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Analysis Of Certain Esters and Amides Of Pharmaceutical Interest /
Aamer, Sameh Elsayed Younis.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Sameh Elsayed Younis Aamer
مشرف / Fawzy Ali Ismail El-Yazbi
مشرف / Essam Fathy Khamis
مشرف / Rasha Moustafa Youssef
Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
111 p. :
العلوم الصيدلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الصيدلة - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry.
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 133

from 133


Part I:
This part presents a general introduction about the drugs used throughout the whole thesis covering the structures, chemical names, molecular weights, formulae, physical properties, pharmacological actions and uses of these drugs. Finally, a literature review describes the reported methods for analysis of the chosen drugs either in a bulk form or in their pharmaceutical preparations.
Part II:
This part deals with the evaluation of OST pharmaceutical preparations counterfeited with ASC. It includes two chapters:
Chapter I:
This chapter begins with a short account about the definition of the counterfeit drugs and their widespread existence all over the world, especially in the developing countries because of insufficient analytical resources. The chapter continues with some examples indicating the serious dangers of these products including drug resistance, morbidity and even mortality in many cases. Then, it shows how the specter of an avian influenza increased the demand for OST pharmaceutical products and, consequently, increased the opportunity to counterfeit these products using inactive elements such as ASC instead of the active constituent (OST).
Four spectrophotometric methods are used for the assay of OST pharmaceutical products counterfeited with ASC which can be applied easily in the developing countries. These methods determine OST without interference of ASC using D1, DD1, ΔA and ion-pair complex formation with BCG. The latter reaction was found better than the other ones regarding sensitivity and diversity of dosage forms analyzed.
Chapter II:
It offers an economic HPTLC-densitometric method as a more advanced solution for the quantitative determination of OST in presence of ASC. HPTLC analysis is performed using a mobile phase consisting of methanol: water: ammonia (6: 4: 0.05 v/v). Densitometric scanning is performed at 254 nm. Also, the plate is sprayed with ninhydrin reagent to increase the band detection intensity where a violet-colored band corresponding to OST is clearly observed due to the interaction of the primary amine-containing compound (OST) with ninhydrin.
Part III:
This part deals with analysis of anti-Parkinson’s drug (ENP). It includes two chapters:
Chapter I:
It indicates the importance of pKa and its various applications in analytical, organic, pharmacological and other fields. pKa determination is preferred with spectroscopic rather than with potentiometric titration due to its higher sensitivity.