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Response of grain sorghum to various planting methods and nitrogen fertilizers /
El-Bakry, Mohamed Hassan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mohamed Hassan El-Bakry
مشرف / A. M. Abd El-Gawad
مناقش / S. A. Seif
مناقش / M. I. Bashir
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
174 p. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - محاصيل
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Two field experiments were carried out during 1989
and 1990 seasons, at the Agricultural Research and
Experimental station of the Faculty of Agriculture at
Moshtohor, Kalubia Governorate. The aim of this study to
investigate the effect of nitrogen, zinc fertilization and
farmyard manure on growth, yield and chemical content of
The soil of the experiments was clay textured with a
pH of 7.90, an organic matter 2.8% and contained 47 ppm N
and 3.6 ppm Zn.
Each experiment included 27 treatments which were the
combination of three rates of farmyard manure and nine
fertilization treatments.
Three levels of Zn factors under study were
A- Farmyard manure :
1- Without application.
2- 10 m3 per fed.
)- 20 m3 per fed.
B- Fertilization treatments :
1- without fertilizer.
2- 10 kg ZnS04/fed.
3- 20 kg ZnS04/fed.
4- 45 kg M/fed.
5- 45 kg N + 10 kg ZnSo4/fed.
6- 45 kg N + 20 kg znso4/fed.
7- 90 kg N/fed.
a- 90 kg N + .10 kg ZnS04/fed.
9- 90 kg N + 20 kg znS04/fed.
The design of the experiments was a split-plot with
four replications. The three farmyard manure treatments
were arranged at random in the main plots and the subplots
were assigned to nine fertilization treatments. The subplot
area was 14.7 m2.
Results could be summarized as follows : ----------_._-----------------------~~
1- Effect of nitrogen : ------------------
1.1- Nitrogen had significant effect on plant height and
stem diameter in the two seasons. Plant height of
maize plants as well as stem diameter significantly
increased as the N-level increased up to a rate of
90 kg/fed.
1.2- Number of leaves/plant, i.e, green, half green and
dry was not significantly affected by Nfertilization.
1.3- Nitrogen showed significant effect on the leaf area
of topmost ear of aaize plants in the two successive
seasons. The leaf area increased significantly as
the nitrogen level increased.
1. 4- The application of nitrogen
decrease in the percentage of
two successive seasons.
caused significant J’
barren plants in the
1.5- Nitrogen showed significant effect on the number of ,
ears/plant in the both seasons. Number of ears/plant
significantly increased as the N-level increased up
to 90 kg/fed.
1.6- Nitrogen showed significant effect on the ear length c-:
of maize plants in the two successive seasons. Ear
length significantly increased as the N-level
increased up to 90 kg/fed.
1.7- Ear diameter of maize plants significantly increased c:...---
as the N-Ievel increased up to 45 kg/fed in the
first season, and up to 90 kg/fed in the second
1.8- In the both seasons, number of kernels/ear significa-
ntly increased as the N-level increased up to 45
kg/fed. A higher level of N (90 kg/fed) did not show
further significant increase.
1.9- Nitrogen showed significant effect an ear weight and
weight of kernels/ear in the two successive seasons. ~
Increasing N-Ievel up to. higher level (90 kg/fed)
siqnificantlyincreased ear weight and kernels
1.10- Weight of 100-grain significantly increased as the ~’
N-level increased up to 45 and 90 kg/fed. in the
first and second seasons, respectively.
1.11- Weight of grains/plant significantly increased as ~
the N-level increased up to 90 kg/fed in the two
successive seasons.
1.12- Nitrogen showed significant effect on the grain
yield of maize/fed in the two successive seasons.
The grain yield significantly increased as the
nitrogen level increased. Application of 45 and 90
kg N/fed. significantly increased the grain yield by
46 and 112% in the first season, and by 42 and 110%
in the second season over the control treatment.
1.13- straw yield significantly increased as N-level
increased up to 90 and 45 kg/fed. in the first and
second season, respectively.
1.14- Biological yield of maize plants significantly
increased as the N-level increased up to 90 kg/fed
in the two successive seasons.
1.15- Harvest index significantly increased as N-level
increased in the two successive seasons.
1.16- Application of N increased content of N in ear leaf
at flowering stage as well as grains of maize plants
at harvesting stage. On the other hand, increasing
levels of N decreased Zn-content in both organs of
maize plants.
1.17- N: Zn ratio in ear leaf and grains of maize plants
increased gradually with increasing N-level. If
concentration of both nutrient approached the
optimum levels of about 2.43% for Nand 28.9 ppm for
Zn of ear leaf, the N : Zn ratio would be 841 which
would seem to be satisfactory for the growth of
maize plant in this respect.
2- Effect of .zinc
2.1- Effect of application of znS04 on plant height and
stem diameter showed seasonal variation. Plant
height and stem diameter significantly increased as
Zn-level increased up to 10 kg znso4/fed in the
second season only.
2.2- Number of leaves/plant significantly increased as
ZnS04 increased up to 20 kg/fed. in the first season
2.3- Leaf area of topmost ear significantly increased with
increasing Zn-level up to 10 kq ZnS04 in the first
season ’only.
2.4- Percentage of barren stalks was reduced by Znapplication.
However, the decrease in the percentage
of barren plants was significant in the second
season only.
2.5- Soil application of ZnS04 up to 10 kg/fed.
significantly increased the number of ears/plant in
the second season only.
2.6- Application of Zn had no significant effect on the
ear length of maize plants in the two successive
2.7- Application of ZnS04 up to 20 kg/fed significantly
increased ear diameter of maize plants in the second
season only.
2.8- Number of grains/ear significantly decreased as the
Zn-level increased up to 10 kg ZnS04 in the first
season only.
2.9- Ear weight significantly increased as the level of
ZnS04”up to 10 kg/fed as soil application in the
second season only.
1.10- weight of kernels/ear significantly increased as
ZnS04 increased up to 10 and 20 kg/fed in the first
and second season, respectively.
2.11- Application of 20 kg zns04/fed significantly
increased the weight of 100 grains as well as weight
of grains/plant in the second season only.
2.12- Soil application of zn significantly increased the
grain yield of maize plants in the two successive
seasons. _Percentage increases of the grain yleid
over the control due to application of 10 and 20 kg
Zn/fed. ’were 8 and 10% in the first season and 21
and 26% in the second season, respectively.
2.13- Application of ZnS04 did not show significant effect
on straw yield and biological yield/fed in the two
successive seasons.
2.14- Harvest index significantly increased by application
of ZnS04 up to 10 kg/fed. in the second season only.
2.15- Application of Zn to maize plants had no clear
effect on N-content in ear leaf as well as grains.
On the contrary, increasing the rate of ZnS04 Zn
content increased in ear leaf and grains.
2.16- Increasing ZnS04 rates resulted in decreasing N Zn
ratio in ear leaf and grains of maize plant.
3- Effect of farmyard-manure : ----------------------~--
3.1- Plant height increased significantly with
application of 10 m3 F.Y.M./fed. compared with
control treatment in the first season only.
3.2- Stem diameter, number of leaves/plant and leaf area
of topmost ear were not significantly affected by
F.Y.M. application in the two successive seasons.
3.3- Percentage of barren stalks, nuaber of ears/plant,
ear weight, number of kernels/ear, weight of kernels
ear, weight of lOO-grain and grain yield/plant were
not significantly affected by application of F.Y.M.
3.4- Application of F.Y.M. decreased significantly ear
length of maize plants in the second season only. On
the other hand, ear diameter significantly increased
with application of 20 m3 F.Y.M. in the second
season only.
3.5- Application of F.Y.M. had no significant effect on
yields of grains, straw and biological of maize
plants in the two successive seasons.
3.6- Application of F.Y.M. increased N-content in ear
leaf at flowering and grains of maize plants. On the
other hand, F.Y .M. had no effect on Zn-content of
both organs of maize plants.
3.7- Ratio of N : Zn increased with application of F.Y.H.
4- Effect of the interaction : ------------------------- o
The effect of the interactions was not significant on
all growth characters, yield and yield components in both
seasons, except the interaction between N-and Zn-Ievel> on
ear diameter in 1990 season.
The aim of this investigation was to determine the
extent of heterosis and gene action estimates for some
agronomic characters i.e. flowering date, maturity date,
maturity period, plant height, number of branches/plant,
number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, 100-seed weight
and seed yield/plant; and shedding percentage (number of
flowers/main stem and ,number of pods/main stem) in faba bean
lines and their hybrids.
Six parental lines namely; N.A.112, Giza 2, Giza 3,
61/536/69, NEB.319 and Sevella gaint representing wide range
of variability in most of the studied traits were utilized.
Crossing among the parental material by means of dial lei
system was initiated at 1988/89 growing season. A half
dialleI set of crosses involving six parental lines were
evaluated in 1989/90 growing season. A randomized complete
block design with four replications was used.
Data were recorded on ten guarded plants rando.ely
sampled froa each plot. Tbe data obtained for each trait
were analysed on ind¥vidual plant aean basis. An ordinary
analysis of variance was firstly perforaed. Heterosis was
computed as mean squares and as the percentage deviation of
Fs mean performance from the aid-parent and better’parent
average values for individual crosses. General and specific
coabining ability estiaates were obtained by eaploying
Griffing’s (1956) diallel cross analysis designated as
method 2 model 1. The genetic parameters described by Hayman
was computed according to Crumpaker and Allard (1962).
(1954 a & b) were estimated. The narrow sense heritability
The data were also, subjected to (Wr), (Vr) regression
analysis to determine gene action as described by Jinks
(1954) .
The obtained results can be summarized as follows:
Growth and yeiled characteristicS:
1. Highly significant mean squares due to genotypes, parents
and crosses were detected for all traits.
2. Significant parentsvs. crosses aean squares were obtained
for flowering date, .aturitydate, nuaber of branches/plant,
number of pods/plant and seed yield/plant.
3. The five crosses <N.A.112 x 61/536/69, N.A.112 x NEB.319,
Giza 3 x NEB.319, 61/536/69 x NEB.319 and NEB.319 x Sevella
gaint) showed significant negative heterotic effect froa aidparent
for flowering date. For aaturity date, six and five
hybrids showed significant negative heterotic effects froa
aid- and better parents, respectively. The percent heterosis
obtained fro. the cross (NEB.319 x sevella gaint) were
-10.95 and -9.72 aeasured froa aid-and better parent,
respectively. The heterosis froa .id-and better parent was
found to be negative and significant in two crosses (Giza 3
x 61/536/69 and Giza 3 x Sevella gaint) for maturity period.
For seed yield per plant, ten and nine hybrids expressed
significant positive heterotic effect relative to mid-and
better parent, respectively. With the exception of hybrids
between N.A.112 and each of other parents all hybrids showed
significant positive heterotic effects for seed yield per
4. The variance associated with general and specific
combining ability were significant for all traits. With the
exception of number of branches per plant, high gca/sca
ratio largely exceed the unity were obtained for all traits,
indicating that the largest part of the total genetic
variability was a result of additive and additive x additive
types of gene action.
5. The best co.biners were N.A.112 for maturity date,
.aturity period and nu.ber of seeds/pod and Giza 2 for seed
yield per plant, number of pods per plant and number of
branches per plant. Also, the two local varieties Giza 3 and
61/536/69 expressed highly significant positive (g.> for
seed yield/plant and nuaber of pods/plant and gave
significant negative ” for flowering date. NEB. 319 (g.)
significant negative (”g.) for flowering date.
6. The .ost desirable inter- and iint.ra-allellc; interactions
were showed by siX crosses f,r flowerina dat.e~ five crosses
for aaturit;ydate~ seven cro~ for ••••b•er of pods/plant~
_._~_.- --------------------------
two crosses for number of seeds/pod, four crosses for seed
index and by nine crosses for seed yield/plant •
7. The additive components ”D” reached the significant level
of probability for all traits except for number of
pods/plant. Significant values for dominance components (Ha)
were detected for all traits.
8. the results showed the presence of overdominance for
flowering date, plant height, number of branches per plant
and number of pods per plant and nearly of complete
dominance for the other traits •
•• 9. Significant (h2) values were detected for all the studied
traits. Negative and positive allels were unequally
distributed among the parents for all traits except
flowering date and plant height.
10. High heritability values were detected for maturity
date, maturity period. nu_ber of seeds per pod and lOO-seed
weight. Moderate heritability values were obtained for seed
yield per plant and nu.ber of branches per plant, while, low
heritability values were detected for flowering date, plant
height and nu.ber of pods per plant.
11. The correlation between parental aean perfo~nces and
their order of do.inance revealed that, few nuaber of seeds
per pod was dominant over large number. Line 61/536/69
contained the most dominant genes, while, N.A.112 seemed to
be carry the most recessive ones.
For maturity period, maturity date and lOO-seed weight,
the correlation values revealed that
increasers were
dominant over decreasers genes. The parental line 61/536/69
for maturity date and maturity period, and line NEB 319 for
seed index appeared to passess the largest number of
dominant genes. For seed yield/plant, the correlation values
revealed thatthe low seedyieldwas dominantoverthe highone. The
parental line NEB 319 contained the most dominant genes,
while the parental line N.A.112 seems to carry the most
resessive ones for the other traits, no particular trend
could be detected.
12. Significant .ean squares due to genotypes, parents,
hybrids and parents vs. hybrids were detected for the nuaber
of flowers and nuaber of pods per aain ste. and shedding
13. Ten and five crosses aho••d a significant positive
heterot.ic eftects relati!»,e the aid- and better
parent, respecti vely for oualler Of flowers/aain stell. Vhf Ie,
the crosses Giza 3. 61~~a, ad REB 319. Sevella gaint ”
eXbibH:ed sipificant pasi-t.veJIII!IItt.erotic effect.s relative to
mid and better parent for number of pods/main stem. The
three crosses N.A.112 x Giza 2. N.A.112 x Giza 3 and
61/536/69 x NEB 319 exhibited significant negative heterotic
effects for shedding percentage. Significantly’ positive
correlation coefficient values between mid parent values and
f1 mean performance were obtained for number of flowers and
pods/main stem.
14. The mean squares associated with gca and sca were
significant for the three traits. High values of gca/sca
exceeding unity were detected for flowers and pods per main
15. The parental line N.A.112 seemsto be the best combiner
for low shedding percentage. followed by Giza 3. The local
lines 61/536/69 and Giza 3 expressed significant desirable
(•gA) for both number of flowers and pods,per main stea. The
excellent agreement between the parental performance and its
(gA> was obtained for the three traits.
16. The highest desirable sea effects were obtained by nine
and three crosses for high nuaber of flowers and pods, and
five crosses for low shed4ina percentage. The crosses
N.A.112 x Giza 2, M.A.l12 x Giza 3 and ~.A.112 x Sevella
gaint exhibited low sheddina percentaae and cross Giza 3 x
61/536/69 gave the hi&heSt sea .f~ects for nu.ber of flowers
and pods per aain st•••
------- --- _.----
~ A
17. Both additive ”0” and dominance ”H~” components were
significant for the number of flowers and pods per main
18. studies of nature and degree of dominanee revealed the
overdominance for the three traits.
l< 19. Signifiant ”h2” values were detected for the three
traits. Low heritability values were obtained for the three
20. The correlation between parental mean performances and
their order of dominance revealed that increasers genes were
dominant over decreasers for number of flowers and shedding
percentages. The parental. line N.A.112 contained the most
dominant genes responsible for the expression of both
traits, however, NEB 319 seemed to ’be.containmost of the
recessive ones. For number of pods per aain stea, the few
number of pods was dominant over high one. Giza 3 contained
the most doainant genes responsible for the expression of
this trait. Meanwhile. N.A.112 seeaed to be carry the aost
recessive ones.
--------_ ..__ .--
Research experiments were conducted at Shandawell
Agricultural Research Station, Sohag Governorate, Egypt
during 1986, 1987 and 1990 growing seasons.
In this study three field experiments were
conducted to investigate the response of two grain
sorghum cultivars (short cultivar Sel. 1007 and tall
cultivar Giza 15) to different distances between rows,
hills and sowing directions using some seeding rates.
Each experiment included 18 treatments. These are
combination of two sorghum cuItivars, three distance
between rows (40, 50 and 60 em) and three sowing
directions (East-West, North-South bidirectional
sowing). Treatments were layed out in split split plots
design in four replicates. Each plot has an area of 9
square meter (3 x 3 m) using similar number of hills
(100 hills/plot). Normal cultural practices for growing
both grain sorghum were applied.
Results could be summarized as follows:
-_ .._-----------~---------
_.--- --”- - ._-
Effect of inter and intra-row spacing as well as sowing directions of grain
sorghum on the following:
A. Growth Characteristics:
Giza 15 the tall grain sorghum cultivar produced
earliest flowering (70.l1 days) when planted at rows of
40 em distance between rows in bidirectional sowing.
Whereas, Sel. 1007 the short cultivar exhibited the
latest flowering (BO.B9 days) when using the
bidirectional sowing in rows of 60 em distance apart.
The tall cultivar (Giza 15) produced the tallest
plants (32B.33 em) when using bidirectional sowing at a
distance 60 em between rows. Whereas, the short
cultivar (Sel. 1007) had the shortest plants (12B.89
em) when sown in E-W direction at 40 em distance
between rows.
Sel. 1007 the short grain sorghum cultivar produced
the thickest plants (2.53 em) when sown in two
perpendicular directions at 60 em distance between
rows. While, Giza 15 the tall cultivar produced
thinnest plants (1.46 em) when sown in E-W direction at
a distance of 40 em apart.
The highest number of green leaves per plant (8.00)
was found for Sel. 1007 grain sorghum cultivar, and the
--- - - - ------------
lowest number of green leaves per plant were for Giza
15 cultivar when both cultivars sown in E-W direction
at a distance of 60 em between rows.
The short cultivars (Sel. 1007) produced the
highest leaf area index (12.65) when using
bidirectional sowing at a distance of 60 em between
rows. While, Giza 15 the tall cultivar produced the
lowest leaf area index (7.27) when sown in E-W
direction in rows of 60 em apart.
Grain sorghum Sel. 1007 (short cultivar) had the
highest leaf / stem ratio when sown from East to west
direction in rows of 60 em apart. Meanwhile, Giza 15
(tall cultivar) had the lowest leaf / stem ratio from
the bidirectional sowing at distance of 40 em between
s.i, Yield Components:
Giza 15 the tall cultivar produced the longest
panicle (19.33 em) when planted from East to west
direction at the distance of 40 em between rows. While,
Sel. 1007 the short cultivar produced the shortest
panicle (17.33 em) when using North to South sowing
direction at the previously mentioned distance between
- - ----- .- .- - - --- ---~~-
----------------- _ .._~
Widest panicle (7.61 em) was found for tall
cultivar (Giza 15) when sown in N-S direction at 50 ern
distance between rows. Meanwhile, the short cultivar
(Sel. 1007) produced the lowest panicle width (6.00 ern)
when sown in perpendicular directions in rows of 50 ern
Tall grain sorghum cultivar (Giza 15) produced the
highest grain weight per panicle (115.54 g) when sown
in perpendicular directions at 60 em distance between
rows. Whereas, short grain sorghum cultivar (Sel. 1007)
produced the lowest value of grain weight per panicle
when sown from East to West direction at a distance 40
cm between rows.
Giza 15 (tall cultivar) produced significantly
higher 1000-kernel weight (45.12 g) when sown in
perpendicular directions at 60 em distance between
rows. While, Sel. 1007 (short cultivar) produced the
lower IOOO-kernel weight (37.02 g) when sown from East
to west direction at 40 em distance between rows.
Number of grains per panicle was significantly
affected by the grown sorghum cultivars. While, the
distance between rows and sowing direction didn’t
exhibit significant effect on this studied character.
------ ----------------------
Whereas, the interaction effect between these
treatments was significant. The highest number of grain
per panicle (2603 grains) was obtained when Giza 15
(tall cultivar) sown in two perpendicular directions at
50 em distance between rows. While, the lowest number
of grains per panicles (1854 grains) was produced when
Sel. 1007 (short cultivar) sown in perpendicular
directions at 40 em distance between rows.
B.2. Yield:
The grown cultivars significantly affected grain
yield production of sorghum. The highest grain yield
(19.13 ardab/feddan) was obtained when growing the tall
cultivar (Giza 15). Whereas, the short cultivars (Sel.
1007) produced the lower grain yield (16.63
ardab/feddan). Also, there was significant increase in
grain yield of sorghum as the distance between rows
increased from 40 to 50 and up to 60 em apart which
produced 16.77, 17.67 and 19.40 ardab/feddan,
Grain yield of sorghum was significantly affected
the applied sowing directions. The two perpendicular
sowing directions produced the highest grain
yield(19.10 ardab/feddan). While, the lowest grain
-- -- - --_. - -_.-_.---~--------------------
yield (17.03 ardab/feddan) was obtained when using East
to west sowing direction. In conclusion, the highest
grain yield (22.07 ardab/feddan) was obtained when Giza
15 (tall cultivar) sown in two perpendicular directions
at a distance of 60 cm between rows. Whereas, the
lowest grain yield production (14.27 ardab/feddan) was
obtained when Sel. 1007 (short cultivar) sown from East
to West direction at 40 em distance between rows.
Giza 15 (tall grain sorghum cultivar) significantly
produced the highest stover yield (18 tonjfeddan).
Whereas, Sel. 1007 (short grain sorghum cultivar)
produced the lowest stover yield (14.62 ton/feddan).
Stover yield was significantly increased as the
distance between rows increased from 40 (15.73
tonjfeddan) to 50 (16.39 ton/feddan) and up to 60 em
between rows (16.83 ton/feddan). Sorghum stover yield
was significantly affected by the applied sowing
directions. The highest stover yield (17.05 ton/feddan)
was obtained when using bidirectional sowing.
In conclusion, the highest stover yield (19.43
ton/feddan) was produced when Giza 15 cv , sown in
perpendicular directions at 60 em distance between
rows. Whereas, the lowest stover yield (13.30
- -- - --------- -------------------
-----_.--- ---- -
ton/feddan) was obtained when Sel. 1007 cv , sown in
rows of 40 em apart from East to West.
Biomass yield was significantly affected when using
different cultivars and distance between rows. While
the effect of sowing directions on the biomass yield of
grain sorghum was not significantly affected. Also, it
was clear that sowing the tall grain sorghum cultivar
at the wider distance between rows (60 em) produced the
highest stover yield which was 22.08 ton/feddan.
Generally, tall grain sorghum cultivar (Giza 15)
produced the highest biomass yield (24.82 ton/feddan)
when sown in North to South direction at 60 em distance
between rows. While, the short grain sorghum cultivar
Sel. 1007 produced the lowest biomass yield (7.97
ton/feddan) when sown in perpendicular directions at
distance of 50 em between rows.