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Studies on some protozoan parasites in birds /
Elmadawy, Reham Samir.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ريهام سمير المعداوى
مشرف / صديق عبد العزيز فائق
مشرف / نجوى عيد احمد
مناقش / محسن محمد نجم الدين
مناقش / لبنى محمد العقباوى
Birds Parasites. Birds Diseases.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
158p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - Department of parasitology
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Phy.1.:111 p”or,no” contain CIlat’I11()LJ~ variety or parasitic or,l.:,:’1I: isui-; lfEl!1y S;)’cele~ ofwhich occur in birds <Inc! potentially r~:hogenLt: protozoa ’’IT commonly foun ~ i n :l:.e internal orgar.s, digesii vc: tract inc I udi ng ill .cstine arid blood circulati 0:1. The effect of parasitisn: 011 birds 3.I”C olicr; severe ’ncludi ng retarded growth, luy,,’ egg production 8J:() ~L~~(C otahili t.y to oJ1(;Or infections The PI’OLOZOJIl infection in birds :llay also InnSIJ; i L !o .mrnan ,’If some protozoa may ’)e zoonotic ~”or human being,
T:k ruau: protozoa ill (w digestive tract of brds are FiJ l.e ri:.•, species, (rvpLo’’’I’0ridium spp., Trichomo~ ~pp., Ck.rdi4 spp. ;:.I1~ BbHocvs-::i~ spp [11 ~loot1 lsucocvtomor. sPP” P!;’somcilll1l ~I)IL lIae:1wprotel;S spp. and NUl-al i() .. spp. are commonly infect birds.The pr”,~e:lCC of protozoa does not always constitute a disease process , L:1i5 depend on host resistance, immune stntus, levei of para3iti sn., patl.ngcnesity of protozoa urul concurrent bacterin I , viral anc fLmp;~ I .n rcctior; ( r I ipsham , 1095’1.
Coccidiosis .s a disease caused by £1.n;c:-:a spp. and ;’\I”fc.:cT;ng poultry and cnnsi ric:’ a, one of t1C most. exrer;si ve and common di <;n”.~.” 1 :1~ritr: of i”Ldv~J\~c;~] 1-. che.notherapy, nangerncnt, nutri tion and ge :1<:tic::; (M~,”’ ouguld find Re id, 1 \Ill 1) . L causes rJ0L ()l:ly CCOI1[,:Yl i<::flily impo.tarr char:ge., such as i 111 pa iretl growth, poor food uriliz.uion and
depigmentation hut can d~o procuce char~cs n; zhe 1)”,(,; tabo I ism, .iss ,~e C[11l1:~o~iLi on zr.d cietary requ irement, all or which impact fld\lt:r~ely an e [Iect on pcu I try procuc.ior. (”\ lien, [ %6 j,
Cn:T;llU~p{)ridi\Jm ~pe.;~cs are COC~~(:icl’ parasite that i ~l hab: 1 L’l(: mkro’,”Jlus herder of the epithelial (,dis of respiratory and inLe~;jI:al tYild (Gooowin, : lJ iN), They were <i~;;Oclaled will: respiratory manifestati OJ, and diarrhea in h;nh, ,\’0 ia ,1 infection have ocer do:;wllel1l.ed
for cbiclml:F1Ct.~’1cr d al; l~P)), turkey (I-10~;T;::1 al; 19n). l”’L~k (Ricllte~’ et oil ” 199’::’) geese ( Proctor and Kemp , jt:J74 ) and pi~~on
( Rodrl[’,llez ct al; 1997) ,
The l”:10s1 imoor.ant ’l’lchunOllilds in po,)lLL’Y are 1~•;rdrichoL1~1,!J.ilS. ,C,::\l’, ~n~ , J, g~.llirmu’11 , I ~natL:; , I. anseris and ’fritriclWmqnas ;;:),:,:1’1 i”
T. ?all :l’,ae inhabits -:bc upper d.gesti vs: tract of ~i geor. , it :~ probah ly b;;st knm’..-n as the cause of canker , an inqlJ”LallL disease of ~if;CQI’J ,,• ... hich is t serious cause or !1lWwJ ity i tl 8elLlab~ representing nne 0 f the 1TI0~’-: popnla \Jr(Jblem~ ””flL:ing r igcon ( f\ arc isi el [i I: 199]) , Mos. r,e,Hbs I’n!! 1\ tnis l~~ra.~ite arc il.tI:’ihutable CO esopha::,;cal obstn .. ct.on oy caseous lesi (;11 (Cooper and Petty, 1938,) .Tl.e species (.1fTri,:homonas conf.ned ro
the lower c.ige~;jv2 :rz.:-: ()’ pou.try !O’iH of .he microvilli end l.ave a capabi 1 ity fur l.ivadlng tne [amnia propria ( ’l’~” ,1 ’3’/2) ,
Gil1rdi~sis ill birds ~0’:’.0;;i”H;d \VL1h chronic O!’ recurrent di’.’lrril~a, letnargy, anorexia, weight loss and m”rl~li’,ies if the •. [s(’, U\l’.IC’O:<otl
(Petrak. 1982), {,;;rn:J..W. frrrn birds have been the subj~ct of several studies (BGx, 19S1 3nJ Erlar.dsen et d; ’,9~)O). It k1S oeen S’.Igg2~I:eC, chat ac,u8ti: hires such es h,:’ol1 ({J be :’(’~ervoir for human water-born bi”rdi asis.
III recent A numbci of new sp;;cies of l1Iastoc)lsti” have been proposed from poultry, These ~!lclLLd~ ll.gall; in chicken lJ:~elo’;” f,IK:, K<:stenko,’,990\ B. ”oatis in c111:’,{ ( 8<:::0’”a ,199 I) ~1T1t 8” ffi”erlS”lll E:,ecs’~ ~BC:OVllJC}92), No clil1ical dlseasc is detected ill p0LJLry infected vviLI1