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Description Of The Religious Stories In El-Bagawat Tombs At El-Kharga Oasis :
Ahmed, Ahmed Hussein Ali.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد حسين على أحمد
مشرف / عزت زكى حامد قادوس
مشرف / ممدوح درويش مصطفى
مشرف / سحر البدراوي
Tourism. Tourist guidance.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
274 P. :
السياحة والترفيه وإدارة الضيافة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية السياحة والفنادق - الإرشاد السياحي
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Kharga oasis is consider one of the most important regions that played an vital role in building the great civilization of Egypt since the oldest ages. The importance of this region is not only of being an important historical and archaeological site in Egypt, but also because it retained its great civilized and archaeological being for a long period over than 1700 years, though the clear state of poverty and simplicity in most of its monuments.
Nevertheless the scientific studies of the region still very poor an don’t fit a region of great scientific and historical importance as a main part of the Egyptian history, it is enough to say that the area of El-Bagawat cemetery is the remaining trace for us from the christian Egypt during the 3rd and 4th centuries B.C.
Indeed, the right name of this cemetery is the cemetery of ”Al-Gabawat”, and it is known that the Arabic letter ”Qaf” could be pronounced ”Geem” by the people of Oasis, and they called the area as ”Al-Bagawat” as a distortion for the word of ”El-Qabawat” as most of the mausoleums were covered by domes or Qabawat . This means that the word ”El-Bagawat” is the distorted Arabic term for the city of dead that overlooked the Roman city of Kharga oasis, which was called as Tiba Oasis that overlooked the traces of Amon temple(Hibis temple), which means the cultivated land or the land of ploughs.
The cemetery of Bagawat compromises enormous nombers of chapels about 263 chapels, some of these chapels are decorated in christian paintings. the most important of them are Exodus And peace chapels
Exodus chapel:
is one of the oldest chapels in the whole cemetery. It has no equivalent in the cemetery as the whole chapel is decorated with scenes of the old and new testament that are: Exodus scenes, Noah’s Ark , Adam and Eve, Daniel in the lions den, The Three Hebrews in furnace, Torture of Isaiah, The story of Jonah, Rebecca and Abraham , Joub , Susanna , Jeremiah in front of the Temple of Jerusalem , Abraham and Isaac , Shepherd, Torture of Thekla, The three virgins, The Garden .
Peace chapel:
This Chapel is the most popular among the scholars of art. It is called the Chapel of Peace and also called the Byzantine cemetery. also is decorated with scenes that are: Adam and Eve , Abraham and his son, The Symbol of Peace, Daniel in the lions’ den, Symbol of Justice, Symbol of Prayer, Jacob, Noah’s Ark , The Annunciation, Paula and Thekla.