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Priorities of Quality Health Care as
Perceived by Oncology Nurses and
Patients /
Khyami, Suzan Ata Allah Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Suzan Ata Allah Mohamed Khyami
مشرف / Samah Faisal Fakhry
مشرف / Galila Mohamed Abd El Ghafar
مناقش / Galila Mohamed Abd El Ghafar
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
192p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - Nursing Sciences
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 192

from 192


Todays of increasing complexity of multidisciplinary
health services and rapid growth of health care technologies,
improvement and assurance of the quality of health care have
become an issue of primary concern. Furthermore, quality
health care should avoid wasting finances, time, equipment,
and energy. It must be consistent across patients of all gender,
ethnicities, socio-economic statuses and other personal
characteristics. However, although quality care should be
universal in all settings and for all patients, it may be more
critical in certain conditions that need extra care, e.g. critical
care and oncology.
This study was aimed to:
1. Describing the priority ranking of the aspects of
quality health care by oncology patients;
2. Describing the priority ranking of the aspects of
quality health care by oncology nurses;
3. Comparing the priority ranking of patients and nurses.
 Summery
The study was conducted at Sohag Cancer Center at Sohag
Governorate. The actual study sample was 50 nurses and 220
patients admitted the inpatient unit. The data were collected by
using two tools namely:
Nurses: A self-administered questionnaire be used for
nurses. The tool includes the following parts:
o Part 1: Socio-demographic data: such as age, gender,
marital status, nursing qualification, work experience,
attendance of training courses, etc.
o Part 2: This part addressed nine aspects of quality health
care: accessibility, integrity, continuity, respect, security,
information, communication with patient, and
communication with relatives. The nurse asked to rank the
items of each of the nine areas according to her priorities.
Patients: An interview questionnaire sheet used for patients.
This tool included the following parts:
Part 1: Socio-demographic data: such as age, gender,
marital status, children, education, job, residence,
Part 2: This part covered the medical history of the patient.
It included the history of the present illness (cancer) such
as onset, course, duration, stage, therapeutic approaches,
 Summery
etc. It will also involve patient’s past history, as well as
the heath care plan.
Part 3: This part was similar to the second part of the
nurses’ tool with the same scoring.
The main results revealed that:
 Integrity of health care taking the first priority to nurses
 Communication with patient’s family taking the least
priority to nurses ranking.
 Respect taking the first priority to patient ranking while
communication with patient’s family taking the least
priority to patients ranking.
 No statistically significant difference between the two
groups in the priority scores ranking.
 Statistically difference when comparing of total priority
scores in aspect of quality health care between nurses
and oncology patients were found in the continuity of
care higher among patient and the security higher
among nurses.
 Summery
Based on the study findings of the present study, the
following recommendations were deduced:
 Increasing the opportunity for attaining scientific
conference, meetings and workshops as regards the new
trend treatment in cancer.
 Periodically sessions for patients and family concerning
their rights and responsibilities for raising their
awareness and cooperating in taking decision regarding
 Reviewing the system of nursing performance evaluation
and rewarding nurses upon it.
 Encouraging active communication between patient,
nurses, and patient’s family as a channel to receive
feedback and suggestion from patient and family.
 Reviewing staffing, scheduling and promotion system to
overcome shortage with special concern in cancer center.
 Regular meetings between managers and staff to discuss
their opinion regarding oncology nurse and oncology
patients’ needs and requirements for getting feedback and