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Some Studies on Intestinal Parasites Causing Diarrhea in Children in Minia Governorate /
Ahmed, Manar Mostafa Nagy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Manar Mostafa Nagy Ahmed
مشرف / Nabil Shakrany Gabr
مشرف / Rabie Mohamed Mohamed
مشرف / Usama Salah Belal
Communicable diseases in children. Communicable Diseases. Helminths.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
128 P. :
علم الأحياء الدقيقة (الطبية)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الطب - Department of Parasitology
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Intestinal parasitic infection is still a public health concern, the prevalence and intensity of these infections are still high, they also interfere with nutrition, growth, and development of children. In this study the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was estimated in 200 children in Minia Governorate.
Sex distribution showed male children (63%) and female children (37%), while age distribution showed the commonest age group to be from (0-2) year~ old (38%) and from (2-5) years old (27%).
Acute (:ialThea was evident in (42.5%), persistent diarrhea m (6%) and chronic dialThea in (51.5%), BLastocystis hominis was the commonest aetiologocal parasite (28%), followed by Cryptosporidium parvum (24%), Giardia LambLia (20%) and Entamoeba histoLytica (19% ).
The common parasitic infections causmg dialThea in male children were BLastocystis hominis (20.6%) of cases , Cryptosporidium parvum (19.2%) of cases, Entamoeba histoLytica (17.8%) of cases and Giardia Lamblia (15.1%) of cases while in female children it were BLastocystis hominis (29.5%), Cryptosporidium parvum (22.7%), Giardia LambLia (20.5%) and Entamoeba histoLytica (13.6%).
As regard different age groups affected, the commonest was m the age group less than 2 years (31.1 %), followed by age group
between (2-5) years (27.2%) then (5-10) years (22.1%) lastly more than 10 years (19.5%).
The distribution of polyparasitism was by two parasites 70 cases with the common combination by BLastocystis/Cryptosporidium (21.1 %), BLastocystis/ Giardia (18.4%), Giardia! Entanoeba (7.9%) and Entamoeba/ Cyclospora (7.9%) and by three parasites in 6 cases by Giardia /Cryptosporidium/ Entamoeba (5.3%) and BLastocystisl Cryptosporidium /Iodamoeba (2.6%).
The seasonal trends was evident III Summer season (30%) caused by (;iardia LambLia (23.3 %), BLastocystis hominis (20%), CryptosporidiUJ’1 parvum (20%) and Entamoeba histoLytica (16.6%), in Spring, it showed (25%) of cases and cuased by Giardia Lamblia (36%), Cryptosporidium parvum(28%) and BLastocystis homins (24%), in Autumn season it was (25%) caused by BLastocystis hominis (36%), Entamoeba histoLytica (28%), Cryptospridium parvum (20%) and Giardia LambLia (16%), finally in Winter season it was (20%) caused by Blastocystis (40%), Cryptosporidium parvum (30%) and Entamoeba histoLytica (209<.).
Gastrointestinal parasitic infections are major causes of morbidity and mortality throughout the world and particularly in developing COI ntries as Egypt where mortality rate due to infectious diarrhea could be as high as 56% in children and young adults, particularly in regIOns with limited resources and where hygiene measures are not strictly followed.
Causes of diarrhea in endemic areas include a wide variety of parasites. Intestinal parasites are associated with serious clinical.