental skills test.
5) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of female psychology teachers in the scale of total learning motivation and its sub-dimensions before and after studying the presented program in favor of the post application.
6) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the female students in the experimental group for the pre and post applications of the learning motivation scale.
7) The program based on the theory of cognitive load is effective in developing the achievement, mental skills and motivation to learn among female students, teachers of the Psychology Department.
• Limitations of the search:
The current research was limited to the following limits:
1) A group of female students, teachers of the Department of Psychology in the second year of the College of Girls, their number reached (60) students, they were divided into two groups, an experimental group numbering (30) students and a control group numbering (30) students.
2) The current research was applied in the first semester of the year 2020/2021 AD. Only three topics from the (Psychology of Learning) course, which are assigned to female psychology teachers in the second year, are (Pavlov’s classical conditional learning theory, Thorndike’s trial-and-error learning theory, and Gestalt’s insight learning theory).
3) To reveal the effectiveness of the program in developing some of the following mental skills: (focus, expansion, integration, evaluation).
4) Revealing the effectiveness of the program in developing some of the following dimensions of motivation to learn: (desire to learn, self-efficacy, satisfaction with learning).
5) Revealing the effectiveness of the program in developing cognitive achievement at its six levels.
• Research Objective:
The current research sought to achieve the following two goals:
1. Preparing a program based on the theory of cognitive load for the student, the psychology teacher, at the College of Girls.
2. To reveal the effectiveness of the program in developing the mental skills and motivation to learn for the student, the psychology teacher.
• Importance of Research:
First: The theoretical importance, represented by the following:
1) Providing a theoretical framework on the theory of cognitive load, and its applications in the educational process and different areas of life.
2) Urging curriculum and textbook planners to reconsider the planning of programs and curricula to be in line with modern approaches and theories in teaching, and to benefit from the cognitive load theory.
3) Provide specialists and those responsible for planning and developing psychology courses with some activities, procedures, and lessons prepared in light of strategies to reduce the cognitive load , which may be useful in teaching psychology.
4) Urging workers in the educational field on the necessity and importance of preparing teaching programs for psychology teachers and student teachers according to modern theories and strategies such as strategies to reduce the cognitive load.
5) Helping students and teachers to link and simplify information and transform it into meaningful packages, which increases their motivation to learn.
Second: The practical importance:
The practical significance of the current research was as follows:
A- Presenting a proposed program, including the methods, methods, activities and objective tools used in measurement and evaluation, which may lead to raising the level of learning motivation among female students, and then raising the level of their performance in psychology and enjoying its study.
B - Enriching the library of curricula and teaching methods by testing mental skills and a measure of motivation to learn.
C- Opening the way for other studies to develop mental skills and motivation to learn in different academic subjects.
• Research Methodology:
The current research and its steps were conducted according to two approaches: 1- The descriptive approach: It was used in defining the theoretical framework and preparing the proposed program and measurement tools.
2- The experimental approach: one of its designs was used, which is the experimental design with two groups (experimental and control), which depends on the pre and post application of the research tools.
• Search Tools:
The current research tools are:
A - The two experimental subjects, which included:
1. Program based on cognitive load theory. (Prepared by the researcher)
2. Worksheets for female students. (Prepared by the researcher)
b- Measuring tools, including:
1. An achievement test for the program content. (Prepared by the researcher)
2. Mental skills test. (Prepared by the researcher)
3. A measure of motivation to learn. (Prepared by the researcher).
• Research steps and procedures:
To answer the research questions and verify the validity of its hypotheses, the following steps and procedures were followed:
To answer the first question of the research questions, the following was done:
 Reviewing previous Arab and foreign literature and studies related to the theory of cognitive load identify: (its concept - principles - steps - teaching strategies on which it is based), in order to determine the foundations of the program. Review the literature conducted in the field of research in the following topics: The nature of psychology.
- Determining the characteristics of the age group that characterizes the student, the psychology teacher.
- Choosing some teaching strategies and methods based on the theory of cognitive load that are appropriate for building the program.
- Determining the stages of the cognitive load theory on which the process of teaching program topics is going.
- Choosing the most difficult and burdensome topics for the student, the psychology teacher in the second year, and including them in the program content.
- Building a program based on the theory of the cognitive load, and this is done by defining (its foundations, objectives, content, teaching aids and materials, teaching strategies and methods, appropriate evaluation methods), and then presenting it to a group of arbitrators to ensure its suitability and validity.
- Applying two sessions of the program to a group of female psychology teachers to ensure the validity of the program and its validity for application.
To answer the second, third and fourth questions of the research: Preparation of measuring instruments, which are as follows:
- Preparing a collection test and presenting it to the arbitrators to ensure its validity.
- Preparing the mental skills test and presenting it to the arbitrators to ensure its validity.
- Preparing a measure of motivation to learn and presenting it to the arbitrators to ensure its validity.
- Choosing the appropriate experimental design for the research.
- Choosing the two research groups of female psychology teachers randomly.
- Pre-application of measurement tools on the two research groups. Teaching the program based on the theory of cognitive load for the experimental group.
- Applying dimensional measurement tools to the two research groups.
- Monitoring, analyzing, statistically processing, interpreting and discussing the results in light of the research hypotheses and questions.
- Presenting recommendations and proposed research in the light of the research results.
• Search results:
The results of the search reached the following results:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of female students in the overall cognitive achievement test and its sub-dimensions before and after the application of the program in favor of the post-application of the experimental group at the level of significance (0.01), and that the effect size of the program was very large.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the pre and post applications of the experimental group students in the achievement test in favor of the post application at the level of significance (0.01), and the effect size of the program was very large.
3- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of female students in the total mental skills test and its sub-dimensions before and after the application of the program in favor of the post-application of the experimental group at the level of significance (0.01), and that the effect size of the program was very large.
4- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the pre and post applications of the experimental group students in the mental skills test in favor of the post application at the level of significance (0.01), and the effect size of the program was very large.
5- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of female student teachers in the scale of motivation for total learning and its sub-dimensions before and after the application of the program in favor of the post-application of the experimental group at the level of significance (0.01), and that the effect size of the program was very large.
6- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the pre and post applications of the experimental group students in the learning motivation scale in favor of the post application at the level of significance (0.01), and the effect size of the program was very large.
7- The effectiveness of the program based on the theory of cognitive load in developing both achievement and mental skills and motivation to learn for the student psychology teacher.
• Research Recommendations:
In light of the results of the current research, the following recommendations can be made:
 Directing the attention of those in charge of developing and developing educational curricula in the specialty of psychology to the use of strategies and principles of the cognitive load theory, and working to reduce the internal cognitive burden resulting from the difficulty of the content.
 Training university faculty members, mentors, and school teachers on how to use the theory of cognitive load and seek to reduce the external cognitive load, which is to re-design and redesign learning environments, and choose appropriate teaching methods for the topics to be learned.
 Enriching the curricula at various educational stages and levels with appropriate educational activities that help summarize and organize the presentation of information, and contribute to the formation of a coherent and coherent knowledge building for students.
 The need to pay attention to the development of mental skills and motivation to learn at all ages by providing activities and life situations that help develop their mental skills and using evaluation methods that include higher mental levels.
 Attention to the development of motivation to learn at all ages because of its importance in increasing the sense of pleasure in learning, and gaining knowledge and skills that students like and tend to
 Providing an academic climate that contributes to raising the students’ cognitive efficiency and enables them to achieve success in life, harmony and adaptation with others, and a sense of self-satisfaction.
 Emphasizing the necessity and importance of activating the role of technology in the learning process because of its great importance and a major role in facilitating and completing the learning process effectively in different circumstances and times.
• Research Suggestions:
In light of the results that have been reached, the current research suggests conducting the following research:
1- Building a program in light of the theory of cognitive load to develop psychological toughness and enjoyment of learning among female students.
2- The effectiveness of strategies to reduce the cognitive load in developing creative thinking and the trend towards psychology among undergraduate students.
3- Building a program based on some strategies to reduce the cognitive load in developing critical thinking and metacognitive skills among secondary school students.
4- The effectiveness of a proposed program based on the theory of cognitive load in developing the cognitive achievement and psychological resilience of female psychology teachers.
5- The effectiveness of using the cognitive load theory in developing academic achievement for students with learning difficulties.