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Helminthes parasites of some wild birds /
Ahmed, Nosseur Mohamed El-Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نصير محمد السيد أحمد
مشرف / بسيونى عبد الحافظ أحمد
مناقش / إيناس أمين دسوقى
مناقش / بسيونى عبد الحافظ أحمد
Birds Parasites. Birds Diseases. Bird Diseases parasitology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
185 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - parasitology
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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During the period extended from September 1992 till August 1993, one hundred and seventy wild birds (27 Egyptian nightjar, 33 Egyptian hoopoe, 21 buff backed heron, 22 Egyptian kestrel, 21 black winged kite, 27 little owl, 5 eagle owl and 14 barn owl) were collected from Abou-Rawash (Giza), Dikimis (Dakahlia) and Zagazig (Sharkia) to study the prevalence, seasonal dynamics and morphology of helminth parasites. The present study revealed that the infestation rate with helminths was 57.60%. Trematodes were more prevalent (37.60%) followed by nematodes (25.90%) then acanthocephala (17%).The seasonal dynamics of helminth parasites of wild birds showed that the highest infestation rate was observed during Winter (71.40%) followed by Spring (69.60%) then Summer (61.40%) and Autumn (57.9%). The highest infestation rate of trematodes was nearly equal during Summer (45.50%) and Winter (45 .20%) followed by Autumn (36.80%) and Spring (32.60%). While the highest infestation rate of nematodes was 33.3% during Winter followed by Autumn, Summer and Spring (23.70%, 22.70% and 21.70%) respectively. On the other hand, the highest infestation rate of acanthocephala occurred during Winter (19%) and Autumn (18.40%) followed by Summer (15.90%) and Spring (15.20%). Seventeen species of helminth parasites (nine trematodes, zero cestodes, six nematodes and two acanthocephala) were recovered. The detected trematodes were Echinoparyphium recurvatum, Nephrostomum ramosum, Episthmium (Echinochasmus) prosthovitellatus Echinostoma govindum, Emsthogonjthus ovatus, Me sos t e ph anus appendiculatus, Stomylotrema perpastum, Apharyngostri~ea ibis and Parastrigea tulipo ides.The recovered nematodes were Synhimantus (Desportesius) invaginatus, Synhimantus subrectus, Physaloptera mexicana, Cymea (Procyrnea) doilfusi. Microtetrameres spiralis and Porrocaecum semiteres. The acanthocephala were Pseudoporrorchis indicus and Centrorhynchus conspectus.