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Online investigation of opto-mechanical and structure properties of fibres /
Mohamed, Al-Emam Zakariya Al-Emam.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / الإمام زكريا الإمام محمد
مشرف / أحمد أمين حمزة
مشرف / طه ذكى نبوي سكر
مشرف / كرمال أحمد الفراحاتى
مشرف / محمد عبدالكريم مصطفى البقرى
مناقش / ثروت محمود الشربينى
مناقش / محمد مدحت عبدالرحمن
Animal fibers - Industrial applications. Plant fibers - Industrial applications. Weaving.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
194 p. :
الفيزياء والفلك (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية العلوم - Physics
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 194


This work throw light on online investigation of opto-mechanical and structure properties of fibres. This research focuses on solving the technical issues that associated with the extraction of the phase object and calculating the optical properties of the fibres via the digital holographic interferometry, interferometric and the non interferometric techniques. In addition, developing the analysis methods of the interferometric techniques to detect and quantify the phenomena related to the fracture process, such as necking and crazing, with high degree of accuracy. In chapter 1, a general introduction is given with a review of the previous work dedicated to the investigation of polymeric fibres using the digital holographic interferometry, interferometric and the non interferometric techniques. Moreover, the description of the set-up and theoretical consideration of these techniques are given. In chapter 2, I present an extension of the adaptive spatial carrier frequency method which is proposed for fast measuring optical properties of fibrous materials. The method can be considered as a two complementary steps. In the first step, the support of the adaptive filter is defined. In the second step, the angle between the sample under test and the interference fringe system generated by the utilized interferometer is determined. In chapter 3, a method is proposed to solve the problem of extracting meaningful phase information for a single-shot interference pattern taken for an axially tilted fibre sample. To solve this problem, the complex amplitude across the hologram plane is recovered. This is followed by the complex amplitude is numerically propagated within a given volume. Thus, the planes where the tested object is in focus are defined. Consequently, the phase distributions corresponding to all of these planes are together stitched. In chapter 4, a modified method was suggested to improve the performance of the Pluta polarizing interference microscope in its non-duplicated mode for calculating the areal craze density. Furthermore, we suggest an accurate method to calculate the structure properties of fibres for high areal craze density. In chapter 5, the features of the phase shifting interferometric technique were utilized to investigate the effect of the presence of crazes in both outer and inner layers on optical birefringence and molecular orientation of polypropylene fibres. The Pluta polarizing interference microscope was used as a phase shifting technique. In chapter 6, the optical setup of the transport intensity equation (TIE) technique is developed to be valid for measuring the optical properties of an anisotropic fibres. This development is based on the microstructure models of the highly-oriented anisotropic fibres and the principle of anisotropy.