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Effect of some micro elments and plant density on the growth and yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea, l) /
Abd Allah, Mohamed Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mohamed Mahmoud Abd Allah
مشرف / Hussein, T. A
مناقش / S. E. Shafsha
مناقش / M. S. Salem
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
86 p. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - محاصيل
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Two tield experiments were conduoted during 1979 and
1980 seasoDS in sl)uth Tahreer, to study’ the etfeot ot some
micro - elements lmd plant dens 1ty on the growth and yield of
peanuts{var. Giza 4).
The so11 ”t the experiments was aan4 textured having \
a PH value ot 6.8 and 7.0 in 1979 and 1980 seasons,respeotively.
Also,the so:L1 contained 2.6 , 3.4 and 0.068 ppm. in the
first season and 0.3 • 0.1 and 0.012 ppm. in the seoond season
trom. Zn , lin flond B respeotively.
Each experl.ment included 24 treatments which were the
~omb1nation ot three distanoes between hills and eight treatmenta
ot mioro - l!tlements.
Distances between hills were I 10 , 20 and 30 om. and
between ridges 60 om. in all oases. Micro - element treatments
werea Zero (cont~)l) to.4~ znS04 (Zn) ,0.4% JlDS04·(lin) ,0.3% H)BOJ
(E) ,0.4” ZDS04 + C).4~ KnS04 (Zn + lin) ,O.4~ ZDS04 + 0.3” H)BO)
(Zn + B) ,0.4% MnS04+ 0.3~ ~BO, (lin + B) .O.4~ ZDS04+ 0.4% 1In-
804 + 0.)” B,B03 l(Zn + lin + B),as foliar application after 60
days from sowing.
ft.. uper.l.mental d••1p •••• plit plot with tour repl1oati0D8.
where tl18 three uatano •• be•••• hills were arran-’
gad in the ~1n plots aDd the n.b plots were •• signed to moro
e1em8nt ’treatmentli. The sub p10t area 1ftUI 21.6 •.2 •
- 72 -
Results oould be ~Jmmar1zed as follow.,
l.Dry weight ot leaves as well a8 braneh•• /plant was dearea-,
sed significantl.y by increasing plant densi tJ’.
1I10ro _ elementll showed significant e:tf’eot on dry weight of
leave. and branches/plant ~ both seasons. B,e1ther alone
or in different combinations showedfavourable ettect on dr1
we1&ht ot leaves as well aa branches/plant.
2. Increasing the elistance between hills decreased signifioantly
plant height. 011 the other hand,the numberot branohes/plant
was inversely cl,rrelated with plant dens1tJ:.
B aDdlin e1ther alone or in oombiDation se. to have better
ettect on plant height and numberof branche./plant ot peanut
than the oontrol treatment.
3.Weight 0’1 100 pods as well as 100 seed .eight •• re great17
atfected by the spacing between’hills aDd were inversely 00-
rrelated with the numberot plants/tad • ..l1l micro-element
treatments were s1gDif1cant17 superior to oontrol treatment
on lOO-pod we18ht as well as 100- •• ed weight.
!reataeDts including JIll and B either alone or in combiDatlon
were superior to the OOJltrol treatment 1J1 their effect on
these charac’l;ezs.
4.The shelling petreentage 4eoreue4 w1.’thrideDing the diatanoe
between hi1l. •• !rhe ocab1.mLt1mis between B aDdZn or lin were
81gD1”1oant17 IJUperi.or to- ueataeD.~. oon’ta:l.zJ1ng Zn + )In + B,-.
)Ia.h. u4 oOl1b~l 1Jltheir eueot oa Delling peroentqe.
_ 73_
5.Increasing the ci1stance between hills caused significant
increases in nwllber ot pods/plant. nero - elements bad
significant efflict on number of pods/plant ot peanut.
~1Natment8 inCll1ding B 91ther alone or in combinations were
superior to othlar mioro - elements.
6.Pod yield/fad. seems to have been direotly oorrelated with
plant population. Increasing distanoe between hills from 10
to 20 or .30 om. deoreased the pod yield by 8 and 13 % in the
first season and by 9 and 13 % in the seooDd season,respectively.
As regards the effect of micro - e1ements on yield
ot pods/tad.,all micro-element treatments ~aBsed the
control treatment. B had better effect than lin &nd. Zn on
71.14 of pods/fad.
7.IncreasiDg plant population by deoreas1Dgdistance between
hills increased the protein yield/tad. ,as well as protein
percentage. Protein yield and protein percentage increased
markedly as a result ot apply1xJ.gmicro - elements in sUJgle
as •• 11 as in dift’erent oombinations.
In general, B either alone or in ocab1Dat1on ~d better
etteot on protein 11eld than other treatments.
8.!he oU percentage in peazmt seed was inversely oorrelated

with plant population wh1l.e. the 011 71814111U1d1reotly 00-
rrelated with plant dpa1tJ’.
JI1.cro - 81_8%1ts a:ueoted 81gn1t1~t17 011 71eld as well as
011 percentage. B a1ther alone or in oOlllb1Dations was superior
to treatments oontaining lin • Zn aDd. the oontrol.
_ 74_
9.Emptypod percentage was significantly 1n:t1uenoedto different
extents by plant population. Inoreasing distance bet~
weenhills decreased emptypod percentage.
Application of micro - elements deore«sed significantly
percentage ot emptypods.
lO.Immaturepod percentage was inversely oorrelated with spacing
between plants. M1oro- elements showedsignificant
efteot on percentage of immature pods.
Treatments including B either alone or in combiDatioDSgave
best results.
11.Inorea81Dg distance betweenhills decreased significantly
percentage ot rotted pods•
.’ Onthe other hand, mioro - elements application had no signifioant
effeot on rotted pod percentage.
l2.lIn and Zn concentration in peanut leave. 1noreased 81gD1fiaantly
at the higher dens!ties.
l).1In concentration in leaves was olearly’ ~:t.oted by lin application.
The greatest value of lin (145 ppm.)was obtained
by application ot’ lin alone 1’011011’84 bY’Zn + Jfn and lin + B
treatments (121 and 92 ppm.) ,~resp.ct1ve17. Whereasthe
lowest lin ooncentration ( 55 and 62 ppm.) was obtained :trom
B and Zn treatments.
14.!he application of Zn in QGlbina:t1on with B or lin had better·
effect than the application of Zn alone. .
---’- --~”------ ,,_.
_ 75_
15.A negative interaction was obtained in ”the absorption ot
Kn and Zn. The opt1mwn levels ot Mnand Zn were about
121 ppm. tor Lfnand 84 ppm. for Zn.
J4n I Zn ratio of 1.44 seemsto be satisfactory for the
growth o’l peanut plants in this respeot.
l6.The”interact1ons ( plant density X micro - elements) were
not signifioant on all oharaoters studied.
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