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Point of use model for treatment and disinfection of drinking water /
EI-Shahawy, Abeer Abd EI-Moneam Mohamed.
Environmental Engineering.
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.1 The results obtained from the present study offer the following
Results also, pointed out identifications of possible directions that her research may have to investigate. Part of those research tasks are esented at the end of this chapter as recommendation for further research
.2 Conclusions:
2.1 The suggested treatment step
1- from the present study, glass taws media for roughing filter have achieved average turbidity removal ratio (50-85%), E.coli average removal ratio between (85-100%), and total count average removal ratio between (70-90%) during the experimental runs.
2- The results from this study revealed the importance of roughing filter before slow sand filter, in addition to simplicity in application for the, proposed model.
1- During summer time, after the head loss has been increased which leaded to clogging, sand surface for S.S.R was scratched. Two days from scratching S.S.R restored its working in bacterial removal. It could be concluded that scratching shortened the ripening time and generated new surface as an acceptors for capturing microorganisms.
6.2.2 The suggested disinfection stet!
A- The batch process
1- It is concluded from the present study, that the prime factor in solar disinfection process for the model is solar radiation not temperature.
2- The reactivation of subleathaly-injured bacteria following illumination (Fujioka and Narikawa, 1982), samples were kept in darkness for a further 24 hr, 48 hr and then tested for E.coli counts; there were no detectable counts, confirming that the inactivation was irreversible.
B- The Continuous flow process and its enhancements
1- Although, black bed tank recorded 3°e higher than mirror bed tank at the end of exposure to sunlight, mirror bed tank recorded better results than black bed tank. This assured once again, that solar radiation is the prime factor in disinfection process.
2- Mirror bed tank has achieved better removal in E.coli than black bed tank. This phenomenon has been observed with increasing the water depth and the influent bacterial load concentration.
3- It is concluded from the present study, that the prime factor in solar disinfection process for the model is solar radiation not temperature.
6.2.3 The suggested model (treatment stet! and disinfection stet!)
1- Samples from S.S.R output recorded the best efficiency for E.coli and total count removal ratio for batch and continuous flow disinfection than the other water samples.
2- Finally, for the measured water parameters in this study, the effluent water from the proposed model coincides with the WHO guidelines for drinking water limits, which supports the main objectives from the present study, in condition that the feeding source for raw water mainly serves as a source of drinking water.