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Management of radial head fractures by internal fixation versus head replacement /
Zaghloul, Mohammed Ezzat Awad.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محــمــد عزت عوض زغلول
مشرف / إشراف عبد السلام محمد حفنى
مشرف / عمر عبد الوهاب كيلانى
مشرف / كيلانى, عادل عبد العظيم
Orthopaedic Surgery. Fractures.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
105 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الزقازيق - كلية الطب البشرى - Orthopaedic Surgery
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Radial head fractures are common and account for one third of all
fractures of the elbow and approximately 1,7-5,4% of all fractures in
The radial head provides stability about the elbow and forearm in two
ways.first ,it serves as a secondary stabilizer to valgus instability of the
elbow with the primary stabilizer being the medial collateral
ligament(MCL).second the radial head also provides stability to the distal
radio-ulnar joint to assist the forearm in resistant axial forces and
enhancing grip strength.(3)
A variety of classification systems for radial head fractures have
developedof which most are based on the classification introduced by
Mason in his classic paper of 1954(1). According to the Mason
classification, radial head fractures are divided into three types
corresponding to the radiological findings: a type I fracture is a fissure or
marginal fracture without displacement. A type II fracture is a marginal
sector fracture with displacement. And type III fractures are comminuted,
involving the entire radial head. Johnston added a fourth type to the
Mason classification: radial head fracture with dislocation of the elbow
It is generally agreed that non-displaced fractures (Mason Type I) should
be treated conservatively. For type II there is no general agreement on the
superiority of either conservative or surgical treatment .Type III fractures
are generally treatedsurgically .Several treatment strategies are described:
internal fixation, prosthesis or excision of the radial head. However, the
optimal type of surgery is not yet identified.(5)