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Quality Of Life Of Nurses’ Working In Family Health Centers In Damanhur City
Abu Al Kheer, Heba El Said Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Heba El Said Ahmed Abu Al Kheer
مشرف / Nazek Ibrahim Abd El-Ghany
مشرف / Fathia khamis Kassem
مناقش / Enas Mohamed Ebrahim Hassan
مناقش / Zakia Toma Teama
Public Health Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
91 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Public Health Nursing
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Nurses are fundamental to the delivery of quality health care across the continuum of
care and one of the most important human resources in the health care system and their
health status affecting on their performance of work. So improvement of nurses’ health is
essential to decrease turnover and absenteeism from work, increase their productivity and
life satisfaction. Quality of life (QOL) has serious implications not only for the health and
well-being of nurses, but also for the health and safety of patients. Therefore, it can effect
positively in the work life of nurses and those positive effects can expand to the health and
quality of life in general.
Aim of the study
Assess the quality of life of nurses’ working in the family health centers in Damanhur
Research design
Descriptive design was used to carry out this study.
The study was carried out in all (11) family health centers, affiliated to The Ministry
of Health and Population in Damanhur city, namely Firt Medical Office, Second Medical
Office, Third Medical Office, Health Center, Nasser Medical Center, Saad Medical Center,
Abu Abdullah Medical Center, Shubra Medical Center, Salahuddin Health Center, Abu El
Rish Health Center, Crescent Service Center.
All nurses working in the previously mentioned family health centers were included
in the study. The total number of the studied subject was 250 nurses (n=250).
Tools of the study:
In order to collect the required data from the studied sample, two tools were used.
Tool I: structured questionnaire for Nurses health profile; it was developed by the
researcher to collect data from the studied sample and it comprised of three parts:
Part 1: Socio demographic characteristics of the studied sample, e.g. age, gender,
marital status, educational level, years of experiences, position and qualification.
Part 2: physical health status. It was included data about health history, present and
past medical history, health problems, lifestyle as dietary habits, physical activity and
exercises, sleeping pattern, follow up, dental health and anthropometric measurements
such as weight, height, body mass index, assessment of BP and blood glucose level.
Part III: Mental Health Inventory (MHI 38) Davies R, et al (1998). This scale is
designed to assess the multi-dimensional nature of psychological well-being. It consists of
38 items used to score the six mental health subscales including: anxiety, depression, loss
of behavioral/emotional control, general positive affect, emotional ties and Life
Satisfaction. All of the 38 MHI items, except two, are scored on a six-point scale (range 1-
6). Items 9 and 28 are the exception; each scored on a five-point scale (range 1-5).
Tool II: WHO Quality of life (WHOQOL) scale (1998).This sheet was derived
from The WHO quality of life. (WHOQOL-100 items). The WHOQOL assesses
individuals’ perceptions of their position in life in the context of the culture and value
systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and
concerns. Social relationships domain was consist of (personal relationships score, social
support score and sexual activity score). Personal relationship fact was examined the
extent to which people feel the companionship, love and support they desire from the
intimate relationship in their life. Social support fact; this fact examines how much a
person feels the commitment, approval, and the availability of practical assistance from family and friends. Sexual activity fact; this fact concerns a person’s urge and desire for
sex, and the extent to which the person was able to express and enjoy his/her sexual desire
appropriately. The questions do not include the value judgment’s surrounding sex, and
address only but the relevance of sexual activity to a person’s quality of life. All of
WHOQOL items are scored on a five -point scale (range 1-5). Domain scores are scaled in
a positive direction (i.e. Higher scores denote higher quality of life).
The social relationships domain score was calculated by computing the mean of
the facet score within the domain, according to the following formulae. Transformed
score= (score - 4) x (100 /16).
Then it classified as follows:
- 0-<50: poor quality of life.
- 50-<75: fair quality of life
- 75-100: good quality of life.
1. Two tools were used:
 Tool I was developed by the researcher after reviewing of the recent literatures (part
1, 2) and using part 3 The Mental Health Inventory 1998 .To assess psychological
health status of nurses
 Tool II Derived from WHO Quality Of Life-100 (WHOQOL) scale . Which was
developed by the WHO Quality of life group in 1998, then translated into Arabic
and adapted to the nurse’s level of understanding by the researcher to assess the
social health status of them.
2. Content validity of the study tools was tested by a group of five experts in the field of
community health nursing.(Jury) necessary modifications was done based on their
3. The questionnaires were tested for their reliability using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
test. The results proved to be reliable with values being (r = 0.864) for nurses quality
of life; physical, psychological and social health.
4. A pilot study was conducted before starting data collection on a random sample of 25
nurses (10% of the estimated sample); this number was excluded from the real
5. Data were collected from the nurses’ after meeting of each one for about ten minutes
to explain the aim of the study, and the needed instructions were given before the
distribution of the questionnaire to all subjects on each family health center on a
daily basis for five days a week during morning shift. Data was collected during the
period from December 2014 to February 2015
6. Written informed consent was obtained from the study subjects to collect the
necessary data.
7. Confidentiality and anonymity of individual responses were guaranteed.
The main results of this study were as follows:
 According to the socio demographic characteristic of the studied sample, all of them
(100%) were females, and only approximately one third (33.6%) of them were their
age ranged from 30 – 40 years old.
 It was revealed that slightly more than three quarters of them (88.8%) had Technical
Secondary Nursing School Diploma, on other hand, (7.2%) had Technical Nursing
Institute Diploma and the rest (3.6%) had a bachelor’s degree.
 Regarding to the years of experience more than one third of them (35.6%) their
experience ranged between 5 to 25 years and above. Years of experience mean and
stander deviation was 17.98±7.25.
 As regard to their position and qualification more than three quarters of them (88%)
were nurses while the rest of them their position and qualification was technical
nurses and professional nurses ranged between(8 % and 4%) respectively.
 Concerning to their marital status it was observed that slightly more than three
quarters of them (79.6%) were married while the rest of them were single, divorced
and widow (8.4%, 4%, and 8%) respectively.
 In respect to the residency more than three quarter of them (80%) was living in rural
areas and only one fifth (20 %) were living in urban areas.
 Concerning to blood pressure measurement slightly more than two third of the
studied sample (67.2%) had normal blood pressure, which was ranged between
110/70 to 130/80 and 100/60 while the rest of them (32.8%) had hypertensive and
their blood pressure ranged between 140/90 to 170/100.
 As regard to the body mass index (BMI) more than half of the studied samples
(56.8%) were overweight, while the rest of them their weight ranged between
normal and obese(23.2%, 20%) respectively.
 Regarding to the random blood sugar slightly more than two third of them (66.0%)
had Hyperglycemia, while the rest of them (34.0%) had normal range. The random
blood sugar mean and stander deviation was 130.1±38.7.
 Concerning to the current health problems more than three quarter of the studied
sample (82.4%) had current health problems while only less than one fifth of them
(17.6%) were not having a current health problem.
 Regarding to the types of health problems slightly more than three quarters of the
studied sample (77.1%) had musculoskeletal diseases such as muscle and joint pain
(1%) arthritis (1.5%), back pain more than two third (74.3%), had fracture 0.5%
while approximately one fifth of them (15.1%) of them had respiratory and
endocrinology diseases.
 As regard to the outdoor food nearly around two third of them (63.6%) were agreed
about the outdoor food while slightly more than one third (36.4%) of them
 Concerning to the practicing sports more than half of them (52.4%) were practicing
sports and the rest (47.6%) were not practicing it. for, the types of sports more than
three quarter of them (84%) said walking, and the others said Sweden (16%), also
for the frequency of practicing sports it was ranged between daily, two times per
week, from three to four times per week and once per week (39.7%, 31.3%, 6.9%
and 22.1%) respectively.
 Concerning to sleeping disorders slightly more than half of them (55.6%) had
sleeping disorders and the rest (44.4%) had not.
 Regarding to the breast self-examination which should be done monthly, nearly
around three quarter of the studied sample (73.6%) did not make it while only
approximately one quarter of them (26.4%) did this procedure.
 As regard to the vaccination for each disease it was clear that more than three
quarter of the studied sample (80.4%) had hepatitis ”B” virus vaccine and slightly
more than two fifth (42.8%) of them had influenza vaccine and only (10% ) of them
had meningitis vaccine.
 There was statistically significant correlation between the quality of life (physical
health) and socio-demographic characteristics of the studied sample concerning age,
education, years of experience, position and qualifications and marital status. While,
there is no statistical significant differences between quality of life (physical health)
and socio-demographic characteristics of them concerning to residency.
 Concerning to the correlations between the quality of life and the socio demographic
characteristics it was observed that there was statistically significant correlation
between the quality of life (psychological health) of the studied sample and their
Socio-demographic characteristics concerning age, education, years of experience,
position and qualifications, marital status and residency.
 There was statistically significant correlation between the quality of life (social
health) and socio-demographic characteristics of the studied sample concerning age,
education, years of experience, position and qualifications and marital status. While,
there was no statistical significant differences between quality of life (social health)
and socio-demographic characteristics of the studied sample concerning residency.
Based on the findings of the present study, the following recommendations are
1. Raise social awareness about the concept of stress, its harmful effects on nurses and
their families. This could be done through IEC (Information, Education and
Communication), media (e.g., radio and T.V), awareness campaigns and community
2. The government should provide a holistic approach to improve nurses’ health which
includes both nutrition and high quality health services and special attention which
should be given to meet their needs at all stages of their life. This could be achieved
through expansion of the health insurance services provided for nurses in addition to
the provision of periodical medical examination services for them especially for
Hypertension & Diabetes Mellitus.