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The sustainable regional development in jebel Al-Akhder-Libya /
Idris,Ezzeddin Isa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عز الدين عيسى إدريس
مشرف / سمير حسن بيومى
مشرف / محمد عبد العال ابراهيم
مناقش / محمد طارق الصياد
مناقش / محسن ابو بكر بياض
Architecture Libya- Jebel Al-Akhder Area planning.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
178 p. :
الهندسة المعمارية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الهندسة - Architecture Engineering
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 183

from 183


The last decade of environmental work at world level was distinguished by the sovereignty intendment of sustainable development , which was formulated for the first time in the decision of our participant future , which was issued in 1987, from the International Development & Environment Committee , headed by the former Prime-minister of Norway Grou Haram Protland , which is currently, the chief of World-Health-Organization .
The Intendment of the sustainable development was new and revolutionary in the developmental idea, whereas, for the first time, the economical, social and environment were interfused in one definition. Batir W ARDA Nlundi 21 mars 2005, par .
According to Portland Committee definition , which became a distinguished sign at the developmental and environmental policies since the Nineties of the last century , the sustainable development is” the development which takes in consideration the society current needs without effecting the rights of the coming generations need . In the Earth-summit in 1992, which were held at Rue-de-genera, ”the sustainable development ”was the essential subject at the conference. , whereas the” Agenda 21 ” issued ,which indentified the economical , social and environmental standards inorder to realize sustainable development as an human developmental replacement to confront the needs and challenges of the twenty-one century. Also the second Earth-summit which was held on September 2002 at lohansbergh titled by : the International summit of sustainable development .
Further, the sustainability as it is explained by Portland Committee, calls to the incontinuity of the current consumed patterns whether in north or south and to compensate by consumed patterns and sustainable productivity, and without realizing such developments , there is no place to realize real intendments for comprehensive sustainable development . The Portland report confirms upon the alternative engagements between the Environmental , social and economical development and it is not possible to prepare or conform any strategy or sustainable policy without mixing these components together . The realizing of sustainable development needs to essential changes in the economical and social. systems , but, such changeable cannot be performed throughout” order from high ” - from the governor authority, or throughout the self Democratic Economical practice, and the cooperation among the social and different economical sectors and by practicing the economical democracy through the consulate operation which including all the society sectors.
The Susttlinability dimensions : The most important properties of the sustainable development intendment , is the complete organic link between economic, environment and society , and these three components cannot be taken as separated forms and there should be a complete economical analytical look . The sustainable complete economical system is the system which can produce commodities and services in a continued form and keep upon designated level and able to be managed in economical balance between the common product and the debts - and prevent the social troubles which can be caused from economical and environmental policies. The sustainable environmental system must protect the fixed base of natural resources and avoid the excessive of renewed and un-renewed resources , and conclude the biological and metrological variation and the soil productivity and other environmental systems which are not considered as economical resource .
SociaUy: The system can be sustainable, in case of its realization of justice in distribution and social services like health and education to those who need them and to equality in social variation and political managing and popular participation.
These entangled dimensions means that the look to the sustainable development differs according to the approach or the methodology and the background of analysis. The economists will concentrate upon the economical goals, also the ecological people concentrate upon the importance of nature-protection
beside that the socialist people confirms upon the principles of the social justice and the improvement 0 life-style , and so there are varieties in the definitions of sustainability according to the perceiv variation.
Jebel Akhder area was , since the old eras subjected to the vision of old different civilizations, aimed b the Greeks and Roman whereas they established great civilizations and had constructed over it planes cities which were planned and populated beside their economical regime with legal and administrativ associations to challenge the venerable important cities in the old history.
This region was representing the food basket for the Roman and Greek cities , whereas the people we planting and grazing according to the relics which were represented by the water-wells, dams , reservoirs and irrigated canals to protect the water and maintain the soil beside the olive-presses and th importing sea-ports.
Also the Jebel Akhder attracted the Islamic State, and so the Islam had freed and they formed an Islami civilization exceeded to West Africa. The Jebel Akhder area played a national role whereas our fore¬fathers Libyan had performed a great struggle over the hills, valleys and feet-mountain of the greates legends and heroism and ransom against the Fascist Italians Groups which formed inspiration, prou and haughtiness to this Mountain and to the coming generations.
The natural dimensions of this region extended between 32° & 33° east and face the Sothern part of th Mediterranean sea which bounded it from north and west. from the east it is bounded by Al-Batnan Hi which is approximately dry region, and from the south it is bounded by the great desert and the great sea sand.
The Jebel Akhder extended from Al-Marj city west to Derna city east, and its length about 200 Km an its width about 120 Km. which represent 1% of the total area from Libya and is called Jebel Al-Akhd regarding the ever green trees there which is the only place where such ever green trees is found alo the sea cost of the Mediterranean sea , from Atlas mountains west to AI-Sham land on east, which enjo with biological variations and includes more than 50% form the total kinds which are spread in To Libya and represents 41 % of the founded plants.
The reason of selected Jebel Akhder region to be an ever green and sustainable area returned back t plenty of conditions such as :
• The strategic site at land cost of the Mediterranean sea and from the national state it is linked wi an essential movement, like the coat road which is extended from Ras-Jedair from west closed t the Tunisian borders till Emsaid area at East closed to the Egyptian borders . and this road i considered the main road for transportation , whether inside or outside of Libya for t commodities and people transport .
• The Tours variety Possibilities which the area is replete such as the relics and historical and the coasts, gulfs, mountains, valleys, springs and natural waterfalls.
• The moderate and suitable climate for human beings allover the year.
• The ever-green plant cover which includes the wild plants with the good medical advantag beside the green pastures and forests.
• The presence od some natural protections like the sea-turtles of silver back and the protection the (Al-shmari ) plant which are a kind ever green bushes.
• The population harmonized fixture where there are no customary, religion or doctrine struggles .
• The small urbanized areas which are confined in small cities and causes no environmental h