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The Possible Modifications of The Metabolism of
Cephalosporins Drugs Under Stress of Induced
Xenobiotics :
Omara, AbdAlla Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / AbdAlla Mahmoud Omara
مشرف / Khalil A.El-Halfawy
مناقش / Ibraheim A. Elaimy
مناقش / Khalil A.El-Halfawy
Metabolism- Juvenile literature. Metabolism.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
Computer Optical Disc 1 ;
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الهندسة - Genetic Engineering and
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Drugs are considered xenobiotics and most are extensively
metabolized in humans. Animals utilize a means for disposing of
human-made drugs that mimics the disposition of chemicals found in
the diet. A large number of diverse enzymes have evolved in animals
that apparently only functions to metabolize foreign
chemicals .Enzymes that metabolize xenobiotics have been called
drug-metabolizing enzymes. In general, these xenobiotics are
lipophilic chemicals, which in the absence of metabolism would not
be efficiently eliminated, and thus would accumulate in the body,
resulting in toxicity. As a general, metabolism serves to convert these
hyDROPhobic chemicals into derivatives that can easily be eliminated
through the urine or the bile.
Hepatocytes and liver microsomes are routinely used for the
prediction of in vitro metabolism of drugs with the advantage that
they are easier to work with than whole animals. These in vitro
systems should, therefore, reflect in vivo metabolism. Microsomes
have been used to predict metabolism and drug-drug interactions.
The present study aimed to study cytotoxicity bioassay, lethal dose
determination, drug exposure bioassay, recovery period and stability
of tested drugs bioassay, study of tested drug metabolic enzymes
activity in vitro and metabolic studies.