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Effect of Mode of Delivery on Children Intelligence Quotient at Pre-School Age in El-minia City /
Hasab Allah, Magda Fawzy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ماجدة فوزي حسب الله يوسف
مشرف / أحمد رضا العدوى
مناقش / سحر نجيب محمد
مناقش / عزة محمد محمد حافظ
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
99 p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية التمريض - Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing
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Childbirth is a universal biological event, occurs in all cultures and therefore may seem independent of any specific cultural influences.
C.S births have been steadily increasing over the past decade and have become an epidemic worldwide, there has been of much concern about its impact on maternal and child health. Most of mothers believe that cesarean delivery can improve the child’s intelligence.
The aim of the present study was to determine effect of mode of delivery on children intelligence quotient at pre-school age in Minia city.
The study was conducted at nursery schools in Minia city – Egypt. The sample included was composed of 300 children randomly selected divided into 150 children delivered vaginally including episiotomy and the other 150 children delivered through C.S.
The data were collected over five months from the beginning of October 2011 to the end of February 2012.
Methods of data collection were done through:
• Structured interviewing sheet: Designed, validated and utilized by the researcher and supervisors to be completed from every women attending to the nursery school with her child, which included the following parts: Socio-demographic data, obstetrical history, and child history.
• The second tool was the scale which measures the children intelligence. In this study the researcher used ”Good enough &Harries” intelligence test which consists of 77 items.
• Data were collected from 8 nursery schools in Minia city; from about 13 classes for children aged from 4.5 to less than 6 years (the age before school entry (KG2).
• Nursery schools were visited at 8.00 am to meet the mothers.
• The researcher greeting the mother and introduces her self, then explains the nature of the study & its aim.
• Interviewing the mother to collect the data related to socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric, and child history. Each interview takes about 10 minutes to fill the data in the sheet.
• The last step was meeting the child to measure the IQ level by applying the IQ test, the test required on average ten minutes for each child, and then determines the IQ level.
The main findings of the present study were summarized in the following:
1. The mean age of the mothers was (28.36 ± 4.047) years ranging from (21 to 39) years. Only (5 %) of mothers were illiterate. Concerning the mother’s occupation only (21.3%) of mothers was working. All of women (100%) included in the sample were selected to be lived in urban areas.
2. Concerning obstetrical history, nearly (45%) of the women had pregnancy for three times, while about (62.7%) of the women had two times delivery, in the same time (65.34%) of the women had no history of abortions.
3. As regards mode of delivery as mentioned above, half of the sample children (50%) were delivered through S.V.D including episiotomy and the other half (50%) were delivered by C.S.
4. About causes of C.S, it was found that nearly more than half of the women (52%) had C.S. as a result of CPD., while PROM represented only (1.3%).
5. All women (100%) included in this study were delivered within normal range of hours (within 24 hours).
6. In relation to child history, about two thirds (66%) of the children were within the age group (60 -> 66) months in other words from 5 to less than 5.5 years. Only 0.7% were within the age group (54 ->60) months or within the age 4.5 to less than 5 years with a mean (64.55 ± 2.78) ranging from (57- 71) months. On the other hand Children included in the sample were delivered on a mean gestational age of 37.05 ± 0.62 weeks, ranging from (35 – 40) weeks. While more than half of the children were females (54.7 %), and males constituted (45.3%).
7. The children of the present study were selected to be born within the normal birth weight which should be 2.5 Kg or more.
8. About two thirds (65%) of the children have an average IQ scores, while (8%) only have high IQ scores with a mean IQ score of (9.53 ± 4.71).
9. In relation to the relationship between mode of delivery and its effect on children IQ, in a primary analysis by using T. test, it was found that there was no statistical significant difference between children IQ scores of cesarean delivery and natural vaginal delivery groups (P. value = 0.286).
10. Results of the present study demonstrated that there was no relation between mother’s different educational levels and children IQ (P. value = 0.130).
11. There was a statistical significant difference between both children of working and non working mothers (housewives) in which the mean IQ scores are (9.85 for housewives mothers while 8.34 for working mothers) and (P. value = 0.05).
12. In a secondary analysis by using an advanced statistical techniques called (stepwise regression) able to identify variables that could predict the children IQ and at the same time exclude variables that couldn’t predict IQ, it was found that there were three variables that could predict the children IQ scores which were: S.V.D., mother’s age and number of deliveries (P= 0.001).
Based on the findings of the present study, the main following recommendations were suggested:
1. Giving more attention to (S.V.D) through proper management of different stages of labor especially 2nd stage of labor as it was found that it may be an indicator for higher IQ scores.
2. Encourage the women to use family planning methods to limit number of children as it was found that increasing number of deliveries not only affecting mother’s general health status but also may be a cause for lowering children IQ.
3. Increase the sample size in the future studies so that results could be generalized on all people.