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Intestinal parasites in rural hospital/
Abul-Wafa, Mohamed Abd Allah.
Intestinal parasites- statistic.
تاريخ النشر
2001 .
عدد الصفحات
183 P. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 204

from 204


The present study aims to collecting the stool of the patients referred to
Biala hospital laboratory then studying the prevalence of intestinal parasites
in patients.A prospective study was made down by stool examination by direct
method of 500 patients that were referred to hospital laboratories in Biala
hospital of Kafr El-sheikh governorate in the period from May to October
2000. We found that 369 patients were infected with different intestinal
parasites with a prevalence rate of (73.80/0).
This work was done on three groups. Group I (200 patients ), 109
males and 91 females, their ages ranged from 15 to 65 years. Group II (200
patients) 106 males and 94 females, their ages ranged from 15 to 70 years.
Group III (100 patients), 51 males and 49 females, their ages ranged from] 5
to 65 yeas. They were subjected to stool examination for intestinal parasites
by direct smear examination ; the first motion of stool (group I), random stool
examination (group II) and three consequent days of stool examination
(group Ill).