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Epizootiological Studies on Diseases Caused by Monogenea in Some Marine Fishes /
Ibrahim, Alyaa Ali Ibrahim.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / علياء علي ابراهيم ابراهيم
مشرف / ماثر محمد منير طه اللمعي
مناقش / عادل عبدالعليم شاهين
مناقش / صلاح الدين مصيلحي علي
Monogenea. Fishes.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
104 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الطب البيطري - أمراض ورعاية الأسماك
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This study has been carried out on 300 marine fish (100 Siganus revulatus,100 Planiliza macrolepis, and 100 Scomberomorus commerson). They were collected randomly and seasonally from Suez canal marine water at Suez Governorate. Examined fish showed no pathognomonic clinical signs. Some infested cases with monogeneasis showed excessive mucus secretion and sticking of gill filaments or marbling of gills in Siganus revulatus, Planiliza macrolepis and Scomberomorus commerson. The post- mortem findings revealed pale liver in some cases of Siganus revulatus and Planiliza macrolepis. The isolated parasites were Pricea multae, Pricea fotedari, Gotocotyla secundus and Cemocotyle carangis. The total prevalence of monogenetic
infestation was 53.3%. The highest percentage was in Scomberomorus commerson (82%) followed by Siganus revulatus (59%), then Planiliza macrolepis (10%). The seasonal prevalence among the
examined fishes was the highest in summer (65.3%) followed by spring (60%), then winter
(45.3%) and the lowest prevalence seen in autumn (30.6%). The highest monogenetic infestation
occured in larger fish than in smaller ones. PCR was used as a tool in confirmation of the
morphologically identified Gotocotyla secundus using the 28S rDNA sequence gene which gave
positive band at 300bp. The histopathological alterations were also recorded.