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Assessment of ultrasonography and diagnostic peritoneal lavage in the management of blunt abdominal trauma /
Ali, Mohamed Khalifa.
General Surgery. Ultrasonography. Peritoneal dialysis.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
117 p. :
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 124

from 124


Ultrasonography and diagnostic peritoneal lavage are the diagnostic modalities most commonly used in patients without obvious indications for laparotomy after blunt abdominal trauma. The aim of this work was to compare between the role of ultrasonography and diagnostic peritoneal lavage in predicting the accurate diagnosis in cases of blunt trauma to abdomen. Fifty cases of blunt abdominal trauma have been chosen with random. Complete history taking, general and local examinations were. done for every case, together with selective radiological and speci fie investigations according to their indications as C. T. on the abdomen, i.v. pyelography, C.T on the brain and so on. All the patients underwent immediate real time sonographic exam ination of the abdomen by all experienced sonographer, then a peritoneal 11IVtlgC ill closed and open techniques was performed with the ! intraoperative findings or, if laparotomy was not performed to the cl inical course. The male to female ratio was 2.1: I, the mean age was 23.26 years and the peak age incidence was in the second decade or of life.