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فعالية برنامج الكترونى لتدريس مادة التجارة الدولية فى تنمية مهارات التفكير الناقد والاتجاه نحو التعليم الالكترونى لطلاب المدارس الثانويةالفنية المتقدمة التجارية /
نصار، نجاة احمد مجلى.
التعليم الثانوى طرق التدريس.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
244 ص. :
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 137

from 137


The beginning of the third millennium has witnessed scientific and technological changes in all aspects of life. The most prominent changes are information and communication technology that has an effect on society. Education has been affected by these changes directly or indirectly.So, the educational system has to meet knowledge explosion revolution that imposed a number of challenges an education. This requires the necessity of re-considering education and developing it to meet international challenges and the effect of information and communication revolution. E-learning is considered a form of this advanced technology as it has became very important in the information era due to its great effect on traditional education.
Technical education aims at making students acquire an amount of technical culture and information and practical skills that enable them to master his work and to carry it out properly.
Commercial education is considered one of the branches of
Technical education that aims at preparing scientifically and vocationally technical cadre that can work in different commercial fields. It also aims at graduating category of traders who wil form abasis of the country that facilitates and directs the movement of the national economy . So, we should prepare a generation that can keep pace with commercial and economic developments allover the world. So, commercial technical education curricula should afford the burden of keeping pace with the growing technological progress.
The problem of the study;
The current study aimed at preparing a suggested electronic programme and measuring its effectiveness on developing critical thinking skills and the attitude towards electronic learning of commercial secondary education students. To contribute to solving this problem, the researcher aroused the following questions;
1. what is the suggested electronic programme in critical thinking strategies?
2. what is the effectiveness of the suggested electronic programme in
developing critical thinking skills of commercial secondary education students ?
3. what is the effectiveness of the suggested electronic programme in
developing attitude towards electronic learning of commercial
secondary education students?
The aim of the study:
The current study aimed at dentifying the effectiveness of a
suggested electronic programme in teaching the International Trade
subject on developing critical thinking skills and attitude towards
electronic learning.
of the study; Methodology The
This study belanges to experimental descriptive research category
as it designed electronic programme in International Trade and taught it
to commercial secondary education fifth grade students by using the
internet . It also shows the effect of independent variable (electronic
programme) on dependent variable (critical thinking skills, the attitude
towards electronic learning) . The experimental design that depends on one group, was used for the advanced commercial secondary school students,
Bank Division .
The hypotheses of the study ;
The hypotheses of the study were;
1. The electronic programme in teaching International Trade subject
contributes to developing critical thinking skills of advanced
commercial teachical secondary school students at the level a ≤0,5
2. The electronic programme in teaching International Trade subject
contributes to developing attitudes scale of commercial technical
secondary school students at the level a ≤0,5
The sample of the study ;
The sample of the study consisted of the students of the fifth grade students in the commercial school ( five year system) Bank Division advanced commercial schoolof El-kasr Al-Ainy in Sayeda Zeinab educational directorate, Cairo governorate. The sample was randomly choosem.
The tools of the study ;
1. Content analysis of International Trade subject of the commercial
secondary education fifth grade students Bank Division to dentify the
syllabus topics and show it to a group of professors to a cknowledge the
suitable units that can be tought by using electronic learning.
2. Constructing the suggested electronic programme in International Trade
Subject for commercial secondary education fifth grade students.
3. Preparing a test for programed critical thinking and being assured of its
validity and reliability.
4. Preparing a scale for attitude towards electronic learning and being
assured of its validity and reliability.
The procedures of the study ;
The procedures of the study included the following steps;
Firstly; Preparing the theoretical frame work of the study and reviewing
the literature.
Secondly; Preparing the suggested electronic programme according to
The following steps;
1. The philosophy of the electronic programme in the light of
* The contemporary international trends.
* The learners characteristics.
* The nature of school stage.
* The nature of school subject.
2. The stage of design , preparation and using critical thinking
Strategy indesigning the scientific content of the chosen units.
3. The stage of production and writing the scenario.
4. The stage of implementation, experimentation and development.
5. The validity of the programme.
Thirdly; The steps of conducting the experimental aspect of the study;
1. Selection of the study sample.
2. Preparing a programme critical thinking and being assured of its
validity and reliability through presenting it to agroup of professors
to put it in its final form.
3. Preparing a scale of attitude towards electronic learning and being
assured of its validity and reliability and presenting it to a group of
professors to put it in its final form.
4. Pre- application of measurement tools on the study sample.
5. Application of the suggested electronic programme on the
experimentd sample.
6. Post- application of measurement tools on the experimentd sample
of the study.
7. Analysis of the findings by using the sutable statistical study.
8. Presenting of suggestions and recommendations.