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التدخل المهني لطريقة تنظيم المجتمع لتمكين الشباب من الاستفادة من برامج الصندوق الاجتماعي للتنمية كمدخل لمواجهة مشكلة البطالة:
احمد, ايمان عبدالعال.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيمان عبد العال أحمد عبد العال
مشرف / جمال شحاته حبيب
مناقش / على عباس دندراوى
مناقش / سرية جادالله عبدالسند
تنظيم المجتمع. التنمية المحلية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
265 ص. ؛
الجغرافيا والتخطيط والتنمية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية - تنظيم المجتمع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 246

from 246


First:The studying problem :
The problem of unemployment is one of the global and local problems, the key challenges faced by various governments in the world nowadays, where countries facing this problem and that differed in size from one country to another, even countries with high income and has the ability to spend on development projects and to meet the needs of its population, the problem spread to it , but there are different rates and degrees, it is a manifestation of the imbalance in economic construction, and the factors that led to the worsening problem of unemployment is the increase of population, privatization, technological progress, migration from rural to urban areas.
Among the organizations that contribute to the creation of employment opportunities for young people is the Social Fund for Development which was created by Presidential Decree No. 40 of 1991 in order to contribute to solve the problem of unemployment through providing job opportunities in addition to dealing with the side effects of the economic reform program and structural adjustment, young graduates and the unemployed are target groups of the Social Fund for Development’s services.
As the social work profession, which is one of the humanities in the field of youth, which aims to help young people to solve the problem of unemployment and improves their basic skills necessary to establish a small successful business through the program of intervention.
So, the problem of study is determined in ”Trying to determine the impact of the community organization intervention in enabling youth in benefiting of Social Fund for Development programs as an approach for confronting unemployment problem”, by strengthening the idea of self-employment among young people, teach young people how to conduct the feasibility study and market study, ways of managing project, give the young people’s ethics and business conduct in the project.
Second: Study importance :
The problem of youth unemployment is one of the most important problems facing society, where its rate equals to (9.4%) in the governorate of Assiut, therefore, young people must be encouraged to establish small businesses and urged them to go to self-employment.
Young people represent the core labor force in the community and the presence of youth unemployment at this level may result in multiple problems, hampering the production and development, which entails the definition of these effects, which is useful in planning to address them.
There is a worldwide interest in small and medium projects as the most powerful sectors to provide jobs, promote competition, in addition to their ability to quickly adapt to the market and its requirements because it is characterized by high dynamics.
Programs and projects implemented by the Social Fund for Development lead to achieve human development and thereby achieve local development.
The Social Fund for Development plays an important role in the development of economic projects for the Arab Republic of Egypt as it contributes to solve one of the greatest problems that Egypt and other developing countries suffering from.
Third: The aim of study :
The main objective of the study represents on:
”Enabling youth in benefiting of Social Fund for Development programs as an approach for confronting unemployment problem.”
Fouth:The study conceptions :
The study included the following concepts:
1- Unemployment.
2- Enabling.
3- Intervention.
Fifth: Study Hypotheses:
The main hypothesis of the study identified in:-
”It is expected the presence of a significant statistical relationship between community organization intervention and enabling youth in benefiting of Social Fund for Development as an approach for confronting unemployment problem.”
The sub-hypotheses of the study were as follows:
1) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and strengthening the idea of self-employment among young people.
2) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and educating young people how to conduct a feasibility study.
3) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and educating young people how to conduct a market research.
4) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and development of social relations for young people in the project.
5) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and young people’s acquisition of work’s ethics and conduct on the project.
6) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and educating young people how to develop ways of managing the project.
7) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and educating young people how to market the product.
8) There is a significant statistical relationship between the program of intervention and development of time management in young people.
Sixth: The kind or study:
The current study underlies the researches of assessment the return of intervention (under the pattern of assessment of programs return), where the researcher found it most appropriate to address the problem of research, which is trying to identify the validity of the intervention program for the organization of the society.
Seventh: The method of study:
The study based on quasi-experimental approach through the use and study of a single group and Pretest-Posttest Design, where the Pretest Design happens before the Posttest Design for on experimental group, then measuring of the difference between the indices and returns the result to the experimental variable, and to know the effect of experimental variable, which is the intervention on the dependent variable which is enabling young people to benefit from the programs of the Social Fund for Development as an approach to address the problem of unemployment.
Eighth: the study tools:
A scale to enable young people to take advantage of the programs of the Social Fund for Development.
Ninth: the fields of study:
1 - Spatial domain:
Nasser Youth Center in Welidia at Assiut City was chosen as spatial domain to implement the intervention.
2 - Human domain:
The preview window of the study sample represents on 55 graduates who partitioning one of the activities of Nasser Youth Center in Welidia, with applying the terms of the sample to young people, the study sample identified on (30) young people who are agree to participate and continue in the program of intervention.
3 - Time domain:
The time domain of the study, both theoretical and field about two years ago, where intervention program took about nine months, starting from 05/06/2010 until the end of 14/02/2011.
Tenth: The result of study:
1) The study proved the health of the main hypothesis, that: ”There is a significant statistical relationship between Pretest-Posttest Design of the experimental group after the application of a community organization intervention in enabling youth in benefiting of Social Fund for Development as an approach for confronting unemployment problem”.
2) The study proved the health of sub-hypotheses that:
a- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to strengthen the idea of the self-employment among young people.
b- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to educate young people how to conduct a feasibility study.
c- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to educate young people how to conduct market research.
d- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to the development of social relations for young people in the project.
e- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to young people’s acquisition of work’s ethics and conduct on the project.
f- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to develop ways of managing projects in young people.
g- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to how to market the product.
h- The Community Organization Intervention Program leads to the development of time management in young people