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Synthesis, characterization and application of modified cellulose from lignocellulosic waste for waste water treatment /
Ahmed, Alaa Eldden Mohamed Ezat El-Anwar.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / علاء الدين محمد عزت الانور احمد
مشرف / على ھاشم محمد سيد
مناقش / احمد عبد السلام محمد
مناقش / ھشام حافظ سكر
Synthesis book.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
169 p. :
Analytical Chemistry
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية العلوم - قسم الكيمياء
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 92

from 92


The original work presented in this thesis was undertaken with the
primary objective of synthesizing new polymeric materials based essentially on
Alhagi residues to be used as adsorbent materials.
To achieve the goal, Alhagi residues was subjected to grafting reaction using
MAA/AN monomer in presence of dimethyl sulfoxide as solvent and γ-
irradiation as initiator.
The so-obtained grafted Alhagi residues was treated with hydroxyl amine
hydrochloride in alkaline medium to obtain amidoximated poly (MAA/AN)-
grafted Alhagi residues.
In short, the work comprises the following investigations
1. Estimation of cellulose content in Alhagi residues.
2. Studying all factors affecting grafting of MAA/AN on Alhagi residues.
These factors include:
-radiation dose
-monomer compositions and concentration
3. Characterization of the grafted samples using:
- FT-IR spectroscopy
-Estimation of nitrogen content
-Estimation of carboxyl content.
4. Treatment of grafted Alhagi residues with hydroxyl amine in alkaline
medium to obtain amidoximated poly (MAA/AN) –grafted Alhagi residues.
5. Characterization of amidoximated poly (MAA/AN) grafted Alhagi residues
-FT-IR spectroscopy
-Estimation of percent solubility in distilled water
-Estimation of nitrogen content
-Estimation of carboxyl content
6. Utilization of the so-obtained amidoximated poly (MAA/AN) –grafted
Alhagi residues for the removal of Zn (II) from aqueous solution.
Results of these investigations led to the following:
-Alhagi residues contain 5% ash, 25% lignin, 37.1 alpha cellulose and 25%
hemi-cellulose and 5.9 % extractive material.
- The FT-IR spectra of grafted Alhagi residues shows the appearance of a new
absorption peak (sharp peak) at 2244.25 cm-1, which is attributed to the cyanide
(CN) groups.
- The FT-IR spectra of amidoximated poly (MAA/AN)-grafted Alhagi residues
shows disappearance of the cyanide peak and appearance of new absorption
peak at 1655.73 cm-1 corresponding to the stretching vibration of the C=N bond
which indicate the conversion of the original cyanide groups to amidoxime
-The graft yield % increase by increasing radiation dose from 5 to 10 kGy and
then remained constant at higher radiation doses (15-20 kGy).
- The graft yield % increase by increasing the comonomer composition up to
60/40 (MAA/AN) and then decreases.
- The appropriate condition for grafting of MAA/AN Alhagi residues could be
achieved using radiation dose of 10kGy and MAA/AN ratio of 60-40.
The adsorption data indicate that the amidoximated samples were effectively
used in adsorption of Zn (II) rather than Hg (II) and Pb (II) from aqueous
-The adsorption capacity of Zn (II) onto amidoximated poly (MAA/AN) –
grafted Alhagi residues were 212.76 and 344.8 mg/g at 30 and 50°C,
-The adsorption data obeyed both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms and
followed second order kinetics.