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Influence of family function and home environment on child psychological dysfunction at primary school children in 24 october area, suez /
Emil Aiad Abdo,
Abdo, Emil Aiad.
Pedialrics. Psychology.
تاريخ النشر
2007 .
عدد الصفحات
ix-1, 132 p. ;
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Psychological problems constitute a significant and common problem that present a challenge to any pysician who attempts to provied patients and their families with successful management. only few children with mental healty problems receive appropriate services. futhermore,the outcome of this problem may differ with regard to sinificant time and strong motivation of the patient and his/her family members.Additionally,all options for treatment have low success rates and more side effects.With the continuation of the contributing factors.the problem remain unsolved.psychiatric intervention within the school age stage of development is very important,as it constitutes an early life stage,in addition to affection of the educational level at this stage bu learning problems. Moreover,follow-up data of children affected with psychiatric problems have revealed that they suffer from more serious problems as addiction and sociopathy, and they were not successful in their social and occupational functions.
the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of emotional/behavioral problems among primary school children, to describe family structure and family function, and its ralationship to behavior problems among those children , and to assess family stress in families having a child with emotional/behavior problems.
this cross-sectional analytical school-based study was carried out in the primay schools at 24 october district, at the north of suez city. A total of 390schoolchildren were recruited using stratified random techique. seven different tools were used for data collection , namely conner,s parent-teacher rating scale, Child Behavior Checklist(CBCL)The johnshopkins depression scale, Cognitive skills test(Draw-a-person Goodenough test, Token test for children), Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACESII)Family stress questionnaire, and Impact of Event Scale(IES).All families who gave their consent were visited for interviewing to fill the forms of family stress, family structure, and family function by the research. All children in the sample were visited in their schools to evaluate their cognitive skills (Draw-a-person Goodenough test, and Token test). Moreover, their teachers gave the assessment behavior problems for every child using conner,s parent-teacher rating scale.