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Biological Effects OF Certain Streptomycin Metabolites ON Some Toxic Cyan Bacteria /
Flefil, Nasser Soliman Ahmed Soliman.
Toxic marine algae. Bacteria - Evolution.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
171 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 164

from 164


The present work involves the study of the biological effects of cetain Streptomyces metabolites on some toxic cyanobacteria, 107 Streptomyete cultures were isolated from several soil samples collected from cultivated lands form El-Sharkia province; El-Dakahliyah province and El-Menya province.
2- The detailed study of their antimicrcbial characteristics of these organisms was studied against some blue green algae and the present results revealed that, the isolates No. 40 & 60 are the best isolates which have maximum inhibitory effect on growth of blue green algae. Isolates No. 23, 64, 84 and 88 have a moderate inhibitory effect on the growth of blue green algae. Also isolates has a lower and least inhibitory effects on the growth of blue green algae. Meanwhile, the other remaining isolates did not showed any effect towards the tested blue green algae.