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Response of some rice varieties to fertilization /
Azab, Saddik Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Saddik Mahmoud Azab
مشرف / F.I. Gaballa
مناقش / H.R. Eldeepah
مناقش / M.M. Kasem
Rice. Rice Planting.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
88p. ;
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - محاصيل
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Two field experiments were carried out during 1985 and 1986
seasons at the Demonstration Field of Meet Ghamr, Dakhlia Governorate.
The aim of the experiments was to study the effect of varieties and
fertilization on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.).
The soil of the experiments was clay loamy alluvial with a
pH of 8.0, an organic matter content of 2.0 % and contained 45 ppm
Nand 40 ppm available P.
Each experiment included 24 treatments which were the combination
of two varieties and twelve fertilization treatments. Factors
under study were:
A. Varieties: Giza 172 and IR-1626.
B. Fertilization :
1. Without fertilizer (NoPo)
2. 24 kg P20 j/fed. (NoPl)
3. 48 kg P20ifed. (NoP2)
4. 30 kg N/fed. (NIPo)
5. 30 kg N + 24 kg P20ifed. (NIP 1)
6. 30 kg N + 48 kg P2Oj/fed. (NIP2)
7. 60 kg N/f~. (N2Po)
8. 60 kg N + 24 kg P20j/fed. (N2PI)
9. 60 kg N + 48 kg P20lfed. (N2P2)
10. 90 kg N/fed. (N3Po)
-------- -----------,------- - - ----------- --------.- -~------~--~---~--~----~------
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11. 90 kg N + 24 kg P205/fed.
12. 90 kg N + 48 kg P20ifed.
(N3P 1)
The design of the experiments was a split-plot with four replications.
The two varieties were arranged at random in the main plots
and the sub plots were assigned to fertilization treatments. The sub
plot area was 21 ml 0/200 Ied.).
Results could be summarized as fonows :
1. Varieties exerted a marked effect on the heading date in the both
seasons. Giza 172 had the shortest period to heading than IR 1626.
Fertilization treatments showed significant effect on the number
of days from sowing to heading. Application of N alone prolonged
the period to heading. On the other hand, the combination of N
and P fertilizers significantly reduced the number of days from
sowing to heading.
2. Varieties exhibited significant effects on stem length of rice plants
at heading as well as at harvesting. Giza 172 produced higher
plants than IR 1626 in the both seasons.
At harvesting stage, application of N and P fertilizers significantly
increased the stem length of rice plants in the two successive
3. There was no significant difference in the number of plantsl ml
among the two rice varieties in 1985 and 1986 seasons.
On the other hand, number of plants/m” were significantly
affected to different extents by fertilization with nitrogen and
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phosphorous in both seasons.
u, Rice varieties showed no significant effect on the number of earbearing
plants/rrr’ in the two successive seasons.
On the contrary, number of ear-bearing plants/rrr’ significantly
increased with increasing levels of fertilizer up to 90 kg N/fed.
in the first and 60 kg N + 2f+ kg P205/fed. in the second season.
5. Varieties had no significant effect on the area of flag leaf in the
two successive seasons. Likewise, area of flag leaf was not significantly
affected by the application of fertilizers.
6. Varieties differed significantly in percentage of loding. Giza 172
surpased significantly the variety IR 1626 in the two seasons.
Fertilization showed significant effect on the percentage of
lodging in 1985 and 1986 seasons. The application of fertilizers
especiaJly nitrogen significantly increased lodging percentage of
rice plants.
7. In both seasons, rice varieties showed significant effect on panicle
length. Giza 172 had longer panicles compared with IR 1626.
On the other hand, the length of rice panicle were not significantly
influenced by the application of N and P in the two seasons.
8. Varietal effect on the weight of panicle failed to reach the significant
level at 5 % in the two successive seasons.
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The effect of fertilizers on panicle weight showed seasonal
variations. Whereas, the weight of panicle significantly decreased
with increasing levels of fertilizer up to the higher level (90 kg
N + 48 kg P205) in the second season only.
9. Varieties of rice had significant effect on the number of grains/panicle
in the second season only. IR 1626 had a greater number of grains/
panicle compared with Giza 172.
Whereas, application of Nand P showed no significant effect
on the number of grains/panicle in the two seasons.
10. Weight of grains/panicle did not differ significantly among the
two rice varieties in the two successive seasons.
While, the effect of fertilization on the weight of grains/panicle
showed seasonal variation. In 1986 season, weight of grains/panicle
significantly decreased with increasing levels of fertilizer up to
II. In the first season, varieties showed significant effect on the weight
of 1000 grains. Giza 172 surpassed significantly the variety IR
1626 in 1985 season only.
Application of N and P significantly increased 1000-grain weight
in the second season only. Increasing fertilizer levels up to 90
kg N + 48 kg P2°5/ fed. significantly increased the weight of 1000
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12. Rice varieties showed no significant effect on the grain yield/fed.
in the two successive seasons. The relative yields were 100 and
96 in the first season, and 100 and 10&1 in the second season for
Giza 172 and IR 1626, respectively.
On the other hand, fertilization showed significant effect
on the yield of grains in both seasons. The grain yield of rice significantly
increased as Nand P level increased.
In 1985 season, grain yield significantly increased as the level
of fertilizers increased up to 90 kg N + 48 kg P20/fed. This treatment
significantly increased the grain yield by 76 % over the control
In 1986 season, similar results were obtained in that application
of 60 kg N + 48 kg P20/fed. or 90 kg N + 48 kg P205/fed. significantly
increased the grain yield by 221 and 228 % over the control
treatment, respectively.
13. The effect of varieties on the straw yield/fed. showed seasonal
variation. In the first season, Giza 172 surpassed significantly IR
1626 only.
In both seasons, fertlllzers had significant effect on straw
yield/fed. Increasing the level of fertilizer up to the higher level
(90 kg N + ..48 kg P20j/fed.) significantly increased straw yield
compared with the other treatments.
14. Varieties differed significantly in brown rice percentage in both
seasons. Variety of Giza 172 produced significantly higher percentage
of brown rice than IR 1626 variety.
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On the contrary, brown rice percentage was not significantly
affected by the application of fertilizers.
15. Varieties had no significant effect on the nitrogen content of flag
leaf of heading stage. On the other hand, the tested varieties
differed significantly in the percentage of N of rice grains at
harvesting. Giza 172 revealed a significant superiority in N % as
well as protein content of grains followed by IR 1626.
Contents of nitrogen and crude protein of grains significantly
increased with increasing levels of fertilizers. The highest values
roduced from application of 90 kg N/fed. without application of
16. Varieties differed significantly in percentage of P in flag leaf
and rice grains. It is obvious that the P-content was greater in
Giza 172 than in IR-1626.
Fertilization with Nand P showed significant on P-percentages
of flag leaf at heading stage and grains at harvesting. Applications
of phosphorous up to 48 kg P20 j/fed. (NoP2) resulted in an increase
in P % of flag leaf and rice grains. This effect was clearer where
no N was applied and decreased as the N level increased.
17. The effect Qf interaction between rice varieties and fertilization
on the aU studied characters was not significant. Such result indicates
that each experimental factor acted separately in affecting the
growth, yield and chemical content of rice.