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Detection of Salmonella, Yersinia And Vibrio Species In Marine Water Fish =
Abd El-Wahab, Amany Abd El-Fatah Attafy .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أماني عبد الفتاح عطافي عبد الوهاب
مشرف / إبراهيم عبد التواب سماحه
مشرف / هاني محمد عيد يوسف
مناقش / فهيم عزيز الدين محمد شلتوت
مناقش / حسام عبد الجليل إبراهيم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
54 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب البيطرى - الرقابة الصحية علي اللحوم ومنتجاتها
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Marine fish plays an important role in the human diet with an observed increase in the consumption of marine fish. Thus, it is necessary to study the prevalence of pathogens in fish to ensure the safety of fish and fish products. A total of 100 random samples of marine water fish represented by Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese (25 of each) were collected from local markets in Alexandria Governorate. Samples were collected in semi chilled state and moderate weight and kept in a separate sterile plastic bag and transferred in an ice box as soon as to the laboratory of the Food Hygiene Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University under possible aseptic conditions. Samples were examined bacteriologically immediately after arrival to the laboratory for isolation and identification of E. coli, Salmonella, Yersinia and Vibrio. The obtained results revealed that: Incidence of E. coli isolated from the examined samples of marine fish species was 36, 32, 28 and 24% in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Serotyping of enteropathogenic E. coli isolated from the examined samples of marine fish clarified that: Serotype O86:K61 was isolated with an incidence of 12, 8, 4 and 4% in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Serotype O111:K58 was isolated with an incidence of 8, 4 and 8% in Sardine, Barboni and Mackerel, respectively. Serotype O124:K72 was isolated with an incidence of 8, 12, 4 and 8% in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Serotype O26:K60 was isolated with an incidence of 4, 4, 8 and 8% in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Serotype O128:K67 was isolated with an incidence of 4% (of each) in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese. Incidence of Salmonella isolated from the examined samples of marine fish species was 16, 8, 4 and 8% in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Serotyping of Salmonella isolated from the examined samples of marine fish clarified that: S. Enteritidis was isolated from Sardine, Barboni and Dinese, with an incidence of 4% of each. S. Typhimurium was isolated from Sardine and Mackerel with an incidence of 4% of each. S. Haifa was isolated from Sardine, Barboni and Dinese, with an incidence of 8, 4 and 4%, respectively. Incidence of Yersinia isolated from the examined samples of marine fish species was 44, 36, 24 and 28 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Biochemical identification of Yersinia isolated from the examined samples of marine fish clarified that: Y. enterocolitica was isolated with an incidence of 20, 12, 4 and 8 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Y. frederiksenii was isolated with an incidence of 16, 8, 8 and 4 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Y. ruckeri was isolated with an incidence of 4, 8, 4 and 4 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Y. intermedia was isolated with an incidence of 4, 8, 8 and 12 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Incidence of Vibrio isolated from the examined samples of marine fish species was 36, 24, 20 and 12 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. Biochemical identification of Vibrio isolated from the examined samples of marine fish clarified that: V. parahaemolyticus was isolated with an incidence of 24, 16, 24 and 12 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. V. cholera was isolated with an incidence of 12, 8, 4 and 4 % in Sardine, Barboni, Mackerel and Dinese, respectively. On the basis of the previously mentioned results, E. coli, Salmonella, Yersinia and Vibrio still constitute common contaminants of marine fish and its presence is very important due to its public health significance, good hygienic measures must be applied to obtain safe marine fish.