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Assessment of Pediatric Nursing
Students in Technical Institute of
Nursing for Critical Thinking
Disposition /
Bekhet, Nariman Bekhet Shehata.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Nariman Bekhet Shehata Bekhet
مشرف / Madiha Amin Morsy Abou khalaa
مشرف / Bothayna Nader sadek
مناقش / Bothayna Nader sadek
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
177p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - Pediatric Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 177


In recent years, the ability to think critically has
become an increasingly important topic to researchers and
educators’ alike. It is a complex and vital skill in the
modern world to able to make decisions. The trend of
critical thinking has been described as inner motivation to
solve problems and make decisions by thinking. Therefore,
it is an important goal of education. Critical thinking is an
effective and organized mental process as well as is
disposition for thinking. Critical thinking disposition
represents an inclination of a person to use possessed skills
in relation to critical thinking. In nursing as a practical
profession, where rapid changes occurred and decisionmaking
is imperative, the concept of critical thinking
dispositions is important component in helping to manage
complex health situations and to deal with patient issues
effectively. Willingness to think critically is a prerequisite
for safe and subtly performance, Critical thinking
disposition is dependent upon a person’s disposition to
effectively apply it (Ghadi et al., 2015).
Additionally, the nurse should be a critical thinker and
critical thinker is habitually inquisitive, well informed,
trustful of reason, open-minded, flexible, fair minded in
 Summary 
evaluation, honest in facing personal biases, prudent in
making judgments, willing to reconsider, clear about issues,
orderly in complex matters, diligent in seeking relevant
information, reasonable in the selection of criteria (Holmes
et al., 2015).
Aim of the study:
The aim of this study is to assess pediatric nursing
students in technical institute of nursing for critical thinking
Research Questions:
1- Are the pediatric nursing students in technical
institute of nursing having dispositions to critical
2- What is the disposition level of critical thinking?
Research setting:
The study was conducted at the Technical Institute of
Nursing at Dar Elshefaa Hospital which was selected
randomly from all the technical institutes of the Ministry of
Health affiliated to Secretariat of the General Specialized
Medical Centers at Cairo Governorate.
 Summary 
Research subject:
A stratified random sample included 60 Pediatric
nursing students enrolled in academic year 2014/2015 at
Technical Institute of Nursing in Dar Elshefaa Hospital.
Inclusive criteria, adolescent girl, students belonging to
technical institute, receive pediatric nursing course content
theory and practice. Exclusive, no previous year academic
Tools for data collection:
Data was collected through the use of California
Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) adopted
from Faccione et al. (2000), The CCTDI scale translated
into Arabic language to suit all students’ level of
understanding. It includes two parts:
Part I: It concerned with characteristics of the studied
Part II: Consisted of 75 items grounded into seven
dispositions critical thinking characteristics which
include, truth seeking (12 items), open-mindedness
(12 items), analyticity (11 items), systematicity
(11 items), self-confidence (9 items), inquisitiveness
(10 items) and cognitive maturity (10 items).
 Summary 
The findings of the present study could be summarized
as follows:
More than two thirds of the studied students their age
range between 18 and less than 19 years old that represent
73.3%. While slightly more than one quarter of the studied
students their ages range between 19 and less than 20 years
old or equal that represent 26.7%. More than two thirds of
the studied students were technical school of nursing that
represent 80%. More than half of the students were urban
65%. It was found that 68.3% of pediatric nursing students
had disposition toward critical thinking and high level were
related to open-mindedness, truth seeking and systematicity
and lowest mean scores in the dispositional characteristics
were to self-confidence. There is high significant difference
between residence and dispositional characteristics
systematicity, inquisitiveness, and cognitive maturity and
their overall CCTDI score. Additionally, a statistical
significant difference was found between educational
background and dispositional characteristics of truth seeking,
systematicity, inquisitiveness and cognitive maturity subscale
and overall CCTDI scores.
 Summary 
The finding of the present study, suggested the
following recommendations:
 Reinforce the critical thinking disposition among the
pediatric nursing students regarding self-confidence.
 Identify the barriers.
 Further studies should be performed for generalization