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Impact of Lifestyle Modification Module on
Adherence to Therapeutic Regimen of Children and Adolescents with
Beta Thalassemia Major\
Rahma Elsayed Abdel Aziz Salem
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رحمــــة السيــــد عبد العزيز سالم
مشرف / صافـى صلاح الديـن الرافعـى
مشرف / رانـدا محـمـود أسعد سيد مطر
مشرف / سلمـــى السيـــد حســـن
مناقش / صبــاح سعــد الشرقـاوى
مشرف / صفــاء صـــلاح إسمـاعيل
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الأطفال
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Background: Healthy lifestyle behaviors are important for thalassemic children and adolescents to prevent disease-related complications and improve quality of life. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of lifestyle modification module on adherence to therapeutic regimen of children and adolescents with beta thalassemia major. Design: A quasi- experimental design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: This study conducted at Hematology Outpatient Clinics in Children’s Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University which found in the 4th floor. Subjects: A purposive sample of children and adolescents was selected according to certain inclusion criteria. Sampling: A purposive sample comprised of 80 children and adolescents with beta thalassemia major. Tools: Data were collected through using 4 tools pre/post module implementation. I- Pre designed questionnaire, II- Children adherence tools which included: (a) Medication (Morisky), (b) Therapeutic regimen (diet, physical exercise, and follow up). III- Perceived stress scale, IV- Sleep quality scale and developed intervention lifestyle modifications module. Results: This study revealed that more than three quarter of studied children and adolescents with ß-TM had satisfactory knowledge about ß-TM post lifestyle modification module implementation and the majority of children and adolescents with ß-TM were adherent to taking medicines post module implementation. Conclusion: there were significant improvements of knowledge and adherence of the studied children and adolescents with ß-TM to therapeutic regimen post the lifestyle modification module application. Recommendation: Continuous health teaching with to children and adolescents with ß-TM to improve their adherence to therapeutic regimen and Lifestyle modification module about ß-TM should be provided to all newly diagnosed children and adolescents and should be available to all children and adolescents with ß-TM in Hematology Outpatients Clinics and Inpatient wards.